If you read the comments from my earlier post, Bitches Be Crazy, you quickly see the ignorance I’m doing my best to enlighten. From her Facebook account, Marcie Parsons, did a fine job of demonstrating exactly what I’m up against. She was unnecessarily cruel, apparently uneducated, and flat-out wrong.
She did get one thing right though. Facebook is not “Begger’s Corner” as she called it. This I know. Believe me, I can get to this location with my eyes closed. It’s at the crossroads of Need and Despair. If you’re in the neighborhood be sure to visit our kiosk (a.k.a., Ryan’s Wish List)!
![via www.rapclinic.blogspot.com](https://i0.wp.com/ryansrally.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/haters.jpg?resize=261%2C193&ssl=1)
via www.rapclinic.blogspot.com
Before getting to her comments, I want to once again remind those meaning to incite that the keyboard is not something that can be hid behind. I wrote about this false feeling of obscurity in my post, The Internet Knows Who You Are!, and it’s an article that everyone should read. I did block her from Ryan’s Facebook page, but not this website. Now on to her comments (in all their spelling, grammatical, and punctuation glory), that I’d like to spend some time setting straight:
“Enough already…..let him go!!! His quality of life isnt that of something we want reminded of all the time…its sad but hes never gonna get better…for crying outloud he dosent have eyes….just let god have him…stop begging for unecessary high tech gadgets….go away and look at the big pictureeeeeee……”
- Let him go? Let him go where, exactly? I surely hope she isn’t suggesting I kill him. You see, Ryan is not being kept alive by life support or anything else for that matter. There is no way to “pull the plug” because there simply isn’t one to pull.
- If Marcie, or anyone else, doesn’t want reminded of this then the obvious solution is to stay away. In fact, for those who don’t want so, it would be very much appreciated.
- Ryan has eyes. Where in the hell did that statement come from? The eyelids were sewn (roughly 75%) shut to protect them from extreme dryness. Removing the sutures will make his eyes magically reappear. Presto!
- If there is a God, I highly doubt that there is anything I can do to prevent Him from taking Ryan.
“When your considerd a vegetable….what more do u need medical professionals to say….theyre choice…just as i have a choice….so go ahead…call me whatcha want…i will be all that n then some…i owne it baby!!@ my opinion….it counts”
- Ryan is “vegetative” which is a level of consciousness, not a “vegetable” which is of the plant kingdom. Sheesh! Although, most (probably all) now classify him as “minimally conscious”.
- Since Marcie invited us to call her what we want, I’ll take her up on it. Now, I’ll be fair here and only state the obvious about her… Marcie, you’re less than a half-wit (when it comes to Ryan).
“upon reading his rally i realized that life should be as we know functional beings should live…not in pain and suffering…”
- Ryan is not living with pain and suffering. On the contrary. He lives in the lap of comfort.
- So, if I’m convinced Marcie is not a “functional being” then what?
Marcie Parsons made several other comments, but they were mostly about how “her opinion counts” and blah, blah, blah. She was just making noise. I decided to use Marcie’s comments as an opportunity. Hell, I out-and-out exploited them. This conflict is a backdoor to keeping Ryan relevant because it engages and brings people to the website. I milk it for all it’s worth. Mostly though, these gave good reason to write about the misinformation and downright ignorance. I did it last June too (after some hateful comments) when I actually wrote about this in my post, Pull the Plug. Marcie’s comments fit this post’s message to a tee!
What’s most significant, at least to me, is how Team Diviney responded. It showed that those who take the time to listen to me understand what is going on here. That “opinions” are not based on sensationalized news and preconceived notions. And then, yes, it warmed my heart to see so many speak against this ignorance (and cruelty) with such passion.
I just sat back and smiled (rather smugly, I might add).
Update: 9:45am… MARISSA LOCKHART is MARCIE PARSONS in the comments section below. Apparently she didn’t take my advice to read The Internet Knows Who You Are! I’m really not joking about this, no one is anonymous.
Update: 10:30am… JULIA PUTA is MARCIE PARSONS is MARISSA LOCKHART. Persistent little bugger, she is.
Thanks in support of sharing such a nice idea, paragraph is pleasant, thats why i have read it
Who is this marcy aka Julia aka marrissa troll…???
she needs some form of mental help… #whatawanker
Forget what that ignorant so called human said! Her opinion is irrelevant and I want updates on Ryan. I have followed your family for years n what only great things for him. LET HIM GO??? Get real the only person I want to see go is unsupportive, judgemental people that have nothing positive going on in their lives they would rather insult n try to tear other people. He don’t have eyes? Listen you disrespectful piece of !!!! You don’t have a heart! If you don’t wanna to hear or think this family is asking for to much then keep it moving n use your time to fix yourself. Team Diviney all the way. N Ryan I will support you constantly and forever
Keep doing what your doing- it works. Stay strong, Praying for you.
