Given just weeks after his son’s death, Ken Diviney’s (standing ovation) speech about community was given on September 19, 2019, at the annual Tee It Up For Ryan Diviney! golf event. Described as powerful, insightful, sincere, and real & raw… it left many crying and shaking by the end. Like Ken, it was unique and unexpected in its message.
Live Video… Our Place in West Virginia
A short while ago I shot a three-minute live video of our “Getaway” (in remote West Virginia). This is where I spend a lot of time with Ryan. Especially on weekends. Mainly, I did it to try Facebook Live. It worked, but I sure need to practice my camera skills! Truth is, I learned a […]
Video: “Hear It… See It… FEEL It!”
The video (below) actually made me crumble at the 17-second mark. It cut to a home video we shot from the mid-1990’s. It was Christmas Eve. Ryan was reading “T’was the Night Before Christmas” with his sister, Kari, to the family. A tradition that was, at that time, just a few years old but survives […]
Video: Ryan Samples Thanksgiving Dinner
Just like on all our big holiday meals, Kari likes to give Ryan tiny samples of many of the dishes. These are given on a sterile Q-tip type of cotton swab. The amount he samples is just enough to get the flavor and no larger. Putting more in his mouth would put him at risk […]
Video: Ryan’s Friends
Ryan’s core group of college friends made him a ten minute birthday video. I played it for him yesterday, several times. He meet these wonderful individuals during his freshman year in the dorm and they stayed close, as a group, after moving out. Like Kari, Ryan gives everyone a chance, but only surrounds himself with […]