Every now and then I use something written by another as a “Guest Post”. Mostly this is just a wonderful email that someone wrote to me and touched my heartstrings, but other times it is presented to me as an article.
I thought it might be a great feature to add regular Guest Posts. Say, every Saturday or Sunday. Readers then could look forward to enjoying insights and opinions from others who follow our website.
This website has a HUGE readership, no doubt. It is mainly made-up of those I deemed as smarty-pants. You know, intelligent people who emotionally “get it”. One need look no further than the comments section after any post to realize this. How great would it be for those smarty-pants to write a post… and have all the other smarty-pants comment? For me, I thrive on reader comments and freely share everything that is written with Ryan.
If you do write an article, you are protected in two ways. First, by the umbrella of Ryan’s Rally LLC, just like I am. Whether you know it or not, this umbrella even offers you a certain degree of protection when you fire off a comment. Second, by the Constitution of the United States. Let’s not be too quick to forget that I defended this website from being shut down by a restraining order when Austin Vantrease (or his mom, maybe?) didn’t like what was on it and filed a motion in the Federal Courts. Read about it here.
Freedom of speech, baby!
My only request… stay on topic. Specifically, to the theme(s) of this website. Meaning, don’t push politics, religion, or a special agenda. That’s not to say a person can’t use these (heck, I have myself) to support their article, but it should be used in context.
So, here are just a few suggested topics that I find interesting, but you may write about anything:[list type=”check”]
- What is learned about coma-like person’s life from this website?
- Why do some people come out of nowhere to help, while some of those who were closest seem absent?
- Does a person in Ryan’s condition still keep his previously known values, beliefs, wishes, and desires and must they be carried out in lieu of the current circumstances? (I say HELL YES!).
- What made you want to help (or follow) Ryan?
- As a parent, how would you want to (and could you) handle a situation like ours? What wold you do the same or differently?
- Does forgiveness inherently facilitate “moving on”?
- What have you learned, through this website, on handling tragedy?
Even if you’re not inclined to write a Guest Post, please share any topics for others to write about that you find interesting.
The best way to get a post to me is through email. Please send it to kdiviney@ryansrally.org as an attachment.
Finally, I might not use what you send to me. But, I probably will.
Joyce G says
This is a great idea, Ken! I, too, would love to read stories from others who have had a life changing moment because of Ryan. I would also like to read stories about anything that includes Ryan his life prior to the incident from family and friends. It would be interesting to read something from some of his medical team also. Love to you all, Joy
Gail Doyle says
Sounds good ..(A second career for you Ken too !).Keep writing after Ryan is better.I
read your posts over and over.
Guest posts would be nice once in a while to get other peoples feeling also
Love gail
Ryan's Rally: We Got This via Facebook says
Fixed the posts comment section. Sorry about that!
Paula says
Hi Ken, I would love to read about experiences family and friends have had with Ryan so I could get to know him better. It would be interesting for me to hear about what his philosophy of life is, fun things he did with his family and friends — “memorable moments with Ryan” kind of thing. Many of us on Team Diviney didn’t meet your family until a few years ago, so it would help us to learn more about Ryan.
Would also like to hear about innovative fundraising activities readers have been involved with. It’s important to keep the momentum going in order to maintain Ryan’s current level of health (top quality), as well as be able to delve into new technology to help Ryan communicate. So little of this is covered by insurance, and yet if people such as Ryan never get the chance to use it, it is for naught. Progress can only occur if those who are in need of this kind of assistance have the opportunity to use it.
I also enjoy reading personal accounts about how people manage to cope with these life altering experiences. Quiet heros walk among us and they inspire me endlessly when I find them. ahem.
Sending love, hugs…..prayers for health, happiness, peace
Jo Hobbs via Facebook says
(Dang, wasn’t finished yet!) be surprised if you are sought after to teach writing. just sign me, “love my home computer’s big keyboard!
Jo Hobbs via Facebook says
Great idea, Ken! I really like your choice of some topics. you are a wonderful writer, and I wouldn’t