I am so sorry that someone said such mean things to you. It doesn’t surprise me though because some people are just cold hearted and mean. I can’t imagine how any parent wouldn’t do exactly what you all are doing for Ryan. God didn’t take Ryan. He is here and he is alive. You are caring for him and making him as comfortable as you can. I pray for his healing and for any financial worries to be taken care of. Please don’t focus on negative words by people who have no idea what you are going through. You are doing what you know is right for your son. You love him and that is obvious in how greatly you take care of him. Say strong. Hang in there. I will confine to check Ryan’s status. Big hug to you and the whole family.
Continue to check on his progress. Auto correct. Booooo 🙂
I know there are mean people in the world but Marcie or whatever name she’s going by now has to be at the top of the list. I’m a firm believer in Karma and Marcie if you don’t believe that, just sit back and wait…because it will catch up to you. In fact from what I’ve read about this whole situation and how Ryan came about being in this ‘state’ …. There’s a few people that should be worried about karma!
Can someone post a link to her fb page plz
I read ur sons story not to long ago and it is heart breaking.my prayers go out to ur son and ur family.u r an amazing women and mother.second whatever Marisa or who ever the Stupid bitch is if u r so not Intersted in this story then y do u keep reading it da.just cause u r a heartless piece of crap who wants to try to hurt other people cause u r unintelligent does not mean the rest of us r like u.maybe the rest of us appreciate updates on how this man and his family r doing threw something so tradgic that should have never happened,and no parents should ever have to go threw.god forbid if this was ur child cause I cant imagine how u would treat them.unconditional love is what most mothers give there children.obviously not u tho.
Some people are filled with so much pain & ugliness, that they have to shed some of it. You all are doing the right thing for Ryan…just ignore those that don’t understand what it’s like to be a parent. Having children does not make you a parent…loving them unconditionally does.
We are living in a society in which it has become commonplace to victimize the victims. There are many possible explanations for this, but in my opinion it gets down to an epidemic of self concern and disregard for the suffering of others. Going big picture, “Marcie’s” words are nothing but a string of letters and syllables to be figuratively swept up and deposited into the trashcan where they belong. I cannot assign worth to such worthless words. I will say, however, that I am struck by the sanctimonious souls who dare cast any aspersions onto Ken or anyone else in his family. Indeed they are the victims, and should not have to suffer any such irritating nonsense, much less that which is deliberately heaped upon them. To those who believe it is their duty to inform Ken how he should feel or react or be, I suggest you jump on a train with the rest of the priggish hypocrites to a town where all the smug souls gather. Ryan’s Rally: a place where people come together to support, lift up, help, encourage and pray for a young man who deserves all the help we can give him. If you don’t understand it, find someone else to evaluate and critique — perhaps someone who has deliberately inflicted terrible heartache and destruction on innocent souls … with no remorse … or concern … or just reparations. Then look in the mirror, and thank God the cretins didn’t cross your path and destroy your world.
Great post Paula
In the deep south right now, all week all I have said is “bless her heart.” And to this person and all hateful people all I can say is “Bless her heart,” it isn’t a compliment. 😉
Just in case Marcie is still following your blog, I’d like to share some words of wisdom from the Bible: “Sensible people always think before they act, but stupid people advertise their ignorance.” – Proverbs 13:16
I am sorry you experienced the hateful words from Marcie Parsons and the alias accounts she created.
Does she think that if God wanted him, He wouldn’t be able to figure out a way to take him? Yep, stupid.
The scope, range, power, and sheer numbers of Team Diviney, never fail to impress me. If Ken and I had all of you for offensive linemen, we would have scored on every play. Amazing.
May God bless you and continue to strengthen you and your family Mr. Diviney. Ryan is alive, and is doing well due to your amazing love, dedication, and direct efforts to keep him that way. I am not even going to dignify that person’s remarks with a response because the words were beyond insensitive.
I do not agree with what Marcie said, but two wrongs do not make a right. Writing a post about this is just making her mean, ignorant, statements be heard by more. I know they were hurtful, but I’m positive you have better things to do with your time than devote a blog post to bashing her. All this has done is brought you down to her level, and I know Ryan wouldn’t want that.
I disagree. My post was about educating and informing. I merely used her ignorance as the springboard. Comments such as hers absolutely need to “be heard more” to demonstrate just how wrong people view brain injury and recovery.
The only persons who know what Ryan wants is Ryan and the family. None of us know and we should not presume to know this. Marcie was ignorant in her statements.
