People are asking me if there is anything they can get me or Sue for the holiday. My answer is always the same. I tell them that we are good, but Ryan is not. He always needs something. Then I direct hem to his wish list and donation pages.
Even Sue and I don’t give each other gifts any longer. Well, not in the same way, that is. It’s just not practical to spend on ourselves when there is a greater need in our family. We both would feel guilty as hell. The concept of gift giving has taken on a whole new approach since Ryan was brutally beaten (by Austin Vantrease and Jonathan May, both of Newark, Delaware).
So, we compromise.

Ah, Merry Flippin’ Christmas!
It’s okay though. We like it this way. You won’t find me complaining that I’m not mopping the entire lower level floor any longer! Even better is it gives me an extra twenty to thirty minutes each day to work with Ryan. Time that we use to spend sweeping and mopping. You know what? It might just be the perfect gift… given our circumstances.
Of course, Sue picked it out. Hey, I’m just not that creative. Besides, I really didn’t even realize how close Christmas was until last week. But can you really blame me for not knowing since they have advertised for it since mid-October?
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Yesterday I checked my mail as usual and was surprised to see the Christmas card from your family. Goosebumps took over my body, wow, it made it more real than reading about Ryan and your family. I was so touched. I wish I lived closer, I would love to meet all of you . You all are true heroes in my eyes. I wish you all the best every day. I know Ryan doesn’t know me but please give him a hug from me and let him know he will never be forgotten from this mother of 2 in Morgantown I couldn’t imagine what I would do if it was 1 of mine. ♥♥
Michaela Hartley
Yesterday I checked my mail as usual and was surprised to see the Christmas card from your family. Goosebumps took over my body, wow, it made it more real than reading about Ryan and your family. I was so touched. I wish I lived closer, I would love to meet all of you . You all are true heroes in my eyes. I wish you all the best every day. I know Ryan doesn’t know me but please give him a hug from me and let him know he will never be forgotten from this mother of 2 in Morgantown I couldn’t imagine what I would do if it was 1 of mine. ♥♥
Michaela Hartley
Blessings to you & your family
Let us know how that mopping robot works. Sounds like a great concept and I hope it saves you and Sue time. We are thinking of you guys as we approach Christmas Holiday. Hope your family will all be together to enjoy each other’s company. Praying for Ryan every day. Thank Ryan for the beautiful Christmas card. It’s a very nice picture of him and Kari! God Bless you.
Got your Christmas Card Last night! Thank you and Merry Christmas to you all. We pray for your family and Ryan daily.
Got your Christmas Card Last night! Thank you and Merry Christmas to you all. We pray for your family and Ryan daily.
the order says it should be at your door dec.30 was wanting it before christmas but i guess i don’t get what i always want but it will be a late christmas gift to you guys Have a wonderful Christmas From our family to yours
Prayers for your family!
Hi Ken, as difficult as things are, you never lose your razor sharp wit – I don’t know how you do it, but I love that about you!! Keep staying the course … the holidays come and go, but we’re still here and we’re not going anywhere!
Sending you hugs, prayers, love and always hope
Thank you, your order has been placed.
An email confirmation has been sent to you.
Order Number: 104-1197926-9449023
1 item will be shipped to Ryan Diviney Wish List by Wholesale Health & Beauty Club. Estimated delivery: Dec. 24, 2013 – Dec. 30, 2013
Review or edit your order Just want to say Merry Christmas and God Bless you and your family
Merry Christmas to your Wonderful family
I concur Merry Flipping Xmas. I too want your vitamix and thank you Ken for the flu/cold. I don’t need this right now. Xmas is a day. I am always so happy when it is over. I love the decorating and baking and the parties but it is possibly one of the most depressing days of the year for me. Love to you all. Is Kari home yet?
Yes. Kari arrived home yesterday evening after her last final of the semester. Then, she promptly went to a friends birthday party. I just can’t compete with her social life!
Sorry dad she is becoming a young woman holding on to her childhood. She will always be your little girl.
Merry Floppin’ Christmas here. I know I got this bug from you, because the CDC says it all started in Virginia. Guilty as heck, you are. Who knew one could pass a bug VIA texting. LOL
Way behind around here on Christmas readiness. But, then, I always am. I think I got more done before I retired. I know many of you can relate. I did get a “thoughts” card in the mail for Ryan, but we may have to resort to Happy New Year cards this year. I hope you are feeling better, Ken, and no one else picked it up.The CDC says one can be contagious as long as a few weeks! :/ No kidding, CDC!
This is a tough time of the year for those in grief. For some of us, it on-going, especially as we age. Ken and Sue, I can relate to taking care of the ill, possibly terminally ill patient, just as many of us can. Praying that you and those going through the grief process, or never-ending grief, will find peace. It is, indeed, a tough time of the year, but we will “just do it” and keep looking up and moving forward. So, go make some cookies with Kari–and eat lots of them. Christmas is about cookies — and Jesus. Just ask anyone!
Merry Christmas to your sweet family!
Ken, I want one–or borrow yours. And a Vitamix!
God bless you and yours! Merry Christmas!! We will continue to uplift Ryan on prayer for ultimate healing!!