In 1986, Elie Wiesel gave his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech. The depths of his words never reached me until one night some 23 years later. It came in the form of a Facebook post from a person that my admiration has since grown exponentially. Since the day Ryan was brutally beaten, it seems like I met many such people.
A WVU professor, Daniel Brewster, shared the words from this speech that stir me to this day. I not only can relate, in some ways I feel this surely must have been written for me, because it is better than anything I could ever write or say. It was a speech given to the world, for the world, and about the world, that interlaced the individual and humanity. I imagine myself speaking of Ryan. This inspires me to keep Ryan relevant. To never let people forget.
West Virginia State Parole Board
1409 Greenbrier Street
Suite 220
Charleston, WV 23511-0700
August 2012
Dear Sir or Madam:
Please deny parole for Austin Vantrease, based on the violent nature of his crime. He kicked a defenseless man in the head, lying unconscious on the ground, with such force it was described as “like punting a football”. Instead of offering aid or requesting medical response, Austin Vantrease ran away and hid from the obvious life-threatening damage he caused. He was hoping not to be found accountable. His lack of remorse and retribution makes him a continued risk to the safety of the public and the Diviney family.
[Your Signature]
Ryan's Rally: We Got This via Facebook says
Tracy Kathleen Clokey via Facebook says
Amen!!! <3
Ryan's Rally: We Got This via Facebook says
At 6:40PM today, the Austin Vantrease Anti-Parole Petition surpassed 60,000!
April Mullins via Facebook says
Sending prayers up for you Ryan and your whole family !
I have been sharing your petition with everyone . I truly hope you will get some kind of justice .
Always know you have people thinking of you and praying for you .
God Bless 🙂
Leelee Gore via Facebook says
Prayers for Ryan and his family. Those who inflicted this cruelty should never be allowed back into society.
Leelee Gore via Facebook says
Prayers for Ryan and his family. Those who inflicted this cruelty should never be allowed back into society.
Rita says
zupełnie przypadkiem tu trafiłem i po przeczytaniu komentarzy powstrzymać się nie mogę od własnych 3 groszy:Ten długi string komentarzy dowiódł niestety prawdziwości Twojego postu, Trystero. Te dowody są niepodważalne i oczywiście oczywiste. Ale wszyscy to jednak początkujący spco-sktropiiiele, bo nikt nie zaczął drążyć wokół nazwy bloga. W końcu jasne, że W.A.S.T.E. says
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Tracy Kathleen Clokey via Facebook says
That was an awesome article! It must be so hard to see him like this! I pray God will see Austin gets his share that he be put away for life! I pray for a blessing of healing! <3 your family is amazing!
Olivia berkel says
My heart aches for u and ur family, this just shows true unconditional la parent has for thier child, im a mother and any parents worst fear is someone harming their children, justice shouod and will be served for such a heartless act. I want those heartless bullies off te streets for good! U have all my faith and prayers
Nancy Tawney via Facebook says
I’m on Ryan’s side! Still here still praying!!!
Ginger Henry via Facebook says
God BLess Ryan and Family….saying prayers for all…….
Breanna Young says
I will be sending Ryan some thing Via FedEx I Will Send Him Some Of The Medications That are on the wish list for him
Anna says
Well said Renie! Austin, Jon May, and the others involved along with their families still do not believe their actions were other than “boys being boys”. Their actions since the attack have demonstrated this. Their only regret is getting caught.
Renie says
Faxed today.
Dear Parole Board:
As a member of the Morgantown community where Austin Vantrease (DOC# 51398-2) feloniously assaulted Ryan Diviney, I hope you will deny parole to Mr. Vantrease at his hearing later this month.
This community is used to living with nearly 30,000 West Virginia University students, and we take what that brings in stride. But this attack was so much more than youthful hijinks or a mutual fight gone horribly wrong. After trying to disengage from a verbal confrontation that was clearly escalating, Ryan was “sucker punched” by Jonathan May, a friend of Mr. Vantrease. Then, while Ryan was lying unconscious on the ground, he was viciously kicked in the head by Mr. Vantrease. The kick was so deliberate and forceful it was “like punting a football,” according to an eyewitness. Following the attack, Mr. Vantrease and friends left Ryan nearly dead and went to a party, without calling for help.