In the very social wide reaching world we live in we must be responsible for what we say and do. Marcie chose to “like” this website. She chose to voice her opinion on this website. She chose to be mean spirited. The Diviney family did not choose to have their loved one in the medical state he is now in. It is a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year devotion they have made to the total care of all of Ryan’s needs. I cannot begin to imagine what emotional, physical, and financial drain this has had on them. If Ken decides to make an example out of someone who verbally attacks his family and his son’s progress I don’t feel that it “lowers” him as a person what so ever. This is his web site, not hers. Two young men took away his son’s future. As it stands at the moment–no college graduation, no falling in love and marriage, no children, no life adventures. Then after years of caring for their child they are verbally attacked on their own site that is dedicated to inform, update, and express Ryan’s needs. This is inexcusable. Actually I think Ken has taken the Christian and civilized way of handling this utterly horrible situation, whether it be the physical attackers of his son or the clandestine attacks on the Internet. Many of us would fall short of his example if we were in his situation. He should not be chastised. If anything he should be commended for searching for better ways to assist in his son’s medical care and treatment and possible recovery. This in turn may with help countless others who are injured due to the Diviney’s determination in making their son’s life as best as possible.
This goes to show how the people from her area are.
I am from the Charleston area as well, and her particular part is known for uneducated “know it all”‘s. I dated one; they’re all like that.
I am in a class with Kari and seeing her still strive to be successful and how she keeps a smile on her face through all this amazes me.
Stay strong, Divineys <3
You go girl!! Sending so much love and prayers from Mason Co WV.
So sorry you have to endure this ignorance! If God wanted him, he wouldn’t taken him a long time ago but Ryan is still on this earth so he can continue to be a vessel for Gods use!
Karma, Marcie or whomever you choose to call yourself today, will surely find you. You appear to be very young and you have a lot to learn about humanity, kindness, love, respect, and caring. The words you chose so foolishly regarding Ken, his lovely wife, and son will ultimately haunt you as sure as there are stars in the sky. I pity you. Didn’t your mother ever teach you that if you can’t say something nice, don’t say it at all? Do you have a mom? Well if you do not, BRING YOUR HATEFUL MEAN SELF OVER HERE AND LET ME SHOW YOU A LITTLE DISCIPLINE FROM A REAL MOTHER. USE THAT HOWEVER YOU WISH BECAUSE I CAN BE HECK OF A LOT OF BOTH!!! Geez, I cannot believe I am stooping to her level. Sorry Ken.
Nope, you actually are stupid. What a heartless bitch. The fact that this is supposedly an adult, not a child posting these harmful comments to a family who has gone through and is going through a lot…cure isn’t in question for this woman. She is a disgusting human and always will be. @Marcie Parsons- spend time actually reading Ryan’s story and of his conditions rather than spewing garbage out of your mouth in effort to become relevant. And for God sakes (and ours) put down your flip phone that you seem to be taking these horrid selfies with. If you still find yourself with time for hate, I’d also suggest hopping on a treadmill since you seem to be so worried about the health of others… Start worrying about yourself. After that possibly stop by your local book store and pick up a vocabulary book and hooked on phonics if you are still unable to read and understand Ryan’s story.
Hi Ken. Heard these words from Jimmy Buffet. “Breathe in, Breathe out, Move on”. Could not be more appropriate for all the stupid and hurtful things you have to read about Ryan and your family.
I say Bless you and your family (and everyone) who helps Ryan thrive everyday. You are a wonder. Ryan is VERY lucky to have all of you.
Fantastic response to a very ugly person! I congratulate you on your ability to remain level-headed in your words while facing such a troll. I’ll never understand why some people behave that way.
Fantastic response! She’s not worth the air she breathes. Guess she’s oblivious to the love parents have for their children.
Dear Marcie,
Have you ever had a charitable heart? Do you ever live by that golden rule of doing unto others as you would have them do unto you? Have you always been this unkind? Did you ever think that perhaps your biting, nasty demeanor might come back to haunt you? Have you ever heard the saying, “How did you live your “dash?” Yes, the dash between your birthdate and the date you pass from this earth. Would you like others to write something ugly about how you lived your life? There was such an obituary recently written about a mom who beat her kids – – and it was written BY HER KIDS. (Sept 2013). I would put the link here but I don’t want to detract from the true purpose of this blog. That is to offer support for loving, deserving family who did absolutely NOTHING to you. Do us a favor Marcie with the many aliases….. Try once to do a kind deed for someone. It might make you feel good and change that cold, bitter hardened heart.
Melissa/Marci..please give me your address..so I can go and kick your ass. That is all.
Hate doesn’t cure hate people.
So true, Hopefully education and accountability will.
She is pure evil! What a waste of humanity, if, indeed, she is human. Not so sure. :/
This is one of her pictures on facebook. If she really believed it she wouldn’t keep changing her name in posts. I hope you and Ryan have a wonderful day!
She should feel like the worst person ever! How could you say such mean things and not feel bad? I don’t understand people.
Not that it will do one ounce of good, make the tiniest change or alter her thinking in the least…I sent her a private message last night. Couldn’t help myself. She will read it, of this I’m sure. Let’s hope some of it will be internalized and she’ll shut her ignorant and hurtful mouth from now on in future situations. Probably not.
