Every so often I like to report on how the website, ryansrally.org, is doing. What it really is, if you think about it, is a profile of you… the readers. I felt it was again time to do this since we will hit 1.5 million views today. In actuality, this is only since I started tracking this statistic more than a full year after this website came online. Even conservatively, another one million views should be added. So, what I’m saying is this website is easily over 2.5 million.
To make this flow smoothly for you , I have it so every hyperlink opens a new window/tab in your browser. You can then easily close that window and continue exploring (by keeping this post up). I also included expandable tables within this post.
Okay folks, here’s how Team Diviney is comprised.
Reader Popularity
- Traffic Rank in Country (USA). 103,470 (of 54,641,322*). An estimate of ryansrally.org’s popularity in a specific country as compared to all other active websites. The rank by country is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors and pageviews on ryansrally.org from users of a country over the past month. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1 in that country. This puts ryansrally.org in the top 1%! Specifically, 0.18%.
- 83%. Percentage of all visitors to ryansrally.org from the United States.
- Worldwide Rank. 1,235,514 (of 123,674,427*). An estimate of ryansrally.org’s worldwide popularity as compared to all other active websites. The rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors and pageviews on ryansrally.org over the past 3 months. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1; in this case Facebook, followed by Google and YouTube. This puts ryansrally in the top 1%. Specifically, 0.99%.
* as of June 2010 (meaning ryansrally.org is actually ranked even higher percentage-wise, since two year’s of internet growth is not factored).
Top 5 Countries
Rank | Country / Territory |
1 | United States |
2 | Canada |
3 | United Kingdom |
4 | Australia |
5 | Ireland |
6 | Germany |
7 | Sweden |
8 | China |
9 | Japan |
10 | Malaysia |
11 | Philippines |
12 | Italy |
13 | India |
14 | New Zealand |
15 | Spain |
16 | France |
17 | Greece |
18 | Mexico |
19 | Singapore |
20 | United Arab Emirates |
21 | Uruguay |
22 | Netherlands |
23 | Indonesia |
24 | Switzerland |
25 | Brazil |
26 | Argentina |
27 | South Korea |
28 | Poland |
29 | Hong Kong |
30 | Finland |
31 | Norway |
32 | Puerto Rico |
33 | South Africa |
34 | Israel |
35 | Denmark |
36 | Turkey |
37 | Russia |
38 | Belgium |
39 | Saudi Arabia |
40 | Pakistan |
41 | Costa Rica |
42 | Austria |
43 | Guatemala |
44 | Czech Republic |
45 | Hungary |
46 | Thailand |
47 | Portugal |
48 | Taiwan |
49 | Peru |
50 | Jamaica |
State Readership Rankings
Rank | State |
1 | Virginia |
2 | West Virginia |
3 | Pennsylvania |
4 | New York |
5 | Maryland/D.C. |
6 | Delaware |
7 | New Jersey |
8 | Illinois |
9 | California |
10 | Ohio |
11 | Texas |
12 | Florida |
13 | North Carolina |
14 | Georgia |
15 | Massachusetts |
16 | Michigan |
17 | Wisconsin |
18 | Minnesota |
19 | Connecticut |
20 | South Carolina |
21 | Missouri |
22 | Iowa |
23 | Tennessee |
24 | Kentucky |
25 | Colorado |
26 | Indiana |
27 | Arizona |
28 | Kansas |
29 | Washington |
30 | Oklahoma |
31 | Nebraska |
32 | Alabama |
33 | Louisiana |
34 | Utah |
35 | South Dakota |
36 | Mississippi |
37 | New Hampshire |
38 | Maine |
39 | Oregon |
40 | Nevada |
41 | Rhode Island |
42 | Arkansas |
43 | North Dakota |
44 | Vermont |
45 | Hawaii |
46 | Idaho |
47 | New Mexico |
48 | Montana |
49 | Alaska |
50 | Wyoming |
How People Get to ryansrally.org
- 36%… Referral Traffic (e.g., Facebook, Media links)
- 36%… Direct Traffic (e.g., from bookmarks or typing the URL)
- 27%… Search Engine Traffic (Google, Bing, Yahoo)
- 1%… Campaigns (e.g., Anti-Parole Petition)
All-Time Most Read Articles
- Violent Felon, Austin Vantrease Wants Donor Information
- Austin Vantrease Parole: We Must Take Sides
- Austin Vantrease Parole: Denied
- Austin Vantrease Parole Hearing: My Account (Part 3)
- Austin Vantrease Parole Hearing: My Account (Part 1)
All-Time Most Reader Commented Articles
- Austin Vantrease Request: Denied [78 Comments, 05/17/2011]
- Violent Felon, Austin Vantrease Wants Donor Information [68 Comments, 09/24/2012]
- Scary Good [63 Comments, 04/19/2011]
- The Wife’s Turn: Why I Believe [52 Comments, 03/05/2011]
- Now Delaware Knows [50 Comments, 09/05/2011]
Most Used Search Engine Terms
- Ryan Diviney (and variations of spelling)
- Austin Vantrease
- Gale Vantrease
- Jonathan May
- McKeefery
Note: all other defendants named in the civil suit are in the top 10.