Since then, nothing in Mr. Vantrease’s words or behavior, nor those of his family and friends, has convinced me that he truly understands how heinous his actions were and the carnage he created. Until he does, and is deeply remorseful, I believe Mr. Vantrease will pose an unacceptable risk to society. Please deny him parole to hold him accountable, to provide a measure of justice to Ryan’s grief-stricken family, and to send the message to others that such actions are not tolerated in Morgantown or West Virginia.
Brian Palmer says
I faxed a letter this morning. My thoughts and prayers are with your family….
Kirsten Bakken says
I made sure to share this post on my Facebook page. I hope it will bring more attention to Ryan’s struggle and I hope a few friends will take the time to write to the parole board. I urge more people to do the same. Praying for your family daily.
Tracy says
A letter has been sent and daily prayers are shared for Ryan and your family.
With Love,
Tracy –YGR partner, CO
Colleen says
Already sent!
Jen says
My letter was sent in July, Ken. Our community will keep Ryan relevant, don’t you worry! Love to all of you~
Jennifer L. says
I faxed a letter in late July – I hope it helps to know how many people are supporting Ryan…
Lisa C. says
I will be mailing a letter this week in support of Ryan and your family.
Jp says
I hope Austin Vantrease gets released just to see the reaction on here. Although there is pretty much no shot he will get released this time I guarantee Austin will not serve 10 years, he will serve a little more then 5 years if he’s not paroled before that.
Laura says
Just wrote my letter- I added the photo from Ryan’s surgery. Why should Vantrease be released to a normal life when he took the normal life of someone else. You whole family’s, in essence. I hope our letters keep him locked up for as long as possible. Always in our prayers.
Piedmont Arts via Facebook says
Mailed my letter today!
Dave Garrison says
Sent letter over by fax earlier , anything we can do to help!
maureen says
Your family has our vote. Fax’s sent successfully. Your prayers have been heard in more ways than one. God Bless you all !
Brittany Sullivan says
I sent my letter over, via fax, this afternoon. I graudated from WVU last year and remember this tragic event happening. This story has touched me in many, many ways. I send my love and support to all of the family and friends of Ryan.
Sarah LaPointe Salisbury via Facebook says
Just finished my letter and I will mail it tomorrow. Sending love, support, and prayers from Ohio!
Donna Britt Mounce via Facebook says
Just placed a letter in the mailbox! Prayer also sent for continued strength and healing…
Peter K says
Just faxed the letter. Thoughts and prayers for you and Ryan.
Donna says
Ken ~ While I don’t know your family, personally, I became aware of Ryan’s brutal attack via one of your neighbors (the O family.)
I have written a letter to the WV parole office…already have the envelope addressed and will place it in the mailbox today.
Have confidence, Ken, that Vantrease’s parole will be denied, as it should be. ~Your unwavering dedication will make a difference.
“Confidence doesn’t come out of nowhere. It’s a result of something… hours and days and weeks and years of constant work and dedication.” ~Roger Staubach
Andrew B says
Wow pretty moving.
Will defiantly write and encourage others.
Elise Cowgill says
I and my parents will both be mailing letters. Thank you for continuing to share Ryan’s story.
KathrynHowlett says
I reached out to Prof. Brewster some time ago to thank him for his standing up for Ryan and for speaking out whenever and wherever there is violence, hatred and wrong doing. Until we can all do the same, many things will never change. I wrote my letter to the parole board weeks ago. I do not know Ryan or his family personally but I do know that I have a voice that can join Prof. Brewster’s and speak out when it is the right thing to do.
Here every day.
