Normally, when I feel the need to put everything going on into a list it spans what’s coming in several days to a week. Not today, though. Today’s list is just that… a list for today.
Baclofen: Here We Go Again
Ryan’s at it again today. He is getting another reduction to his baclofen dosage early this morning. This one comes just fifteen days since the last in late-December. I continue to push the limits with an aggressive schedule; by incrementally taking the daily volume down by 12.9%, from 155 mcg to 135 mcg. Of note, […]
It’s Like a Restoration Project
Here we go again. Another drug reduction is happening later this morning. Sure, I’m excited to see if anything positive comes of it, but I’ll be a nervous wreck for the next few days. By now I’m sure you all know the drill and I know I’m being redundant. It just helps to write about […]
Today, a new milestone will be achieved. Readership will surpass 800,000 views. Incredible! Fuddruckin’ amazing!
A Lot to Cover
Every now and then I have so much to tell you that a list is the best way to do it. Otherwise, the post would likely be unorganized and tough to read.