I discuss justice, the future, and other topics during this interview; that was held on the tenth anniversary of the assault on Ryan.
The Evening Ryan Diviney Died
I instinctively knew all hope was lost when I saw him, in my rearview mirror, sit bolt upright… then go unnaturally limp. His breathing abruptly ended.
Happy Birthday, Ryan
You should be here… with us. You deserved better from this world. We should be laughing and celebrating your birthday together right now. Not sitting by your grave.
Under Pressure (Ulcer)
I hate that this never ends for Ryan. It saddens, scares, and angers me to the core. It’s coming up on ten years since he was brutally attacked and it’s just not getting any better for him. Honestly, it’s worse.
Father’s Day: It’s Not Fair!
Yesterday was Father’s Day. I was acutely aware of it the instant I decided to get Ryan out of bed in the morning. For me, I did everything as normal… except for one thing. I turned off my smartphone, closed my computer, and set the television remote control aside. My reason was simple, but I was […]