By my own doing, I exhausted myself… but had a wonderful time in the process!
I spent the entire day on Sunday with my daughter. We enjoyed the day at the ole’ ballpark to watch the Nationals play the Phillies. Then we spent the evening enjoying drinks at a local watering hole. By 10pm, we were washed up — so we thought — and headed home and sat out on the patio until midnight.
It was a great day!
But, I paid for it the next day. I was just so damned tired. Spending that long in the sun is draining. Even this morning I’m still a bit off.
Sue is equally tired. She really didn’t get to fully enjoy and relax on her holiday weekend. She had to get up early (something I normally do) after going to bed late. Oh, and this is on top of spending the day taking care of Ryan. Not even one second without the luxury of a mental break. Always on point.
I appreciate this so much because she did it for me and Kari.
Yesterday we took turns napping. At one point in the afternoon we were both feeling guilty about it. Why are we always so tired? It just never ends, but being thrown off our schedule magnified the effect. We both wanted the other to get rest, but needed it just as much.
I miss those lazy weekends when we could, without guilt, just close our eyes for a few hours. When we could do it at the same time, if we wanted.
Jen Lovelace says
It still amazes me the need for you and Sue to make sure the other is taken care of! Your marriage is one to emulate and cherish! I know Keri loved spending time with her Daddy. How is the court case going? Hopefully, it will provide you with break that all of you need that all of you so desperately. You are always in my heart and prayers. Much love to you, Sue, Ryan and Kari!
J.R. says
Who’s that strapping young man with Kari? If he’s a boyfriend, I’m sure you and Sue effectively screened him to make sure he’s worthy. You guys look great!
Carla Cushman Liberty via Facebook says
I’m hoping that any settlement you get will allow for some extra nursing staff a couple days per week. Even if only half-days…. Maybe then you could catch a nap / break here or there. Like Paula said, it hurts to read your post. I’m so sorry Ken. None of you deserve the life that’s been thrown at you. SHSP NGA
Viktoria Secrett via Facebook says
When was this picture taken?
Viktoria Secrett via Facebook says
I see improvement you have done so much it’s only going to get better God loves u
Gail Doyle via Facebook says
Never ,ever feel guilty about taking a rest ,Ken .You and Sue deserve a little,(no a lot) relaxation <3
Tracy Kathleen Clokey via Facebook says
Paula says
Hi Ken, painful to read — I could literally feel your’s and Sue’s fatigue through your description. It’s sad that you should have to pay such a price just to enjoy some time with your family. Ditto for Sue. I don’t have answers at the moment but I am praying. All of you deserve so much better.
To any judge or person who may be associated with handling the case of Ryan Diviney, please take this blog post to heart. Whatever monetary amount the Divineys might have filed in a civil case, it will never be enough. So at least rule that they get something more substantial than that which fits the definition of paltry, insufficient, unfair and downright unjust.
Sending you love, good thoughts, hope, prayers….rest as much as you can this week dear Ken. Please.
Jo Hobbs via Facebook says
I will say, however, if I were employed, I’d be calling out today. Just one of those days… …
Jo Hobbs via Facebook says
Time to check in with your physicians, dear hearts — speaking from experience. <3
Rita says
Ryan and Kari appreciate every moment that you and Sue spend with them, and neither would want you to feel guilty about trying to catch up on some much-needed rest whenever you can. Love you guys!