Hey you what’s your name? You hide behind a keyboard but have been found time and time again. Try spending one day in the shoes of Ryan or any one like him or in the shoes of a care giver. I am certain that you would no longer run your mouth. But seeing as you think ryan’s quality of life is not acceptable it would not bother you. Seeing as you just can’t seem to stay away from this page maybe you should use that keyboard that you are using to say whatever you feel and look up Websters dictionary. Thank God my husband is a soldier who fights for your right to be so damn stupid. Since I have a passion for teaching things I offer you a class free of charge on how to not be a dumb ass. Let me know if you would like to take my offer. Ryan will fully come back and I can’t wait to see that day. My continues love and support goes out to Ryan and his family. I will support this family till the day I die. I May not beagle to do nothing for this family financially but I do so by spreading word of his story and page, but hey of you would like to pay for your class I would be glad to donate that money to Ryan’s needs and wants.
My prayers and thoughts has went up to your family since this all happened. I have followed Ryan’s story and I’m so sorry that people are so cruel. But people who say things like that are not of God. They can’t be Godly people to speak such mean things. Ryan never ask for this to happen and I believe God can heal him. I pray for God to give your family comfort.
I believe it’s easy to be uninvited…. People?
On a different topic . . .
I just looked out the door at all the snow on the ground and remembered how nervous snow storms used to make me, knowing that the odds of an aide calling off and me spending the night on an air mattress on the floor by Mama were nearly 100 percent. I hope you have no such problems tonight or later this week.
Aides (or nurses) calling off used to be such a problem for you. Is that all worked out now?
Thinking about the shifts I had to pull when the weather got bad still sends a chill up my spine. Which is my way of saying I’m aware of what you may be facing and, as always, I’m holding you and Ryan in the light.
Yes, this is always stressful.
What. The. Heck.
We all choose what to read and see and care about. In all avenues of life….if you are not interested then walk away. Period.
Whatever her name is….is just looking for attention. It is a sad world the internet created with persons being able to hide behind numerous names and photos of people that are not them. It is truly pathetic that people do this. She is proud to be in the spotlight of this tragic situation with the words she spewed like vomit. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was a 14 yr old boy using her sisters computer or one at a public library. Stay strong for Ryan. He is all that really matters. I feel that if Ryan was to see this he’d simply pay her/him no mind. It’s not worth it to get all riled up over her/his ignorance. Besides that is all he/she was looking for when typing all that dumb stuff. Praying for you Ryan. Ignoring the ugly in this world for you. Xoxo
I can’t believe that Marcie even has the nerve to write rude, ignorant comments still even under false names. What a psycho! I’m just sorry that you and your family had to come in contact with such a disgusting human being. Praying and thinking of Ryan and your family everyday.
Oh my goodness. Her comments made me nauseous.. How sad that the world has space for such ignorance. Thinking of Ryan even more than I was. ♡
@Marcie AKA Marrisa AKA Julia,
Most people that have numerous alibi’s are criminals. If they are not criminals, they are at the very least afraid to use their own name to continue to back up their vitriol. I am just guessing that you are now looking that word up in the dictionary to see what it means. “Get Bent”. What do you need to do to “Get Bent”?
Your opinion only matters to people that respect you. On this page that would amount to exactly zero people. No one asked you for a single cent. Not one. Helping out people in our community that we love dearly is what a decent society does for each other. I am sorry that you have not experienced this. It might make you a less angry, hateful person.
Might I suggest you spew your hatred someplace else. This site is intended for people to share their support for the Diviney family. That group does not include you.
YOU TELL HER!!! Team Diviney!! <3
Oh my, my…………….what a perfect lesson in how stupidity tells on itself! Yes, Mr. DeVinney (sp?) do, indeed, sit back and smile Smugly:):)
So you aren’t really a true follower then, since you didn’t have all the facts. Maybe next time you’ll do some research before you spew your heartless opinions on a family that’s already hurting. And you say you’ve been there before? Well then, you of all people should have a little more TACT about how you say things (things that should have never been said to begin with). Do this family and their supporters a favor and leave the page. They are dealing with enough and certainly don’t need your negativity.
Very tactful Ken! It’s a shame you have to address people such as “Marcie”
just as bad when u call people names….jackasses
I feel very strongly for your family through this difficult time in your lives. And I fully support the care you give to your son/ brother. As for Marcie, please inform yourself. I am graduating from nursing school in 6 weeks and I will be taking an oath to protect and advocate for patients who are unable to speak for themselves, such as Ryan. Another thing: it would be unethical to end Ryan’s life if his body is surviving on its own through no extreme measures such as machinery. Ryan’s family is caring for him in the same way any loving person would care for a loved one. You should hope that if something so devastating were to happen to you that someone would love you that much. God most certainly has his hand in this family, and I’m sure he knows what he’s doing.
It is plain to see that (whatever name) has no life, outside of causing grief to others, give Ryan a kiss and hug from Louisiana and carry on with what is real.
