Be sure not to miss the last item! It’s precious… unless you’re adverse to kittens. Anyhow, it seems people enjoyed when I put together the top ten list last month. So much so, that I’d like to do it again.
- Hot Tub Lift. Ugh! Did you get that? Ugh, I say! This is going so mother-fuddruckin’ slowly. I thought the lift would be installed by now, but the red tape — on so many levels — is insane. It’s not like the funds aren’t available either, because people donated and Sue and I can cover for the balance of the full cost. I’m trying to run it through insurance, so I guess this is where I blew it. That, and I can’t seem to get the middleman to return my call. I have no idea if the insurance company was even notified. It doesn’t really matter because either the rehab agent or insurance — or both — could care less that we are willing to pay for it up-front and receive the (unlikely) reimbursement months later.
- Website Improvements. Hopefully I can do what needs done with minimal interruption, but plan on me taking down the site for up to a day or two. I am upgrading both the framework and theme, while optimizing and reducing the database. I expect it will improve performance, load much faster, allow more functionality, and have a different look… but not enough to become confusing. I’ll use Ryan’s Facebook Fan Page to let people know when this is happening.
- Kari Home for Thanksgiving. I am beside myself with excitement for my daughter to be with us over her “Fall Break”. She brings such positive energy, laughter, and love into the house. She is just so good for me. I never tire of her still calling me “daddy”. I just hope she doesn’t bring home a pet… more on that below in the final item.
- Infections. It has now been a full year since Ryan suffered from any type of infection that required oral antibiotics. The last was a urinary tract infection (UTI). It was the last one in what was a chronic condition; requiring strong antibiotics every four to five weeks. The last respiratory infection was over Christmas 2010; when he required hospitalization in the ICU for two weeks.
- Upcoming Tests. Bone density (also called a DEXI-scan) and a sleep study are in the process of being scheduled.
- Eyes. Last month we received support from a corneal specialist to take Ryan on as a patient. Thank you Dr. Hinkel for making this happen! This was huge, since the eye surgeon demanded this ongoing monitoring before even considering the possibility of relaxing the sutures in Ryan’s eyelids. Currently, Ryan’s eyes are sewn mostly shut (called a tarsorrhaphy) to protect them from “melting away”. You see, he is unable to close his eyes or blink consistently as a result of the brain injury. This exposure was causing severe dryness that was introducing infection and scarring. We are hoping that we can get at least one eye, and possibly both, 50% open. The visual stimulation is so important in his recovery, but the real possibility of losing his eyes is concerning.
- Grace Singers. The first concert Evidence of Grace, of their series directed by Paula Hamrick, was held at Hamlin United Methodist Church (Hamlin, WV). The next concert was November 10th at the Belle Meade United Methodist Church. The third, held this past Sunday, was at the host church, Community of Grace (Huntington, WV). This one was be streamed online and is now available. You can watch it in the video window (below) now or later for viewing anytime! Just to be clear, the following video is the property of Community of Grace UMC and I am merely embedding it directly from their website, as they allow.
The parts about Ryan and the Grace Singers are at the 15-minute mark, although the entire service is well worth watching. Over $2,700 was raised by the amazing people of West Virginia for Ryan’s needs. The performers are now working on a Christmas musical and we will be back in full force for Ryan in January. Hopefully, a Methodist church in Northern Virginia will invite them to sing a few more times and raise more funds! Please… please… please… contact me if you can make this happen and I’ll introduce you to Paula. Finally, Paula asks that you “keep praying and stay strong in the faith”.
- Four Year Anniversary. Thank you for being with us in spirit and word on November 7th, the day Ryan was so viciously attack four years ago. Sue, Kari, and I struggled mightily that day… and for days before and afterwards. My heart swelled with all those who changed their profile pictures on Facebook to Ryan’s logo. For those who unselfishly made donations. For those — over one-hundred thousand — people who remembered the day by visiting the website. Yes, because of you, Ryan remains relevant.
- The Violent Offenders. To my knowledge, neither Austin Vantrease nor Jonathan May, both of Newark, Delaware, have made any attempt to satisfy their court-ordered criminal restitution of over $100,000 since Felon Vantrease magically coughed-up roughly $40 right before his parole hearing. Jonathan May, from what I heard last, is lying low with his mother and step-father in Delaware. He has been employed for at least a year now (again, as I understand it). Austin Vantrease was moved from Huttonsville to the St. Mary’s Correctional Center (whose mission is to provide for the custody, control and care of convicted, adult, male felons who have been convicted of severe crimes against man or nature) following the denial of parole in July.
