Our website now has a new section. You can see it in the menu above, called Commonly Asked. I’d like to title it something more catchy or descriptive, but this will do just fine for now.
Last night I researched what would work best, then got it up-and-running. Granted, it’s only a handful of responses but I feel good that the frameworks in place. One feature I love is that it allows any reader to share information — or remind me of something that we did with/for Ryan — that helps explain a response more beneficially. Actually, I’m relying on your help.
This new website section is meant to carry out two primary goals.
First, to offer a place for people to quickly find information about Ryan and brain injury (and everything that goes with it). For example, how many times have you noticed someone asking me about why his eyelids are stitched (mostly) shut? Heck, the last time it happened a longtime reader actually answered it before I could! What a wonderful feeling. Not only did it free time that I spent working with Ryan, but it was spot-on, concise, and immediate. Yessiree, I love that I was able to articulate it enough to have people completely understand. I love it even more that you cared enough to listen so attentively.Second, to make it easier on me by compiling the best possible responses to questions, information, and requests that I often receive. I wrote about this earlier this month in the article It Happens All the Time. If it turns out as hoped, there might come a day when I can simply give a link or cut & paste to give someone what they are searching to find. I just want it to be the best that it can.
One forum topic that might get interesting — I hope, anyhow — is What would you say?, where you can put put yourself in my shoes as I deliver the Victim’s Impact Statement to the Parole Board this July. The beauty of it is that Austin Vantrease and his family are there! They must listen, as do I when they speak. Like last year when his father, Bob, somehow thought talking about Austin’s attention to nutrition was crucially important [Read it here]. Or the year before that when Gale (family matriarch) apparently forgot the hearing concerned her son’s release only to dwell on the this website [Read it here].
Which reminds me. As this year’s parole hearing gets closer be ready for the Vantrease contingent to ramp up their trolling of this website. It has happened every year and why should we expect anything differently this year? It doesn’t matter to them that no one here likes them. Actually, I take that back… I think they enjoy stirring things up! It always comes back to bite the — HARD — at the parole hearing, but I really don’t think they can help themselves. Or, maybe, they just don’t care?
What can I say that I haven’t said before? Some people lack both hindsight and foresight. Some just never learn… consequences be damned!
David Chagnon says
Have so much respect for you and yours, as always looking for some possible break for you all!
Paula says
Hi Ken, I love that you’ve created a Question & Answer section. I am certain there are a great many souls who have all kinds of questions for you. Ryan’s reach goes very far.
Incoming off topic: When should Team Diviney start its letter writing campaign to the State of WVA Parole Board? Are we going to be signing a petition? I just realized it’s not that far off.
VanTrease clan, what has your family or your son done to provide help for the enormous physical and emotional suffering inflicted by Austin and company upon Ryan and his family? What specific actions have any of you taken to ameliorate the ongoing pain, heartache, exhaustion and sorrow created by Austin and his friend’s violence upon Ryan? As we have seen, actions speak louder than words — we have been witness to the horror of Austin’s actions and your family’s lack of effort to provide assistance to the Diviney family. The Parole Board will be reminded of your family’s obvious lack of concern, care and remorse. sigh
Ken, thank you for always finding new ways to keep Ryan at the forefront of our minds. Ryan deserves it, and it is a blessing to all of us on Team Diviney to share in what is happening in your lives.
Sending love, hugs, prayers and always hope, that comes fresh every morning with the rising of the sun.
Karyn Mandracchia Ahern via Facebook says
Likes this, Praying daily for Ryan and you whole Family <3 <3 <3 <3
PK Miller says
Great section, Ken. Actually just FAQ would have worked. If I were in your shoes and went to those thugs’ parole hearing I don’t know if I would be calm, collected, professional. God be with you all. And I have faith that God will “set all things right, in heaven and in earth!”
Stacy Davis says
Things the parole board needs to hear…..
How many times have we as parents said, “if I can only get through this week or day or project” the implication being there is a goal that when reached we can rest. Ken has no such luxury . Ken is stuck in a situation not of his own making nor was it Ryan’s. Two thugs placed Ken and Ryan in a state of forever. People talk about forever but truly don’t understand the concept so let me explain it as regards to this situation. Every day Ken must bathe, dress, and feed his son. He must provide therapy, make sure he empties his bowel and bladder and clean up after Ryan. His days and nights blur together and time is only a way of knowing to give meds or food or maybe a moment for Ken to take care of his own needs. This will not change. Eventually, you will get out of jail, you will work, you will marry and you will have children. Your life will change, you will change, you will grow up and grow old. Ryan is frozen in time and his dad has chosen to remain with him. That is Ken and Ryan’s forever. You could not do in one week all that Ken does in one day and right now you do not deserve the chance to even try.
Jean Dolan via Facebook says
Hope things are going ok with Ryan and all of you. WE in Iowa are getting deluged with rain this week. Are you getting any of it. Hugs to all.
Brenda says
What a great idea.I hope this gives you a little extra time in your day.as always your family is in my prayers.stay strong you are a inspiration to us all
Carol Corey says
Thank you for your dedication, to your son and your family. Also for standing up for your son in court! I wish I could be there in court. What hateful uncaring people they are in their lives and in these hearings. I hope the Board sees right through them.
Jen says
You freaking Rock!
jennifer says
I have so much to ask. However they just might seem harsh or offensive no out of nature just ignorance to the fact. So I am going to let others ask. But, i can say if anyone should get an award for dedication,love and loyality it sure would be you. Your family is inspirational and an example to us. I will continue to pray . God Bless
Ryan's Rally LLC says
Jennifer, you can always ask/reply anonymously if you fear offending.
jennifer says
Oh your amazing. I think i will. Xo
Gail Doyle says
Like this very much Ken and good luck with it
Jo Hobbs via Facebook says
Yes! Like this!