Be Advised: I included a photograph in this post of Ryan as he appears today. I is really hard to look at and not feel sadness (and anger).
It’s 12:45 in the afternoon and we have Ryan back in the ambulance ready to head back home.
Seeing him with his eyes like this, even before the bruising sets in, is almost more than I can stand. So far, I haven’t broken down in tears (if watery eyes don’t count, that is) but I cannot say the same for Sue. There’s nothing uplifting about seeing your child bleeding from the corners of their deformed eyes, with a trail running down their face. Especially on a person whose eyes where once so expressive, caring, and soft.
Ryan’s eyes are shut more than they will be eventually. They will gradually open a bit more over the next two weeks, like a zipper spreading. After this time, some of the stitches will be removed. Still, in the end, they will be more closed than open.
I hate that he needed this. I despise the people who are responsible for it getting to this point. Ironically, the West Virginia Parole Board called me while we were in the waiting room and Ryan was becoming dehumanized to tell me Austin Vantrease, the convicted felon in Ryan’s brutal attack, would indeed have his parole hearing this month (more details in the days to come). Hell, just another cruel joke this universe played on us.
It’s just before 2:00 in the afternoon and Ryan is back home. It looks like the bruising it beginning.
My boyfriend and I have followed your website and your sons story since the day it began!Even though neither of us knew him well, we feel like it is our responsibility not to let him down and to believe that the horrible animals who did this will one day get what they deserve. As I read the posting today and saw the picture I could not hold my tears back knowing that Austin Vantrease could be set free to live a life that he does not deserve at all! Please know that so many young people think of your family everyday. We will continue to do everything we can to help and support your family!
I share the same thoughts and wishes of Ryan’s wider family. My prayers and thoughts will be with you today.
I only know you through updates from Rita Hoop, but I feel that I know you personally through your blogs. I am awed at your strength through something that should never have happened and is so senseless. My prayers are with you and I will follow through on whatever I can do to protest parole or any other measures that you suggest.
KEEP FIGHTING RYAN! still think and pray about you everyday!!! you got this! you are loved by so many people, and you are the strongest person i know! keep up the fight! love you diviney family <3 stay strong!! go team diviney xo
I am thankful the surgery went well and Ryan is back home safe and sound. We are praying for him and his family. God Bless you.
Thinking of you all day.
Today, more than usual, my heart breaks for the Diviney family. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Please consider sending the photo that you posted today to the WV parole board.
I feel sick for you and Sue. I remember what it feels like to want to look my son in the eyes and not being able to. I remember what it feels like to look him in the eyes even though he could not see me but looked blankly away. I would place myself in his line of vision and pretend he could see me. This, strangely, brought me comfort. I am so sorry for this loss.
While there is great redemptive value in suffering (it makes us more Christlike by seeing how Christ suffered at the hands of his enemies by the humiliation, scourging, and ultimate crucifixion to save us all from our sins), it doesn’t mean we have to like it. In fact, when we see our children suffer, a part of us dies inside. You know what they say, “Do/say anything you want about me, but mess with my kid, and I’ll hurt you.”….. Well, I’m sure that that is what the Divineys live and breathe every day. Anger and sadness is completely understandable. And yet, somehow, if even an IOTA of remorse was shown or if someone from the family of the attackers reached out with something other than an insult, perhaps the Diviney family could begin to heal. That we even have to mention this so infuriating!
And seeing this precious soul with his eyes sewn shut is almost too much for me to bear, so I cannot FATHOM how the my dear friends feel. God Bless You Ken, Sue, Kari & Ryan. Like the post from John above, He walks with you.
Love, carla
The Hoops are sending you lots of love and prayers today. This latest injustice to Ryan is triggering all kinds of tough emotions for Team Diviney, but Ryan is still a handsome fighter and will conquer this obstacle. We are here for you! Please give Ryan some extra hugs for all of us tonight.
Hi Ken, I am praying for you all to have a restful night. Everything will be alright in the end; and if it is not, then it is not the end.
My heart breaks for you. I’m so sorry you have to live this nightmare. As the mom of a 21 year old cadet at the Air Force Academy, and knowing how smart and bright Ryan was, and so full of potential… I can’t bare to imagine your loss of your dreams of the man he would have become. I’m just so very sorry they took this precious life from you and Sue. Everything about this situation makes me so sad.
Yes this is sad and I prayed about this the minute you mentioned that he would need the procedure awhile back. Ryan has been through, yet overcome so much… He has proven to be more of a man (even while in this situation) than the two idiots along with their families combined. I know this is hard on you guys but our prayers and support continue always. We love you…
As my father lay dying earlier this year from Liver Cancer I lamented to my best friend that I could not bear to see him in so much pain.
My friend replied “Pain is Grace.”
There are no words to relieve Ryan’s pain, yours, or that of your family. And I imagine that you must question where God is.
Know that He walks with you all.
This picture just breaks my heart and brought me to tears. I hope his eyes heal up soon. Praying for Ryan!
So sad, such a handsome young man. Thoughts and prayers are with Ryan and all his family.
I am so sorry he and you have to go through this. I saw that picture and just started crying. Not out of pity mind you. But out of sadness of what has happened to such a beautiful young man and sadness that his beautiful eyes are closed in that fashion. I couldn’t ever smile again if my child did this to another person. I would be so ashamed. It’s horrible what happened to Ryan. I’m amazed at the strength of your family. You, and your family are my heroes. God bless and keep you.
Amen, Janice
Roll on down, Tears, roll on down and let the healing of Ryan’s eyelids begin. Praying for healing for you and Sue also, Ken, and the restoration of your faith and belief that God is good.
Love and prayers always.
This just breaks my heart….maybe the parole board should get a picture of this.
I think they will get a copy of this – with another letter from me. How much should one family be expected to endure at the hands of some punk. He deserves to serve out the same life sentence that he’s served you with. And the parents of this animal – they will get theirs some day.
“There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are messengers of overwhelming grief…and unspeakable love.”
WE love you Diviney family!!
Perfectly stated. <3
You guys are always in our prayers and thoughts! You and your family are an inspiration to everyone!
I’m so sorry…this picture is tough to look at and makes me so sad.
Ken and Sue ,Yes there is anger at what this vicious act cost you and Ryan..That thing should rot in jail. Wish there was something to say to help you all, but please know we are all here and thinking of you .Hope Ryan is not in too much pain .Love Gail
We are still with you Ken, and the whole family, and always will be…I agree with what Mr. Maletta said.
I am so, so sorry that you all have to go through this. It makes me very sad and angry too.
The whole family is still in my thoughts and prayers. <3
Ken, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family today. I’m trying hard to restrain both my anger and my heartbreak over this situation. Try to reflect today on the fact that you guys are loved and cared about by so many of us and we’ll keep working together towards a better tomorrow for Ryan and your family. Shalom, my friend.
I’m a pretty easy going gal, but after your post and pictures today, I ‘m pissed! Those bastards deserve to rot in jail!