- New Addition to the Family. If you read my post Groundhogs and Butterflies, you know how much my family loves animals. We consider pets as an enhancement to the family, and even a unique part of it. Now, I know there are tons of you out their who refer to your pets as your child and call yourself mommy or daddy to them, but as much as we love them it just doesn’t reach that level with me. To me, pets are faithful companions that have my faithfulness returned to them. Well, except cats… let’s face it, their a bit self-centered. Or, that’s what I thought. We’ve had a cat for many years now. Kari and Sue “adopted” him from a farmer who brought him to the ball field where Ryan was playing and I was coaching. Ryan actually named him “Maddux” after the Atlanta Braves pitcher Greg Maddux. Turns out this tabby cat is every bit into himself, just like I expected. We love him anyhow. You know, like the way Sue loves me even though I’m much like egotistical cats.
Okay, so our daughter can NEVER be left alone in a pet shop. When Kari was young — ah, strike that — even to this day I would purposely avoid them. To do otherwise has found Kari walking out with whatever animal she felt sorry for. I kid you not, she once felt bad for a particular hermit crab (of hundreds in the cage) and before I knew it we had bought it… and a virtual crab castle. Of course, Ryan jumped at this and picked out his own crab and accompanying crustacean kingdom. Yep, we kept them right next to the goldfish Kari brought home from a carnival.
So, Sue and I were not the least surprised when she called us and told us she and another college roommate got a kitten. This was despite my advice to wait on getting any type of pet until after she graduates and settles in somewhere. Kari is ready for my resistance when she calls and she called it their “house cat” that would be taken care of by all in her college home. It’s the typical sob story. This poor feline was living in a cage for six months. No one is buying her. She’s doomed unless Kari comes to the rescue.
Then, not even a week later, she calls again. Turns out, the two roommates that bought this kitten didn’t ask the third. She’s not okay with it and goes completely bonkers. Oh, and the kitten hasn’t had any of its shots. By damned, seems she has worms too… because her poop shouldn’t be moving, I explain.
First things first, and that’s tending to the kitten’s health. Sue gives Kari our credit card information to use at a veterinarian to treat the kitten for the worms. Shots, we figure, can wait until she decides what to do with the kitten. Long story short, we took care of this (and spaying) right here because I went to Morgantown and brought the little puff-ball home. We couldn’t bear to return her to the pet store or just give her away. We named her Katrina, Kat for short. He middle name is Bob. She is now known affectionately as Kat Bob.
I’m telling you, it was one of the best things that would’ve happened that this animal made its way into our home.

This photo was taken at 3 AM. How did Ryan’s hand get out of his rolled hand-pillow and on top of Kat Bob?
This kitten is the most easy-going pet we’ve ever had. Better yet, she simply adores Ryan! She sleeps with him every night; from the time we get him into bed until we get him out. It’s just remarkable! Kat Bob snuggles into Ryan or curls up on his belly. She’s now at the point where she is waiting on the bed for us to bring Ryan out of the shower.
The greatest mystery is how she winds up with Ryan’s hand on her as they both sleep. Is she sliding under it or is Ryan aware enough to reach out to her? This, my friends, is what we call animal magnetism.
I could just check the video footage. Honestly, I really like not knowing. Because either way is the definition of the word “precious”.
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My father passed away September 21. We were blessed to have him in the comfort of his home. His dog kept vigil under his hospital bed the days leading up to his death.Animals show more compassion than some human beings!
cat lovers know that all Kat Bob’s, whatever their name, are special creatures in deed!!
I am not a cat lover at all ! But this picture makes me fall in love ! Ryan looks so relaxed and content … Well they both look relaxed ! And the last blog puts so much in perspective. I saw a lizard in my kitchen yesterday … I tried to sweep it out and lo and behold the tail fell off !! I was horrified !! It was wiggling and I was gagging ! I put a paper towel on top of it because I couldn’t watch it. I felt terrible. So I completely see your point … How does one do all those things and then watch ?? Also … It seems that people that abuse animals get longer sentences than Ryans attackers ? Still keeping Ryan relevalant ! Sara
I believe in miracles.. ❤
I love this to the moon and back:) Go Ryan! Kat Bob Rocks:)
Ok will do.
LOL Anna!!!
What does Duke think about the spot on the bed the cat has moved in on?
It’s always great to get together with the family during the holidays. I share your excitement about your daughter coming home….I’m excited for my family coming home too. Also, I don’t think the cat slid under Ryan’s arm. We’re praying for Ryan and your family.
Right, we do not need to know everything. Not knowing is O.K. I am a cat lover, too–animals of all kinds really.
Thanks for the updates, Ken. I am trying to accentuate the positive in Ryan’s life as well as in my own. There are many good things happening for Ryan. One of the best is the choral concert fundraiser. Paula Hamrick and choir, thank you for caring. Another is the hot tub for Ryan. Hope that is a go very soon.
I hope all goes well with Ryan’s procedures as we move toward what is sounding like a cold Winter. SHSP, NGA.
Love this post as well as the picture. Very touching– I think it’s awesome that you didn’t check the footage. : ) That cat hit the lottery with your family! Best wishes.