Most Clicked Outbound Links
- Diviney Donor Information Requested (Dominion Post, 09/24/2012)
- Judge Won’t Recommend Restraining Order on Diviney Blog (Dominion Post, 06/06/2012)
- Anti-Parole Petition
- Since Beating that Left Student in Coma, His Father has Kept a Constant Vigil (Washington Post, 12/02/2012)
- Mother of Teen: “I Pray He Wakes Up” (Today Show, 12/15/2010)
Other RyansRally Social Media
- Pinterest. 207 Followers.
- Ryan’s Facebook Fan Page. 2,023 Followers.
- Twitter. 395 Followers.
- Petition. Almost 31,000 Signatures.
- Wish List. Nearly 400 orders were place in support of Ryan since June 2011.
I hope this was as interesting to read as it was for me putting it together.
Bonnie says
Tony says
Outstanding web site. I view it several times each week. I have interest to check up on Ryan as well as read some of the interesting posts. Thanks for your effort to maintain the site….we appreciate it!!
Mary says
Ken, Have you ever thought of selling advertising on your website to make some money? Might be worth looking into, but I don’t know how time consuming it would be to do it. Just a thought. Way to go!!!
ryansrally.org says
Mary, about a year or so ago I actually did do some advertising (Google AdSense). It was so successful in driving readers to the advertisers that they thought I was rigging it… then cancelled my account and didn’t pay what I already earned! I appealed and lost.
I agree though, this website does have amazing potential for advertisers.
Mary says
Unbelievable! There has to be another way! I’ll look into it for ya!
gail doyle says
Ken Because of you and us too,Ryan will Always be revelant .Once again you are amazing
Will Nier says
There you go Ryan the entire world knows you and is behind you as you continue to heal daily.
I was also thinking that the guys who did this to Ryan would never be able to find a place in the world to hide.
Rita Caporicci Hoop via Facebook says
Jen took the words right out of my mouth. Wow!
Jennifer Moore Lovelace via Facebook says
I would say this is a big “Yes” to Ryan staying relevant!
Paula says
Hi Ken, this is amazing! Did you ever in your wildest dreams think your blog would be this popular when you first started it? And readers continue to find their way here, thus the popularity of it keeps growing.
This blog is a testament to your ability to keep Ryan relevant, even in the hectic world we’re living in. I am fascinated with how deeply your blog posts resonate with so many people, with such diverse backgrounds, going through so many different situations. I think people are so inspired by your family’s strength and resolve that they keep coming back for more.
I know I do. It’s a great way to feel connected to Ryan and feel a part of your lives. We might all be different in our beliefs and backgrounds, but we do have our love and concern for Ryan, you, Sue and Kari that brings us and keeps us together.
Thank you for all the work you put into making this blog a reader friendly place and always interesting. You’ve done a tremendous job keeping the spotlight on Ryan. I know that was always your main goal, but you’ve succeeded in doing that and so much more.
You have been able to reach people across the country and around the world to communicate Ryan’s story. You’ve been able to motivate people to care and show they care by getting involved. You’ve managed to steer the ship and keep the boat above water even during the most stressful of times. For that and so much more you have earned the loyalty of thousands of readers.
I’d say your quest to keep Ryan relevant is a magnificent success. Congratulations on this accomplishment!! Ryan is blessed to have a devoted, smart, determined, loving Dad like you. Long may you run!!
Love, prayers and positive thoughts shining through the autumn rain
Michele says
The top of your site says, “Tell him I have tried. I have tried to keep memory alive, that I have tried to fight those who would forget…We must take sides. We must interfere.” After reading all of those statistics and awesome information, I believe that you have succeeded, and we are definitely taking sides – Team Diviney Side – and that Ryan will someday see, you have kept his memory alive, you have and continue to fight.
Anna says
WOW! Does your brain ever stop churning? You are incredible. As you can see, Ryan is relevant!