Ryan’s core group of college friends made him a ten minute birthday video. I played it for him yesterday, several times. He meet these wonderful individuals during his freshman year in the dorm and they stayed close, as a group, after moving out. Like Kari, Ryan gives everyone a chance, but only surrounds himself with people of the highest character. He cares about nothing else than the quality of the person. These are amazing people you are about to see.
Now, I know his friends — wisely — didn’t tell all the “Ryan Stories”. From what I hear (and know firsthand), Ryan seemed to do something story-worthy every day. I always laugh when they tell me things he’s done or said.
Yes, I both laughed and swallowed the tears while watching. It was tough. So damned difficult.
Ryan should be there with them as they write the final chapter in their college life.
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See previous poll answers here.
REALLY great video kids. I’m sure Ryan enjoyed watching it as much as you all enjoyed making it. I will never forget meeting all of you and Ryan in Brooke Tower your freshman year. I remember discussing with Charlie’s dad (after parents weekend & still do) how happy we were that he had met such a great group of friends and we’ve enjoyed the stories ever since – most of my favorites involve Diviney, of course! Just imagine if Ryan could have been in Morgantown for Game Day’s first football visit this past weekend – Wow, he would have loved it more than anyone there – can’t imagine what y’all would have come up with!! 🙂 You guys are awesome. Thinking of you and praying for you daily Ryan. xoxo
I finally found a working computer in my house to watch this video on, and it touched me deeply. What a wonderful gift to Ryan, your family and everyone out here who wants to get to know this remarkable young man that you and Sue have raised. He is loved beyond measure and never forgotten. I hope that hearing his friends’ voices did make Ryan’s heart happy on his birthday (and yours as well).
Brian, Derris, Hannah, Charlie and his Angels (sorry girls….I don’t know all of your names, so you’ll just need to be Charlie’s Angels for now). What a wonderful gift you have given Ryan (and all of the rest of us) for his birthday! You are all very thoughful and caring young men and women.
Ken and Sue, it wasn’t just that Ryan chose his friends well, but all of these beautiful young people chose an enthusiastic, vibrant, funny young man, who is without a doubt made of the right stuff to be their friend….Ryan…this one’s for you! You’re the best! Your friends really miss you…we all miss you…anxiously waiting for you to wake up and get back to your friends and family who love you so very much!
Love, Peggie
That was great, thanks for sharing. As I said before, I know for a fact that Ryan is missed daily. Still here.
i check this website daily (sometimes twice a day) and have only posted a comment once, but i had to comment today on what outstanding friends ryan has chosen. most 21/22 year olds would be out partying, having fun (which i am sure they are doing that too) but took the time to make ryan such a special video on his birthday is beyond commendable. what fine young adults, i love to see that b/c now a days there are not enough of them. i am only 36 and the change since when i was young to now, wow it is different and i witness it daily having 3 young kids myself. i hope to raise them all to be as admirable as ryan.
Ryan, you have some wonderful friends! Know that everyone thinks about you and sends you good wishes.
I can’t take this anymore – been crying for 3 days straight – Ryan please wake up!! Your family needs you, your friends need you, the world will be a better place with you.
Wow!!! What great friends Ryan has, this warms my heart. Come on back Ryan, it’s time.
What a wonderful gift forYou, Ryan, with many good memories and great laughs! Obviously, your friends enjoyed making the video for you. Much love shown here from friends who will never forget you. I laughed and cried my way through like everyone else. Thank you, Ken, for posting it. Love
This video really made me smile. Ryan, buddy, you sure do have some wonderful friends! Then again, I’m not surprised, ’cause you are made of “the right stuff!!!” I hope your friends do some see you soon. Maybe over the holidays?
We have a Karaoke fund raiser night at the Mediterranean Breeze in Herndon coming up on 12/17/2011 (we wanted to wait for the college kids to get home)….what do you say kids? You game for a road trip to see Ry? Come visit and attend the fund raiser and sing a song for Ryan! Have been trying to come up with a catchy phrase for it….maybe you could submit some so we can get this into the media right away!
Ken, Thanks for sharing this beautiful video for Ryan ‘s birthday..I’m sure he loved It, such great young people so sincere and caring and you are so right that Ryan should be with them ..and he will one day. Praying for you all…Gail. PS. How’s the van doing ? Any work done on it yet? Would love to see you two riding around !!!!! Tell Ryan we are here for him and always will be. ~
Gail, we haven’t done anything with the van yet. We are expecting to get plates and registration this week.
Hi Ken, have you decided whether you’re going to have any graphics or painting done to it?
It needs some body work first. I haven’t gotten around to getting this done yet.
Thanks Ken, Keep us updated .Try to have a good day. Gail
I deem we have a “Pimp Ryan’s Ride” day…..who’s in to help???
I loved this video! What great friends Ryan has!! “Family friend” has a great idea, please count me in to help out!! To all Ryan’s friends, I hope you can visit in the near future!!!
Ryan, you are loved and cared about and always on peoples’ minds. You look great, you’re getting so strong and you’re trying your best to communicate. Your will and determination will continue to help you make strides the doctors have never seen before. And we’ll be right there with you to celebrate your achievements.
Love & prayers always, Paula
The video Ryan’s friends made was such a gift! Sometimes it is difficult for young people to deal with something as horrible as what happened to Ryan. The caliber of Ryan’s friends is a testament to his choosing the right people to associate with. It also represents the wonderful job both you and Sue did teaching Ryan and Kari the importance of picking really good people to associate with.
How did the rest of Ryan’s birthday go? I thought about all of you all day yesterday. I will always be here for all of you. Much love, Jen
What a great birthday gift and what an incredible group of friends. I hope they come to visit Ryan soon, because I know he misses them, too!
That was beyond cool! I loved the stories. Ryan has a terrific crew of college friends. Quality young adults!
Thank you to all of Ryan’s Mountaineer buddies for making the video! You rock! Now, it’s recorded on video, gotta come visit him! You’d be amazed at how awesome he is doing! In fact, we will make you a deal, let us know your favorite food and drinks and we will be sure to have it waiting upon your arrival to Ashburn! Deal?