Ryan does hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) where he cycle thirty days on and thirty days off the treatment. He seems to enjoy doing this. At least I know it doesn’t bother him. It’s essential to his recovery but, damn, it eats up a lot of time. Three hours a day, broken into two sessions, to be exact.
What that means is that when he is using it there is absolutely no give in his daily schedule. Zero.

Ryan’s HBOT Chamber
He began his “on” cycle today. Honestly, I don’t even know how we get all his therapies in during these times. I really don’t! Still, it’s a good thing. It is so worth it. It means that Ryan is active and engaged. I believe that he is seldom bored. I keep him busy with all sorts of activities and therapies throughout the day and work in periods of relaxation.
It even continues when we get him into bed a night. For instance, we work on him holding his head up. We stretch his fingers and toes. This is also the time that my wife, Sue, crawls into bed next to him and talks to him, asking him to “talk” back; which is better characterized as “vocalizing”. This would be sounds like coos, grunts, and moans. Ryan does this periodically, but the past two nights he has done exactly that!
It’s encouraging.
Just Checking in. I check everyday, but don’t always write. This morning I saw an advertisement on TV about the Wounded Warriors home from the war. When I happened to look up to the TV a father was pushing a young man in a wheel chair, the young man was wearing a helmet, but otherwise he was dressed just like any other his age. It reminded me of Ryan. So young. It made me think of Ryan and ask myself what has our country come to? Ryan did not go off to war, he went off to college. Thinking of you always!
I believe that with the love and help and support from you guys is really helping his recovery and he must be strong willed? I do believe he will one day make a full recovery god bless you and your family and give ryan a kiss from me!
Very encouraging progress about the vocals. I interpret this as a sign he is wanting to communicate and I pray this is something that will continue to grow and develop. Good job working with him Mom and Dad.
Have you spent time in the chamber? I have heard it’s good for everyone as it floods the body with oxygen. It may give you even more energy than you have now, pretty cool.
You are rocking brain injury, if someone cared like this years ago and set a standard like this, perhaps Ryan would be years ahead from where he is now. I want to come to you and have you design a health plan for me. I don’t think I could not work out for a day because of your dedication. GO GO GO!!!!
I’ve only spent time in the chamber enough to understand the effects when it inflates and deflates.
Hi Ken,
Looks like all the therapy you’ve been providing for Ryan is paying off in spades!! Not only is his physical condition excellent, your efforts are helping to improve Ryan’s ability to vocalize. I’m sure Sue being with him at night is also very motivating for Ryan. It’s encouraging and it’s exciting!! As you explained to us before, Ryan’s brain scans continue to show healing, and now we’re not only seeing it we’re hearing it as well!! Time, determination, fortitude, innovation, and courage, in combination with Ryan’s personal strength and your family’s collective strength keeps Ryan moving forward!!!! Even though we’re not supposed to get too much into religion (or politics, etc etc) here, I still would like to say I also completely believe in the healing power of prayer as part of Ryan’s ongoing recovery. The wonderful people of Team Diviney are also a tremendous blessing. They have restored my faith in the good that each one of us is capable of doing. Ryan has restored my faith that with the right attitude and will, anything is possible. Thank you again for letting us be a part of your lives and Ryan’s journey of healing and restoration!!!
Sending you positive thoughts, fresh hope and bouquets of prayers blossoming in the sunshine of spring! Hugs, Paula
One day soon god will bring him back. With all the hard work u put it in the reward will be forever rewarding. God bless it entire family!!!!!
Hi, Ken.
I just sent you an email; please read.
Lakeland, FL
Ryan is so blessed to receive all the therapies and stimulation he does in the comfort of his own home from his own family <3
I’m having trouble posting directly under your post. Curser won’t move to “comments.” This is the reason I posted here.
This is good to know. I wondered if he was O.K. whith the hyperbaric therapy, and if you play music or white sound. I wouldn’t like it, since I am claustrophobic!
How about this weather?! Ryan will have to get his muffler and gloves on this morning, but it will warm up to 65 later, they say.
Have a great day, and know we are running with you all the way and NGA. Love and prayers.
Keeping Ryan in my prayers……