The past thirty to forty days was a productive and busy period. So much so, that I a recap is in order. I’d like to focus on the top ones. I set it up so that you can click on the link and a new tab will open in your browser while not closing this one. That way you can jump back and forth with ease.
- Koons Automotive Donates Van. The wonderful people at Koons pulled together as a company to donate an adapted van to our family. We placed its ownership in the Ryan Diviney Special Needs Trust Fund. Watch the video of them presenting it to us here.
- Appreciation Day Set. I thought it would be worthwhile to set aside a fun and relaxing day where people could come together to recognize each other for all that was done for Ryan. This is not a fundraising event. The tentative date (contingent on finding a site) is Saturday, June 22, 2013. Read about it here.
- Duke University Conference. I spent three days at Duke Universities “Finding Consciousness” conference. While there I validated what I observed with Ryan. Read about it here.
- IBRF: Ryan Responds. During a regularly scheduled IBRF assessment visit, the neurologist tells me he is convinced Ryan is responding to commands. Read about it here.
- Video: Ryan Responds. As I’m working with Ryan, I (almost) convince myself that he is following my command to close his mouth. I grab my smartphone a begin shooting video. Watch it here.
- Shingles. At the same time as Ryan develops an eye infection, we notice shingles on his right side of the rib cage. We immediately place him on medications. Both begin to clear up within a week.
- Unstoppable Mom. A long time reader and supporter begins a campaign for Sue to be nominated — and hopefully win — a contest called “Unstoppable Mom” with a $100,000 prize. The contest is being held by the Kelly and Michael morning show. From what I can see, over 300 people have nominated Sue just from clicking over from our website. Who knows how many linked from Facebook… probably twice as many? It’s a breeze to nominate her. Also, if you already did then how about asking your spouse, partner, parents, children, friends, etc. to do the same. Or ask them if you can nominate on their behalf. Read about it (and nominate her) here.
Another related bullet point, I am making progress in finding office space in that I’m understanding the market better. Still, it is painfully slow. Because of the relatively small space I need the issue is I’m not getting much attention. I understand this, but will need to take another approach if I want to pull this off before spring.
Finally, upcoming (possibly next week) I have some stuff to share with you on Jonathan May as it relates to the criminal restitution. Remember, he is the attacker, according to witness (and his own) criminal trial testimony,who sucker-punched Ryan. Ahhhh, May and Austin Vantrease just continue to disgust me.
Sorry, I was unaware of this and just read it in Oprah’s magazine this month…what a sorry excuse for 2 guys…so sorry it happened in WV. I wished they would be locked up for life….One of the pics of Ryan my son has the same WV shirt! Prayers, and stay strong Ryan….
Wow, the list is pretty impressive on what’s been accomplished in a relatively short period of time. I extremely happy for the many successes that are happening, and I keep praying to God for Him to continue helping you and Ryan.
But, Ken–re: office space. Aren’t you concerned about the possibility of Ryan’s picking up an infection in an outside office space? I do not mean to be negative in any way, i know you want to find a space–couldn’t you find just one more little space in your home for this to work? Set apart by a screen even? I want the best for you all, you have to know that, but i’m a tad paranoid about exposing Ryan. I know he will build up immunities….but does he have to do it right now? How about further down the road, may be better? I’m just sayin’ SH SP NGA–Love you all always, Annie As always, of course, go with your gut, Ken…..
Yes, I’m always concerned. My approach is to control the environment and guests, exactly as I do in my home.
Hi Ken, Thanks for the recap. My head’s spinning with all the news. If you can, please call Renee Nearhood (our cousin Ray’s wife) who could use your insights since Ray has been in a comafollowing his August 2012 accident. Take care of yourself.
Kay, please email her number to me. Also, thank you so much for the donation last month!
Ken ,Wrote earlier but power went out till now ,almost 4:00..
Except for eye infection and shingles.It seems to have been a very productive and enlightening month .I hope someone comes up with office space …And anxiously waiting to hear av got another ten year sentence and that his parents have to pay you restitution. Keep up the wonderful work Always here for Ryan and you all and thanks for recap
Will the Sue’s nomination be accepted without a picture? I wouldn’t know how to attach it if I had one.
Yes, I believe the nomination is okay without a photo.
When I submitted my nomination, I attached a photo of Sue and Ryan that was on the website.
Thanks so much for this recap, Ken. When you put it all down, it’s amazing to see just how much has been accomplished. I am praying you will find the right office space for you and Ryan. Surely someone on Team Diviney might know a building manager who has some space available. I am hopeful that someone out there will read about your mission and choose to help. The same goes for the maximum relaxation party coming our way. Now that’s going to be a partay!! Shout out to Team Diviney, anyone have a large yard with some parking nearby? It’s gonna be a good time!!
Hope you, Sue and Ryan have a great weekend!!!
Love, hugs, prayers abiding – Paula
What a month! Who can stand this much excitement??
Anyway, can’t wait to catch up with Jonathan May, it’s always good to see what he and Austin Vantrease (alias… AT, as his family calls him) are “contributing” to the world these days.
As always I share in your happiness for all the good things that happened this month………..but at this point (waiting till Wednesday news) nothing, nothing would surprise me about the criminals.