I only have one goal. To keep Ryan relevant. This website is the hub of all activity. Everything originates from it or is driven back to it. I work hard to deliver the best website possible, both in design and content.
It is successful beyond my wildest dreams. Thank you for coming back to it, time-and-time again.
This is up-to-date, as of October 5, 2013. I used many sources to gather this information, such as Google Analytics, FaceBook, Jetpack, Alexa Rankings, and so on. It is reliable to the best of my ability, but I do not guarantee complete accuracy. You might be surprised at how much information is voluntarily, but unknowingly, given by a user every time they visit a website… any website! Truth is, ryansrally.org doesn’t capture and track what most other websites do… but it could. Even with the information I do get, I very rarely (bordering on next-to-never) look at it or use it to identify a specific person. They really have to be inappropriate (i.e., an ass) to get my attention. I actually wrote about how this all works, The Internet Knows Who You Are, when I had a particularly deceptive and confrontational Vantrease supporter blowing up the website with her comments. I consider it to be must reading for everyone, especially the younger folks.
Okay, so here’s how this website and Team Diviney is comprised.
Battle of the Sexes
The fairer sex is the clear winner when it comes to who visits most.
- Women: 89%
- Men: 11%
- 18 – 24: 36%
- 25 – 34: 32%
- 35 – 44: 17%
- 45 – 54: 10%
- 55 – 64: 3%
- Other: 2%
Reader Popularity
- Traffic Rank in Country (USA). Readers continue to find (and stay) with the website. As of October 2013, the website ranked (on average) 96,098 (of 54,641,322* websites). This is an improvement of 6,850 over 2012 (where it ranked 102,948). This ranking is an estimate of ryansrally.org’s popularity in a specific country — USA — as compared to all other active websites. The rank by country is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors and pageviews on ryansrally.org from users of a country over the past month. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1 in that country. This puts ryansrally.org in the top ½%! Specifically, 0.17%.
- Worldwide Rank. The website continues to gain readership worldwide too! In 2013 (so far), it ranked 703,215 (of an estimate 123 ,674,427 total websites*). This is a 494,927 increase in rank over 2012; where it ranked 1,198,142. This is an estimate of ryansrally.org’s worldwide popularity as compared to all other active websites. The rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors and pageviews on ryansrally.org over the past 3 months. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1; in this case Facebook, followed by Google and YouTube. This puts ryansrally in the top ½%. Specifically, 0.40%.
- Recognized as the Reader’s Choice in the United States and worldwide.
- Ranked in the Top ½% of all active websites.
* as of June 2010 (meaning ryansrally.org is actually ranked even higher percentage-wise, since two year’s of internet growth is not factored).
Top 5 Countries
This website has readers from 152 countries!
Rank | Country / Territory |
1 | United States |
2 | Canada |
3 | United Kingdom |
4 | Australia |
5 | Ireland |
6 | Germany |
7 | Sweden |
8 | China |
9 | Japan |
10 | Malaysia |
11 | Philippines |
12 | Italy |
13 | India |
14 | New Zealand |
15 | Spain |
16 | France |
17 | Greece |
18 | Mexico |
19 | Singapore |
20 | United Arab Emirates |
21 | Uruguay |
22 | Netherlands |
23 | Indonesia |
24 | Switzerland |
25 | Brazil |
26 | Argentina |
27 | South Korea |
28 | Poland |
29 | Hong Kong |
30 | Finland |
31 | Norway |
32 | Puerto Rico |
33 | South Africa |
34 | Israel |
35 | Denmark |
36 | Turkey |
37 | Russia |
38 | Belgium |
39 | Saudi Arabia |
40 | Pakistan |
41 | Costa Rica |
42 | Austria |
43 | Guatemala |
44 | Czech Republic |
45 | Hungary |
46 | Thailand |
47 | Portugal |
48 | Taiwan |
49 | Peru |
50 | Jamaica |
State Readership Rankings
Rank | State |
1 | Virginia |
2 | West Virginia |
3 | Pennsylvania |
4 | New York |
5 | Maryland/D.C. |
6 | Delaware |
7 | New Jersey |
8 | Illinois |
9 | California |
10 | Ohio |
11 | Texas |
12 | Florida |
13 | North Carolina |
14 | Georgia |
15 | Massachusetts |
16 | Michigan |
17 | Wisconsin |
18 | Minnesota |
19 | Connecticut |
20 | South Carolina |
21 | Missouri |
22 | Iowa |
23 | Tennessee |
24 | Kentucky |
25 | Colorado |
26 | Indiana |
27 | Arizona |
28 | Kansas |
29 | Washington |
30 | Oklahoma |
31 | Nebraska |
32 | Alabama |
33 | Louisiana |
34 | Utah |
35 | South Dakota |
36 | Mississippi |
37 | New Hampshire |
38 | Maine |
39 | Oregon |
40 | Nevada |
41 | Rhode Island |
42 | Arkansas |
43 | North Dakota |
44 | Vermont |
45 | Hawaii |
46 | Idaho |
47 | New Mexico |
48 | Montana |
49 | Alaska |
50 | Wyoming |
How People Get to ryansrally.org
- 47%… Social Media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.)
