I instinctively knew all hope was lost when I saw him, in my rearview mirror, sit bolt upright… then go unnaturally limp. His breathing abruptly ended.
Under Pressure (Ulcer)
I hate that this never ends for Ryan. It saddens, scares, and angers me to the core. It’s coming up on ten years since he was brutally attacked and it’s just not getting any better for him. Honestly, it’s worse.
Does Everyone “Deserve” a Second Chance?
I’ve never been a fan of clichés. To me, they seem to be a substitute for thinking. A way to avoid articulation. That’s not to say I don’t — from time-to-time — use them. I admit, there are times when I’m just too damned lazy and take the “easy way out”, to use a cliché. […]
I’m Strong… Now Excuse Me As I Cry
Since Ryan was so brutally attacked, many people have told me, “Ken Diviney, you are the strongest person I’ve ever met.” My response to this was always the same, “Oftentimes, fear looks like strength”. I’m here to tell you, this I believe firmly. In my case, I cope with fear through logic and rationalization. I […]
Societal Segregation of the Brain Injured & Family
With Ryan’s attack anniversary coming up this weekend (November 7), I battle with sadness and anger at a higher intensity. Hell, often at the same time. For me, I cope and respond better with anger. Hence, the theme of today’s post: Pissed-Off. “Justice delayed is… justice denied”. True, yes, in some regards. It’s a catchy […]