The following post is from Jo Hobbs.
The truth is, there really is no one more deserving than Sue for what Jo has in mind. Sue works a demanding full-time job. She comes home to take care of Ryan. Forget about ever having a day off… she doesn’t have a single second off. She does all this while never missing a beat with her daughter. On top of all this, she has to deal with me too.
Any one of these, take independently, would certainly qualify her for this recognition. But four challenges, one of which no mom should ever endure! All handle with grace, dignity, and love (even me). From what I can see, she’s a shoe-in if we can get the support behind this.
Team Diviney, at this point, we need an all-out, no-holds-barred campaign to raise funds for Ryan’s care. I know that most of us are constantly brain-storming for ideas to do this, and many of us have entered contests or sent letters to TV personalities like Oprah, Ellen and others. I enjoy the Kelly and Michael show on ABC. I just learned about their search for the “Unstoppable Mom.” The winner will receive $100, 000. Wouldn’t it be great if our own Sue Diviney could win? I cannot think of anyone more deserving! She fits these requirements: dedicated, confident, caring, loving, determined and ready for anything. I think you will agree. Some of you may have nominated Sue Diviney for this award already. If so, a million thanks! This is the website with instructions for your nomination.
Ken has given us permission across the board to use any photos from Ryan’s Rally: We Got This. You may send as many as you think is necessary, but many judges want short, to the point, complete information, but not necessarily a big packet. Tell the Ryan Diviney Story and more important tell about Sue for this nomination — her dedication to caring for their son at home, against all odds and opinions of some.
And then… we will all sit back and wait and pray. Well, that’s how I do it, anyway!
This is another announcement for a prize of $10,000 you might want to check out and nominate Ken. What Ken has learned about Traumatic Brain Injury and put into practice with Ryan most assuredly qualifies him for this award.
It seems that there are ongoing contests in search of mother, father, sister, brother, or person of the year. If we persevere, advertise any contests right here, and continually nominate a member of the Diviney family, who knows, we might just win! I see $$$$ signs!
One just never knows… …Please keep trying!
Always here and everywhere raising awareness and support with Team Diviney. Looking forward to meeting all of you at our pig roast as soon as Kenneth can find a field and a pig that’s willing. Dwight Yocom, listen up! Your presence could do a lot to increase your fan base!
Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have. -Margaret Mead
Here is the information for the nomination:
Address: 21092 Carthagena Ct., Ashburn, VA 20147
Birthdate: 04/03/1965
Cell Phone: 571-305-2662 (I set this up specially for this. It is not her phone number, just one from google voice that I can check).
Brandy L Polzin via Facebook says
doing so now…and Shared with all my friends to pass the word. Praying for you all!
Todd Esposito via Facebook says
Amy Ruby via Facebook says
No one more deserving!
Jaimi Dean Franus via Facebook says
Easily done <3
Linda says
Sue is amazing and I pray that she wins. What she does is beyond unstoppable. I can only hope I can be as great as she is one day. I have submitted my nomination for her and pray that they will pick her.
Lisa Geraci Rigoni via Facebook says
I just nominate Sue.
Jeannette Hennett says
I submitted my nomination yesterday. Darn, I could only download one picture so I attached the one of Sue & Ryan from the “Unstoppable Mom” blog yesterday. Not sure if I did something wrong…I had wanted 4 in sequence that were heart touching to me. Special one of two of them prior to 2009, pic. of Sue resting on Ryan in the hospital-so moving, The WP pic. of what I’m assuming are the hands of Sue providing love, & comfort. He clearly feels it…& yesterday’s w/ her smile and Ryan wearing the hat. He looks good. Healthy, strong, handsome young man…I would be ECSTATIC if Sue was awarded this title…No matter the outcome, she’s Unstoppable in our hearts….The finest example for Kari & the quiet (maybe Ken would disagree?) force of strength & love that stands beside her “men /boys:0)” (Will the song be stuck in your head now?)…Incidentally, I’m a 46 yr. old Mom of 2 young boys (7 & 5)…They are my heart, my sunshine but I’m always referencing my husband as well by saying, “I love my 3 boys”…Hey, I’m outnumbered. Hugs and Much love to you Sue, Ken, Ryan and Kari!!!
Paula says
Sue Diviney, I adore you. You will always be beautiful, unstoppable Mom, and a blessing and inspiration to all who know you. Love always, Paula
jo says
Thank you, all who nominated Sue for “Unstoppable Mom.” Hoping to hear from more of you today.