Too Cool.
This is why so many people have animals as companions after the loss of a loved one. You keep doing your job Kat Bob. God bless all of you.
Prayers continue for Ryan and all of you from WI.
Thank you for taking in “Kat Bob”…we also warned Teresa about not getting a cat yet. So glad that Ryan and the cat have found each other! Keeping you all in prayer.
You did a great job raising her. She’s awesome.
Angel unawares 🙂 bless you, Ryan!
Of course you know I have something to say…
1. Sorry about the hot tub thing, just get it and get him in the tub.
2. If you need help with the website just give a shout.
3. Kari home for Turkey day, please do the video like you did a few years ago. Ryan likes it and we love it.
4. No infections for a year, you need a Gold Medal for this, AMAZING. They put on my father in law’s death certificate he died from a UTI and C-diff. He didn’t have a UTI. Congrats dad you done good!!!
5. Can’t they do the sleep study at home? Anxious to hear how it goes.
6. Eyes: when is that?
7. Grace Singers, I wonder if we could get you to St. Theresa’s in Ashburn. That place is stunning. Way to go!!!!
8. 🙁
9. 🙁 and blech idiots.
10. Kitty!!!!! She is so cute. I love Katrina. When I was little I had an “invisible” pet that was a Bob Kat. Have someone look to see how he is getting his hand out and on the cat. I honestly thought you were positioning him this way and taking photos. (Less than a week after my father in law passed away he came through in a reading that someone did. He talked about my dogs and how healing they were for him. He talked about them riding in his wheelchair and how theraputic they were to him. I never knew.)
Do these more often!
The eye appointment is within the next several days.
KatBob came to you for a reason…..I believe that!
I am one of the Grace singers from Huntington, WV. It has been such a pleasure to be able to sing for the glory of our Lord and to be able to help your family at the same time. Also, I am not a cat lover but Kat Bob could very well be an angel in disguise.
God bless you Karen.
Karen, thank you for using your talents to help this family!!!
Hi Ken, you know, I think there’s something about that cat … hmmm ….because from what you’ve said, she seems to gravitate mainly towards Ryan. I love it!!!
And thank you so much for the great picture of Ryan and Kat Bob!!!
Love, hugs, prayers abiding
PS does anyone on Team Diviney know of a local church that would host the Grace Singers? I would LOVE to hear them sing!! I’m sure I’m not the only one!
Ken, Thanks for all the updates. Love the picture of Ryan with Kat Bob…think Ryan put his arm around him. Sure hope things go faster for hot tub ,so sorry it’s such a hassle ,Ryan would benefit from its use. I pray soon Ryan can have stiches relaxed or removed from eyes. And a year ,amazing ,with no UTIs or having to be hospitalized .Sure is the GREAT care and love given!!
Those two and their families have no conscience, no sense of right and wrong.
Always here for Ryan and keep up the updates
As the Kari in my family, I approve. 🙂 Love that Kat Bob and Ryan are comforting each other!!
love that Kat!
love that Kat!
So glad to hear about all of the good thing going on in your house, mainly your joy over having Kari home and Kat Bob, I also am a animal lover. Animals are such a huge comfort and give so much love. Ryan surely must know the kitten is there, just imagine the comfort he must be getting from her, awesome! Hugs to all!
I think Ryan reached out for Kat Bob, check that tape and let us all know! Prayers for your inspirational family.
Cats rule! I love both of the Diviney felines, Katbob and Maddux 🙂 It’s so sweet that one of your pets can safely snuggle with Ryan throughout the night. Thanks, Kari, for making your family complete with the new addition!
Hey guys. Grace singers will sing at any church no matter the denomination.
Courtney didn’t like cats either. She was scared they would scratch her. But the most recent addition to our family (Blaze) has turned out to be her cat. He snuggles with her every night.
Love this update especially since I am a huge sucker for pets of all kinds. Go, Kari for bringing the sweetie pie into the Diviney home. Love you all!
Your family is phenomenal. I’m so excited about the kitten and Ryan placing his hand on it, wow! Always excited to keep up and read how he is doing. God bless you all!
Hey Ken – great photo…pets know instinctively when someone needs comforting and seek them out. So sorry I missed you when you took a day to come to the Burgh. I would have loved to spend a couple of hours with you re-counting the 1207B hijinx. Perhaps there will be another time at some point; and I don’t want to miss that one!
Take care,
Tom McClelland
I hope to do this every year.
It is absolutely precious! Continued prayers for you all
Tears are streaming down my face as I read this. Ryan is in there and Kat Bob is going to help bring him out.
kat bob is quite the companion! she is so grateful that she was adopted! picture perfect!
always in my heart ..
<3 KatBob
Awwwhhhh Kat Bob LOVES Ryan ….We do too !!!! <3