Love ya’ll
I pity Marcie–SHE’S HIDING…Behind her insecurities & personal demons…Overcompensating, desperate & PRETENDING TO HERSELF that she’s overcome or changed. She’s WEAK…Faking that she is strong. THOSE THAT SHOW HATE TRULY HATE THEMSELVES….What was it Marcie? Did you have a screwed up past…Drug Addiction?…An Alcoholic Parent that told you that you were useless? Did you get abused physically, inappropriately or hit growing up? One bad relationship after another until you found a man that “completed” you? Are you Fat from Eating to cover up the pain? Lord forbid, have you passed this on to your poor child? IF any of the sad things I’ve mentioned are true, Please Get Help…Counseling! Don’t pretend it’s “Freedom of Speech & your Opinion”. You can choose Love & Compassion. THOSE THAT SHOW HATE TRULY HATE THEMSELVES! You can be different.
How dare some uneducated, worthless, piece of dog poop, tell you to kill your son. Your family is so strong! Ryan is A LIVING PERSON, he reacts to your voice, and ect.. Keep doing what you are doing Ken, you’re awesome. I hope this woman, what ever her name may be gets what she deserves.. Maybe she should go back to kindergarten and learn basic English and grammar.
I wish I could say something that hasn’t already been said in the comments above. I can’t add anything more than what everyone else has said about that ignorant, stupid person named Marcie, she has to be some kind of mentally ill person to make statements like that to you after what you have been thru the past 3 years. I for once, am speechless.
I was shocked then extremely angered at Marcie for being so cruel,ignorant, stupid, heartless,uneducated ,need I say anymore as I have ALL kinds of words to describe this person!!! Ryan is so fortunate to have his wonderful family, don’t let stupid ppl like her get you down! I just pray she never has to go thru what ya’ll r going thru as your life can take a turn for the worst in a heartbeat.. Keep up the good work, Ya’ll totally got this!!!! ((hugs))
Ms. Parsons needs to get “hooked on phonics.” She is an uneducated, ignorant dimwit who for some reason feels compelled to voice her inarticulate thoughts to a group of people who obviously are in support of Ryan and the hard-work and support his loving family provides to him. Her family should get down on their knees and pray every night that their lives are never held in her incapable hands.
Couldn’t have said it any better. Someone who can’t spell accepted (excepted as she wrote) , who has no clue as to the proper use of their, they’re etc clearly is well qualified to give advice on what “gadgets” Ryan needs and what care he deserves. What an ignorant soulless being. I pray that she is done reproducing and that her children are nothing like her.
Also, I think she is a disgrace to WV, or any other state, place or country.
As you said, keep using her as a platform to gain more support. Ignore her words, but let others read them so they too can understand how ridiculous this “person” (Parson ) is!!!
This is what the uneducated, hateful pig looks like.
Marcie, Marisa, Julia and any other pseudonyms you use. You’re clearly a person in need of the kind of family love that surrounds the Diviney family. You lack love and empathy for fellow man. Those are the same traits that Jonathan May and Austin Vantrease lack.
Your in my prayers along with Ryan and his family.
Wow. I invite Marcie Parsons to spend one day with me in the unit I work in at a level one trauma hospital. A 12 hour shift sitting next to me would forever change her life. The things I see families, friends, strangers, and supporters go through daily…words can not even explain. For every miracle I witness…5 tragedies happen. As you can see…miracles are far and few. Ryan Diviney is a miracle!! If your to cold hearted and uneducated…I hope you never have to be one of those five families facing a tragedy. I hope that god chose your loved one or friend to live out this miracle. I hope your family, friends and thousands of strangers come together to show you the love and support that Ryan has. I bet Ryan would support you Marcie, if the tables were turned, because thats the kind of good hearted people Ryan was raised by. I have seen families keep there loved ones alive by ventilators..and ventilators only. Yes its a sad sight. But, I havent been the one in charge of a decision like that, and I hope I never will be. Marcie, Ryan is alive because it is not his time to leave. After all of these years following this families amazing journey…I am proud to know them..if only via the internet. I am a better person because of Ryans family, and because of Ryans everyday strength to keep fighting. Thats what this family does best. I cant say that in the ten years at my hospital, I have ever seen such an amazing family. I cant even say that my own family would have a quartee of the strength to fight like this for me. But I do know that if I needed something…the Diviney family would be here for me. Even without ever knowing me..and me being hundreds of miles away. Thats what they do. If anyone cant understand Ryans purpose for still being here after everything he has been through…I feel sorry for you, from the bottom of my heart. I pray the negative people who cross this families amazing journey…live the perfect life they see fit. We love you Diviney family!