Denise Hamlet via Facebook says
I am drafting a letter now, I began it yesterday and plan to finish it. I have had to stop several times because I cannot see to type through the tears. I pray every day for you Ryan and the Divinely family. <3
Karen T. says
Calling all of Ryan’s classmates and friends! I wish to reiterate that it is so very, very important to send a letter to the parole board. Ryan needs you! I am personally asking that you send a letter. You are all young adults now, moving on with your lives, some graduated, some working, some doing a fifth year, and some going off to grad school. Consider what a blessing it is that you are walking around and able to speak your heart, Ryan is not so lucky. I know you are busy, but it does not take long especially if you use the form letter above. It would be helpful if you could add a personal touch, but, above all, just do this! Do it for Ryan; if things were reversed, he would do it for you.
So, for anyone that we hosted at our home, fed, housed overnight, handed a pillow or a blanket, took camping, or just hung out with, please do this, do it for Ryan!
Cheryl Shields Askew via Facebook says
My letter has already been sent… 🙂
tammy shamblin says
I faxed my letter earlier this week,and encouraged my younger son, a student at WVU to send a letter as well. We don’t know your family personally, Ken, but as a parent of two sons at WVU, and just as a mom, I cannot even begin to imagine your heartache, anger and frustration. I have been a regular reader of your blog and the boys and I often discuss Ryan and your family. My older son’s dorm room his freshman year actually faced the parking lot where Ryan’s attack happened. My younger son was a freshman the when Ryan was attacked and lived just a few blocks up the street from the Dairy Mart. I hate the thought of Austin Vantrease being released back into society. He is an evil product of his equally evil environment (aka parents/family) and should have to serve every single day of the maximum amount of punishment allowable by the law (I wish he could be given even more time).
Paula says
Ken, my daughter just told me, “I quote Mr. Ken a lot.” I knew why, because I’ve done it myself, a la “As Ken Diviney would say …”
But after reading your post today — my soul is bursting with a hundred different emotions (and tears).
Don’t worry, more people are writing on behalf of Ryan.
And to all who don’t think it matters — please know, yes, it absolutely does…and Ryan needs and deserves your help.
Thank you for caring about a wonderful young man who is depending on me, and you — on all of us.
Lots of love, hugs, continued prayers for full healing, and for the blessing of faith in our souls, so that we can remain steadfast and strong in our mission to help Ryan.
Sandy Martin says
Our letter went out in the mail a few minutes ago!! SHSP!!
Gail Doyle via Facebook says
Great Speech and seems like it does apply totally to Ryan!!!!!!
Gail Doyle via Facebook says
We WILL always be on Ryan’s side !!!!!!!!!
Vicky says
Ginger Henry via Facebook says
Praying for Ryan and his family….God Bless
Kelly Randall says
I have written the letter and it will go out in the mail today. While I don’t personally know you and your family, I have been following your blog and story for quite some time now. I can’t believe they are going to let him out! Ugh, how is that justice? I will share as well and get as many people to write letters as I can. You have my continued support! I hope Ryan is starting to feel better since his surgery.
Jane martellino says
I sent my letter two weeks ago and this morning, I encouraged each member of the YGR group to also send a letter.
I am so, so sorry that your family has to endure such unspeakable suffering.
Alaina Cantakis via Facebook says
Fighting is never a good thing, look what can happen!!!
Alaina Cantakis via Facebook says
Ryan is my cousin. says
How are we related? Through his mom’s side?
Elizabeth says
I will do this today.
Ryan is never forgotten. The suffering and sacrifices that Ryan and your family continue to endure every minute is unimaginable!
Jo Hobbs via Facebook says
We will never forget you, Ryan! Always on our minds and in our hearts. <3
Rita L. says
Have just sealed the envelope to send to the parole board. The speech is incredible! I need a copy of that( I will try my hand at copy and paste…….and FYI, I put a “superhero” stamp on the envelope.) Always here in Wisconsin.
Jo says
Yes, I will be writing more letters, this time with photos and further dexcriptions of Ryan’s suffering together with that of the sacfirices and suffering that continues for the Diviney family. Thank you, God, for our pain and suffering along with and for Ryan, because this means he continues living on this planet with us. We are praying you well, Ryan. Believe it!
Love and prayers forever.
Jo says
“descriptions, sacrifices” tried to catch but it posted fast! Feeling a bit overwhelmed this morning just thinking about all that Ryan and you folks have been through! Love and thoughts