Catherine Donelson Stewart via Facebook says
I did it too.
Jo Hobbs via Facebook says
The necessary info. has been posted on Ken’s blog post for today.
Jo says
Gloria, thank you. How very nice it will be to meet you someday. I hope you live near enough that you can enjoy Roast Pig with us. Just so you know, this will be a very big deal, because I am going to suggest that the great cooks who live locally bring a big dish of their favorite picnic food. 🙂 I’m thinking a big pan of my Hawaiian Baked Beans will go very well with Roast Pig. Gloria, I stay awake nights thinking up stuff — can you tell? BTW, all you folks who read Ryan’s Rally: We Got This, I am kidding about the Botox; I am so scared of needles, I almost waited too long to get my flu shot! But the other statements are true. LOL As far as games at our picnic, I only hope I’m not the dunkee in the Dunk the Grandma game — I want to be the fortune teller!
Jo says
Mary, you are such a blessing! Thank you for sharing your letter. This surely gives us ideas about how to compose a letter of this kind, because many of us here at Team Diviney have never written a nomination letter for entry in a contest. This will be good practice for others we will write down the road. We are all smartypants, just like Ken says! We can do this!
Terri Stakem Pla via Facebook says
Bonnie says
Will do – no one more deserving!
Grey Hubler via Facebook says
Writing now.
carrieanne cox says
This is brilliant and sooooo deserved!
Jennifer L. says
Entry submitted!
Mary says
Just nominated Sue! I hope she gets it! Here’s the message that went along with my nomination:
Imagine getting a phone call from the hospital saying that your son has been beaten and may not live through the night. This was Sue Diviney’s reality on November 9, 2009. Her son Ryan, was beaten outside a convenience store while in college at WVU. Ryan suffered a traumatic brain injury as a result of his head being punted like a football. He has been in a coma since that day and Sue has devoted herself to taking care of him in the hopes that one day he will wake up. She has also rallied for justice for her son. One of her son’s attackers walks free as the other has a chance for parole. Her family has not received a penny of court-ordered restitution from her son’s attackers. As if that’s not frustrating enough, her son’s attackers continue to sue the family. The financial burden of Ryan’s treatment as well as mounting court fees is overwhelming. As a bystander, the sacrifices she has made to make sure Ryan receives round the clock care is astounding. Ryan gets full body workouts every day so that if he does regain consciousness, his body will be the last thing he needs to worry about so he can focus on healing. Ryan’s father quit his job so that he could take care of him 24/7. Sue is the only working member of her family and though she has so much on her plate, she wakes up every morning and gets things done while being a great mother to her two children, and great wife. Despite the cards she has been dealt, she rarely complains. Seeing what she does is so inspirational. The love she has for her family and for her son is truly heartwarming. While many of us could never imagine the horrors of her situation, we could all learn so much from her fight for dignity and justice for her son and the grace with which she has handled everything.
Tracee says
Thank you for telling us about this, I submitted my vote and sharing with others!!!
Amanda says
I want to nominate! But we need street, email, and phone numbers! Can you help 🙂
Amanda says
Perfect thanks!
Annie says
Just nominated her! Good luck, well deserved.
Mali Thai Cuisine via Facebook says
Please write the letter to Attention and address above.
Mali Thai Cuisine via Facebook says
Ansonia Station
P.O. Box 234101
New York, NY 10023
Ryan's Rally LLC says
I just updated the post with the information you can use to nominate her. Thank you all for pointing this out!
Kellie Gearhart says
Hi Ken – to nominate Sue I need to enter her birth date. Can you provide that please? Thanks and good luck!!
Gail Doyle says
Jo , You’re right ,all would qualify for an award ,Will definitely do and thanks for
telling us about this
Patti Carroll Bottcher via Facebook says
Need personal information to nominate her. What do you want posted – home address, and telephone numbers. Thanks!
Gloria says
Jo, you are such a caring giving person. I often read your posts and have learned to be a “little” forgiving as a result. I certainly will start writing and have forwarded this to several of my FB friends. Sue is certainly deserving of a tribute. I don’t know how she or Ken do it everyday. Jo, I hope to meet you someday. You are a good person.
Patti says
To nominate we must use the home phone and address to load on to the submission page. What do you want us to use? thanks!
Rita Caporicci Hoop via Facebook says
Thank you for making us aware of this contest, Jo! We will be flooding them with nominations for our wonderful Sue!