OMG you worthless piece of dog food. How dare you get on here and call Ken a beggar and Ryan irrelevant. I hope you never have to go through what this family has gone through but you know what? Karma is a real bitch, if I may say so. Stop getting onto this site! Can you not read? Do you see how many people love Ryan and this family? He is not a vegetable, duh you ignorant ass. He is a human being who got viciously attacked and left for dead. As Ken stated, he is not hooked up to any machine to keep him alive. HE IS ALIVE!!! Ryan is also very comfortable thanks to Ken and people like the Diviney team. You should honestly be so ashamed of yourself. God have mercy on your pathetic soul. Ken, keep up the awesome work. I still plan on coming and doing a concert this summer if you are still interested. I need gigs so someone help out here. I am so outraged by this person but she is a part of the problem here. She is probably Vantrease’s relative or the other cold blooded son of a motherless goat. You hateful wretched woman.
Evidently her “quality of life” isnt all that well. This lady sounds mental. Keep up the good work Ken and Go Team Diviney!!
I do not know who this Marcie Parsons is, but one thing I am sure about is that she has never walked in your shoes. Shame on her. I believe in karma and one day ( God help her) she will experience it. What you do to others comes back twofold to you, good or bad. Please know that everyone is not like her. I am sending prayers your way to help you take care of Ryan.
Marcie is a horrible disgrace of a human being. I’m positive that if she were in an unfortunate situation that she would be begging for half of the love and support that you all have for Ryan. However, she has karma against her now and I’m certain that she won’t be near as lucky one day.
I sincerely hope that Marcie realizes how ignorant she is when she sees the incredible amount of support that you all have on your side. Opinions are like a**holes and Marcie is showing that she has a huge one.
Your family is amazing, strong, and loving. Nothing can stop you all or get in your way. Keep your head held high because you all have many that love and support you – even people that have never met you before (myself included).
Is this really being written by Marcie? Or has a CHILD, who doesn’t know any better, been using her account? I don’t know very many, if any, adults who use phrases like, …go away and look at the big pictureeeeeee……” or …call me whatcha want…i will be all that n then some…i owne it baby!!@ my opinion….it counts”
Who over the age of 13 says things like that?? Maybe I shouldn’t have said the age of 13. I know plenty of kids that age & younger who are much more mature.
Anywho, Hi Diviney Family! I hope that you are all having a great day!
Greetings from MN!
Wonder if Julia Puta realizes that her last name means “bitch” in Spanish… How fitting!
I’m sorry, but what a stupid heartless woman is this Marcie..
I was snooping around Ms. Parson’s facebook page. In her “likes” she “liked” this website. From my own experience on facebook the person has to actually click on the “like” button, which she evidently did. According to her one of her vicious statements on January 16, when she was requested to remove herself from your page, she replied (copied and pasted from her quote):
“Marcie Parsons via Facebook says
January 16, 2014 at 11:07 AM
I will not…some how or another i was invited to this page…not really knowing the circumstances i excepted the invite”
It baffles me that anyone could be so ignorant, cowardly, uncaring and cruel. She is ignorant of apparently not understanding a social media (facebook) that she uses with gusto. Having over 100 “liked” items she should be aware of the process. If she had any human decency, she would unlike your site and keep her hateful opinions to herself. For her to use another name to attack you shows how gutless she is. Her life must be pathetic and void of any true purpose for her to insist on tormenting an already struggling family who has and is overcoming odds that was completely against them. She has been very callous toward you and your family.
Many times I am powerless to hold back the tears. I cannot imagine the heartache that your family suffers each day knowing your child’s life as he and you knew it was brutally taken away. I have two children of my own, a boy and a girl, each one around your children’s ages. We have always been a very close family; however, I find myself hugging a little tighter and longer after knowing what you have been through.
Your family has been and is in my daily prayers. You have shown a strength and love as a family unit that cannot be put into words.
Marcie Parsons, or whatever names she may chose to hide behind, is pure evil in human form.
So sorry that you have to deal with that. That person is just pure white trash. Been following your story for some time, and I’ve got to say bless you for being such an amazing father. Your family is always in my prayers.
Have you read about Dr. Julian Bailes (WVU) and his use of high doses of vitamin E? Interesting reading
Bales was Ryan’s first doctor. We keep in touch.
dont care if you know who iam…….u took it wayyyyy to far……i said what i had to say…..dony u have something to do
If you don’t care then why do you keep changing your name? It would be helpful to the readers to stay consistent.
Also, the real questions is… don’t YOU have something to do?
fuck u ken
How is one so shamelessly ugly? I feel so sorry that you choose to live so miserable and hateful. Though I suppose many pre-teens spew hate behind a computer screen in an attempt to feel better about themselves.
So is this Marcie or Julia … ? Weird (reminds me of that show “catfish” where people pose at others ?? And never show who they truly are …..seriously … Maybe you can be a big girl (or boy?!?) and learn to be comfortable in your own skin and express your opinions in a respectful way. My name is Sara – has always been Sara – and have some respect !! …. And a dash of common sense !
