Ryan’s Rally Annual 5K Walk/Run was held on the campus of West Virginia University last Saturday morning!
The event was covered in local media and the University’s Newspaper, The Daily Athenaeum. What I love about the article is just how incredibly true it is in how the WVU and Morgantown communities unite in solidarity for one of their own. Without fail, they have keep Ryan’s legacy alive!
This event grows larger each year! It received a huge publicity boost from renowned WVU basketball coach Bob Huggins! Here is his Tweet:
My pre-race speech, presented by Daniel Brewster:
Today I say to West Virginia University, citizens of Morgantown, all who are participating, the Maniacs, and most of all, to Daniel Brewster:
Words can never express,
no act of gratitude can possibly represent,
no gift can ever repay…
what your love, dedication, and support have meant to me and my family.
Please know my heartfelt appreciation for everything you are.
Put one foot in front of the other.
Sounds easy.
Well, sometimes it’s not.
For those here this morning that have run before, they will tell you that what they do feels quite differently as a runner than as a spectator. Some are doing this for the first time. For those, they can only imagine what the feeling of crossing the finish line might feel like. Some wonder if they can even do it.
I’m here to tell you… you can. From what I’ve personally witnessed in my son, we can do more than we ever imagined.
Sure, like Ryan, some may experience setbacks and even falter along the way… and that’s okay. The sharp pain in your side might make you cringe. The burn in your lungs will make you gasp for air. That pebble in your shoe will make you limp. Some will stop and rest.
Never question your purpose. It’s always worth it.
No matter if you roll your ankle, just don’t give up! If not doable today, then don’t excuse yourself in the future. Allow yourself time to heal. To rest. To find your strength. Then, my friend, no matter how long afterwards, return to that spot on this course and, by damned, finish what you started.
Do it, even when no one is watching. Put your character at stake because there is no one worth proving this to more than yourself.
Success is worth it. The possibility of success is more so. It is what our principles, beliefs, morals, and values are built on… possibility.
You openly accepted this challenge. You are now obligated to see it through. Even before you put that first foot in front of the other take a second to remind yourself that this is not just 5,000 kilometers of asphalt you’re conquering.
Make no mistake, Mountaineers and the people of Morgantown are not quitters! How many times have they shown this to my family? Take this as the opportunity to prepare yourself for challenges in your life. Some of these you’ll freely accept, like running today. Others you’ll never want… never asked for… never wish on anyone.
My son, Ryan Diviney, is not a quitter. He’s a Mountaineer! He was given a burden that he hadn’t asked to endure. Today you are running a 5K in his honor and for his name’s sake. It is symbolic of his challenge.
Ryan is running a marathon… for his life. He runs this at a flat-out sprint speed. He puts one foot in front of the other despite the odds because he is a man of principle and worth.
So, as you hold my son up on this morning in the heart-touching display of solidarity for a fallen Mountaineer, please know that he does the same for you. You need look no further than my boy to show people the resolve of this community.
Ryan remains relevant today because of you, and people like you, who refuse to let people forget. Ryan is with you today because you opened you heart to him. He will stay with you as long as you allow.
– Ken Diviney
Anna says
Bob Huggins and Daniel Brewster are amazing individuals!
Paula says
Powerful, touching and inspiring speech, Ken!! You’re right about the WVU community too — they stand by their people, and that is a beautiful thing.
Sending you my love and prayers, hugs and always hope for Ryan.
debbie says
Love and prayers for ur family always from a fellow mountaineer.I admire ur strength and love for ur son. God bless you.
Rita says
What a beautiful speech, Ken! You and Ryan and the equally strong women in your family inspire so many people every day to stay strong and never give up. Divineys, like Mountaineers, are definitely made of the right stuff to persevere. Fight on, Ryan!
PK Miller says
What can I say, Ken? Such beautiful, powerful words…. I believe your love & care as much as Ryan’s indomitable will are keeping him alive. I’ve said many times, Ken, we DONT know what Ryan comprehends, cannot express. The human mind is a funny thing. Many times people awaken from comas, even surgical anesthesia remembering everything that happened, who was there.
Again, I know this seems glib, but those young men will face the Ultimate Judge. No lawyers, no appeals. Judged forever. Ryan and all of you, will be made whole in Christ. I don’t understand the mystery of human suffering, why bad things happen to good people & vice versa. Maybe the bringing together of thousands of people across the globe is part of God’s plan. It’s why we muddle through this life, struggling, hoping.
I just would say again, we hope you’ve done some estate planning for when you are no longer here. It’s all complicated–what isn’t–if something that must be done. Tim & I are finally doing that next week after a lot of urging by friends & my sister. When you have a child w/a disability, it’s especially important.
God bless.
PK & Tim
Gail Doyle says
Ken ,What a nice article in paper.Ryan is so loved and thought about. Wish we all could have walked or run in Ryan’s race .And a great post from you. WVU and Morgantown love all the Divineys and ,like us all,Ryan will always be relevant. “one foot in front of the other,even when it’s not easy”
love ,Gail