- 25%… Organic (Search Engines; Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.)
- 24%… Direct Traffic (e.g., from bookmarks or typing the URL)
- 3%… Referral Traffic (e.g., campaigns, other websites, etc.)
- 1%… Email
All-Time Most Read Articles
Through October 5, 2013, there are 825 total blog articles. The following are the top ten most read.
- Austin Vantrease Parole Hearing Scheduled (2013)
- Austin Vantrease Father: “Wrong Place, Wrong Time”
- Ryan’s Sister: Her Plea is “Going Viral”
- Violent Felon, Austin Vantrease Wants Donor Information
- Austin Vantrease Parole: Denied
- Austin Vantrease Parole: We Must Take Sides
- Video: Ryan Gives Kisses
- Austin Vantrease Parole Hearing: My Account (Part 3)
- Austin Vantrease Siblings Speak Out
- Just One More Time. Forever is Worth it.
All-Time Most Commented Articles
Through October 5, 2013, readers posted a total of 12,627 comments. The average number of comments per article is slightly over fifteen (15.3).
- Austin Vantrease Father: “Wrong Place, Wrong Time” (155)
- Austin Vantrease Siblings Speak Out (99)
- Austin Vantrease Parole Hearing Scheduled (2013) (96)
- Violent Felon, Austin Vantrease Wants Donor Information (84)
- Austin Vantrease Request: Denied (78)
- Austin Vantrease Restitution, $42 Toward $100,000 (71)
- Scary Good (64)
- Happy Birthday, My Son! (63)
- Austin Vantrease Parole: We Must Take Sides(60)
- Video: Ryan Gives Kisses (59)
Most Used Search Engine Terms
- Ryan Diviney (and variations of spelling)
- Austin Vantrease
- Austin Vantrease Sister
- Gale Vantrease
- Jonathan May
Note: all other defendants named in the civil suit are in the top 10.
Average Time Spent On Site
3 minutes, 9 seconds.
Reader Technology (to view the website)
- 70.5% = Desktop
- 22.6% = Mobile
- 06.9% = Tablet
Most Clicked Outbound Links
- Anti-Parole Petition
- Since Beating that Left Student in Coma, His Father has Kept a Constant Vigil (Washington Post, 12/02/2012)
- Mother of Teen: “I Pray He Wakes Up” (Today Show, 12/15/2010)
- Diviney Donor Information Requested (Dominion Post, 09/24/2012)
- Judge Won’t Recommend Restraining Order on Diviney Blog (Dominion Post, 06/06/2012)
Other Ryan’s Rally Social Media
- Pinterest. 639 Followers.
- Ryan’s Facebook Fan Page. 10,770 Followers.
- Twitter. 851 Followers.
- Petition. 156,400 Signatures.
- Wish List. Nearly 622 orders were place in support of Ryan since June 2011.
- Instagram. 3,661 Followers.
I hope this was as interesting to read as it was for me putting it together.
Notice: ryanrally.org is the online presence of Ryan’s Rally LLC.
Oh, dear! Never thought of us as “other!” Lol. I really thought we “others” would make up a larger percentage. Disappointing.
Wow ! Never knew statistics could be so interesting …. Keeping Ryan relevant from #32 !
I’ll say 15…going to read it now.
My guess before I read the article^ I was way off!
For every 1 male, 3 women?