I just sent her a personal message-a not so nice one. I am completely dumbfounded and can not believe that she is a mother and can say this. I thank God that Ryan has the incredible, loving and devoted family he does-can you imagine if Ryan had HER as a parent? WHAT parent could even THINK that way? I know who-the type that would throw him in a home and visit him between weekly nail appointments just to make an appearance. People like her should not have kids and to say she makes me sick to my stomach is the understatement of the year. What a miserable bitc& she is. We love you Diviney’s!!
yeppppp….u wanna use a bitch…use your dumb asd wife…fucking creep….go fuck yourself….KEN……WHERES BARBIE
NOTICE!!! Julia Puta is… you guessed it… Marcie Parsons; also known as Marissa Lockhart. She’s a persistent little bugger.
Can you post her picture so we can use it at target practice?? and really Embarrass the hell out of her??
Check her facebook page if you want to see her pic… but trust me, you really don’t want to see it. Shes gross and redneck as all heck.
You are a miserable excuse for a human being Marcie, Julia or whatever the crap your name is. I think you have multiple personality disorder. I suggest you see a health care professional soon.
Very great response! Keep up the great work such an amazing family! I love reading all the new things you post! Your whole family are always in my thoughts!
Way to go!!!
Oh my! There’s reasons for everything God wasn’t ready for Ryan yet! That’s an awful cruel thing to say! My thoughts are with you I have a little guy and I would do everything in my power to try and pray for a miracle! Don’t listen to these people he is your son! I always loved this saying, “you’re the only one who has heard my heartbeat from the inside.” I tell my kids this all the time.
I don’t think ANY ONE has the right to tell you how you should handle a situation unless they have been through it. It is easy to say “this is what I would do” but if it actually happened to you, then I think you may find yourself doing it differently. Ryan deserves to live! And since he is alive and he is taken care of, people have no right to say otherwise. I think you are doing what many might not be able to do and no one should tell you that you need to stop just because they aren’t strong enough to do the same. God hasn’t taken Ryan home yet because he has great plans for him. As it is Ryan and your family are teaching many of us many lessons about life. Sometimes bad things happen to good people for a bigger reason than any of us know. Is it fair to the good people? No. But when you think about how you are touching so many lives, you can understand God’s purpose. He chooses the strongest to help teach the weak. God Bless You, Ryan, and your whole family.
I came across Ryan’s Rally on Facebook about a year ago and started following yours and your families story. I live in Florida, I’m only 26, I have a daughter who is a year and half and I do not know your family. However, I cannot stop reading your posts and updates about Ryan. It has touched me in some way I cannot explain. I could not imagine the pain and struggle you, your family and Ryan endures everyday. I give you tremendous props for all that you guys do for Ryan on a daily basis. Y’all are an amazing family and your son is forever thankful and blessed to have you all in his life. I believe one day Ryan will get better and you will have your son back the way he was before he had his life pretty much taken from him. I believe and trust in that and you have to as well. Always stay positive, never mind the negative because you are doing an amazing job!!! All my love, thoughts and prayers to you your family and Ryan..always! Keep the updates coming. Don’t mind the cold heartless negative half-wit! xo
You know, I have been following your story for years now. Being a fellow mountaineer, I was heart broken by the story. I have watch some scary situations in Morgantown that could have left several people like your brother. I’m so sorry that these things happened to your wonderful family and I think you are all some of the strongest people I know. If I’m to be completely honest, I have has similar thoughts as Marcie in the past, but I have quickly changed my mind inside my head right after having those thoughts. I just don’t think I could give up on someone I love. I really hope it happens for your family. I hope for it every day.
I hope Ryan comes back into his body. I hope he begins to be the Ryan you remember. On top of it all, I hope your family gets a hollywood and book deal sharing his story! The story could raise awareness about situations like Ryan, and bring attention to the problems of violence! I hope your family makes millions off the deal and can live out the rest of your days together, with Ryan. Carefree.
I will continue to advocate for Ryan, and share his story with others. I had a friend who was vegetative for several months and made a full recovery. Miracles do happen, don’t lose hope!
Sending much love!
Ryan will get better, I believe it, the human brain is capable of healing given enough time!
I’m sorry you had to face such ignorance and flat out meanness. There seems to be such a plethora of unfeeling, ignoramuses online today. You are doing what youre doing out of love for Ryan. I don’t understand why these things happen. I do have faith that, in the end, God WILL “set all things right in heaven and on earth.” If Ryan were this woman’s son she’d sing a different tune. She would move heaven and earth and more for him.
None of us can know your pain. But we can all keep you in our prayers. Don’t worry about the crazies, Ken. Sometimes I think they’re demanding attention. Maybe it’s best to ignore them. No one should ever criticize anyone else till they have walked a mile or two in their shoes. A colleague, a Registered Nurse Practitioner, who is on the staff of a nursing home that cares for children and young adults with head injuries, says we never know how much awareness people have. Like with little Tripp Halstead, they may hear & process what you are saying to them but cannot respond. God be with you & Ryan & his loving family. I’m sorry you have to deal with such hateful, snide remarks. You might be better off blocking this woman from Ryan’s Rally if this is possible.
This is possible if you would like to do it! I am a web designer, I can show you how. Email me if you are interested.
^^ blocking her from wordpress
I do know how, but (at least for now) I’ll use her to bring attention to Ryan.
The ignorance is infuriating. You know that saying “I’m feeling the love”? When you post about Ryan, that usually comes to my mind. Because it’s true. I do feel your love for your son. I’d like to believe that if something happened to one of my children, I’d fight like you do. I feel bad for all the Marcie Parsons out there who don’t know the value of love. Not the mushy gushy love, the I will walk through the fire for you love. You demonstrate that gut wrenching fighting love, and I’m so thankful for your example. I don’t need to tell you to keep fighting, because I know that you are. I can tell you that there are many of us who are waiting with the burn cream when that fire you’re walking through reaches up and burns you. Ryan and your family are always relevant!
Seems to me that Marcie, aka Marissa, aka whatever you want to call her, is the one in pain and suffering. Trust me, I would love to have the time to work out as much as Ryan does. I would LOVE to spend time in the hyperbaric chamber on a monthly basis. !!!
Pain and suffering…. I believe Ken is probably in more pain and suffering far more than Ryan is. Can you pull his plug?
I am now taking care of 132 seniors, some are close to pulling the plug but they are all so happy for the life they lived and the life they are living. They might have trouble getting around but they make it happen. They might creek when they move but they love life.
I know Ryan is in there, he can hear his dad, mom, Kari, I bet he knows all the stats of the pathetic Redskins and Mountaineers teams this year
Marcie, aka Marissa, aka whatever you want to call the waste of air for the rest of us, has no idea of what she write. Idiot. Thankfully this person is not in my family because I certainly would not wanting something like that taking care of me.
Stupid Marcie…God DOES have Ryan!!!
That was my first thought too, Julie.. God is with Ryan every moment and will always be with him. If He’s not letting him go, why should his family or any of us? His life has a lot more value (quality) than that of certain other people! He is thriving, healing and making a positive impact on so many other lives as well. May God bless and continue to sustain you, Divineys <3
It’s hard to believe how heartless people can be! Makes me sick! LOVING the fact that the uneducated and heartless comments didn’t bring you down! You Totally Got This!
All of you guys and Ryan are in our prayers daily and we support you! If, God forbid, this ever happened to my daughter I would be doing the same thing you are doing. Sad to see from her Facebook that she has a son and would not do the same as well if she were in your position. I understand her concern about “quality” of life but unless she is there to see first hand Ryan’s quality of life then keeping her mouth shut is probably her best bet (unless she wants to be made to look like an idiot, which she clearly has been haha)
Ken, there is a God and he has entrusted you with a great responsibility. You have done a remarkable job, and a lesser man would have given up long ago. God bless you, and Ryan, and your family. You are always in my prayers.
Team Diviney.keep fighting .you and your family are very strong and deserve the best outcome in this situation. My daily prayers are with your family. We could all learn a thing or two here.
Way to to, Ken!! Well said!!
I pray to God she never has to face your situation or losing a child! She has no idea the pain and heartache some families have to deal with. Praying for you, Ryan and your family♥
It wouldnt matter, she would just get rid of them, or in her words….Let them go!!!!!!!
blahhhh blahhhhhhh blahhhhhhhhh……..get bent begger
NOTICE!!! Marissa Lockhart is Marcie Parsons.
I’m guessing she didn’t read the “The Internet Knows Who You Are” post haha. Maybe she did and just didn’t comprehend it. I’m glad you don’t let uneducated, ignorant, and hurtful people get you down!
@marissa Lockhart. You are a very rude and unknowledgeable pathetic excuse of a human! Shut your big mouth because you only sound like an idiot!
Marcie, marrisa, what ever your worthless name is. get a friggen life you low life piece of trash. go pull your own plug. the entire world would be better off! MUCH MUCH better off.
@Marcie AKA Marrisa AKA Julia,
Most people that have numerous alibi’s are criminals. If they are not criminals, they are at the very least afraid to use their own name to continue to back up their vitriol. I am just guessing that you are now looking that word up in the dictionary to see what it means. “Get Bent”. What do you need to do to “Get Bent”?
Your opinion only matters to people that respect you. On this page that would amount to exactly zero people. No one asked you for a single cent. Not one. Helping out people in our community that we love dearly is what a decent society does for each other. I am sorry that you have not experienced this. It might make you a less angry, hateful person.
Might I suggest you spew your hatred someplace else. This site is intended for people to share their support for the Diviney family. That group does not include you.
Wow, I don’t even follow ryan’s page yet…but from what I see…you, my dear, are a first class imbecile. Grow up, learn to spell and move on.
Thank you, Ken
May you be blessed today for your courage and love for your son that keeps you doing what you do, day after day. You are an inspiration for others.
Great response! Ryan is so blessed to have a family and so many people (even those that have never met him) behind him through all of this! Keep fighting!! 🙂 Love and prayers are with your family every day!