I need a United States Civil Rights Attorney… now!
For Ryan’s sake.
I believe Ryan’s civil rights are in jeopardy of being violated. Mine too, for that matter. I have every reason to believe and assert this as true. Every sign clearly points to: 1) he (and myself) are in serious jeopardy of being denied his civil rights outright, and 2) he is being discriminated against because of his disability.
For now I must keep this extremely vague. I don’t even want to say the party or parties I’m claiming is doing this to my son. All I must ask is that you allow me to be nebulous with my promise that I will tell you everything when I can; probably next month. Fair?
If nothing else, I’ve proven that I share everything (my opinion and the truth as I understand it)… be it good or bad. I honestly think this is one of the reasons — albeit not a big one — people take a-hankering to what I write. No sugar-coating.
Real and raw!
For now, what I can broadly convey is I’m seeking protection to what guaranteed in the United States Bill of Rights (the first 10 amendments to the Constitution). Ryan is disabled, but he is still a citizen of the United States and deserves the same rights and protection as anyone else. By damned, his current condition does not change that. Not one Fuddruckin’ iota! In fact, there are strong laws — like the American’s with Disabilities Act — that expressly make sure he is granted protection like any other average Joe.
Here’s the thing too… all I want is his equal protection. Not special protection. Not exception. I’m not asking that he get more than any other citizen of the United States.
Please contact me if you know of a specific attorney and/or civil rights group contact that wants to make legal history with me… and for Ryan… and everyone else that needs protection. I’m not joking either. This is Supreme Court worthy, if I need to take it that far. I sure hope that will not happen. But, if it does, the fight is so powerfully worth it.
I will never roll over on this. My resolve has been tested many times and in so many ways that I know this of myself. I’m equally proud and scared that I am this way. Justice must never be sacrificed at any cost; be it financial, time, or otherwise. Ryan firmly believed this. It’s a core value our family has always embraced, lived, and expected from others. I suppose it might sound silly to some, but our family actually debated and decided upon our guiding, core values. We even resolved what happens when a circumstance arises where these core values conflict. Anyone who knows me, Ryan, Sue, or my daughter will tell you we are people of principle! Sheesh, hasn’t that been demonstrated enough for me to hang my hat on?
Just as my country’s Founding Fathers, over 230 years ago, I too hold these truths to be self-evident… that all are endowed with certain unalienable rights. It’s not just the law, it’s the supreme law of the land and supersedes all others!
I’m taking up this fight because of Ryan. My motive is all about him. Still, the importance will inherently extend to every United States citizen. Ryan’s life, because of this, remains relevant. It’s more relevant than ever! He has the potential to make history and serve humanity in a profound and lasting way.
If forced down this path, can I count on you support?
protection and advocacy agencies have the authority to provide legal representation and other advocacy services, under all federal and state laws, to all people with disabilities (based on a system of priorities for services).
Virginia Office for Protection & Advocacy
1910 Byrd Ave,Suite 5
Richmond, VA 23230
Toll Free: (800)552-3962
Direct: (804)225-2042
TTY: (804)225-2042
Fax: (804)552-7057
No lawyer advice but you have my prayers that you find a lawyer and are successful.
GOD bless! Keep the faith! …We’ve got your back! : )
I highly recommend that you contact Jay Sekulow, Cheif Counsel with the ACLJ – The American Center for Law and Justice: http://aclj.org/ (Great potential for National TV/Radio/Web exposure!)
Ryan and your family remain in our prayers! Please keep us posted!
GOD bless! Keep the faith…keep us posted! We’ve got your back!
I highly recommend that you contact Jay Sekulow, Cheif Counsel with the ACLJ – The American Center for Law and Justice: http://aclj.org/
Ryan and your family remain in our prayers!
Standing beside Ryan to support him.
Standing behind Ryan because I got his back.
Standing in front of Ryan to take the bullet.
No Fear.
God’s blessings to all in the Diviney Family and keep fighting the Good Fight!
There’s never a question here in the Carolina’s! Ryan we are carrying you too!
Kick some butt, Ken! You know that we’ve always got your back!
You know that I will always support what is best for Ryan, and you for that matter. I don’t know of any Disability Lawyers (you would think I would), but I will reach out to some people that I know and see if there is anything I can do to help. Much love always~
Well that’s a big AMEN from my corner of the universe <3
got your back
Right behind you! SHSP
With you. Always.
can you count on us!? come on now! this isn’t our first rodeo 😉 just another villain SuperDad Diviney and trusty side kick Duke have to take down!
xxo team Diviney
Absolutely… Keep pushing.. there’s a lot of people on your side
I wish you all the very best in whatever you are out to achieve for Ryan/disabled/TBI I can only support you from here as I am in Australia….xx
Ken .Will definitely be behind you in every way…So sorry you all have to go through
more challenging situations . You have enough already
love gail
http://www.gloriaallred.com/ I say when you go, go big. I do not like her because of some of the cases she takes (the Octomom for examples) but she has a lot of PR behind her and she is VERY high profile, which could be good for you. It never hurts to ask. Good luck to you!
got your back……one day your fight in the courts may help my son wally
Ken, it truly breaks my heart that you HAVE to fight so many battles and not just focus on Ryan and your family. We will always support you and your family. Sincerely, The Gallaghers
Depending on the information you can convey to others (prior to letting us all know), you can approach advocates in the media who take up causes like this. One person that comes to mind is Bill O’Reilly. He is an advocate for Jessica’s Law and is trying to get that instituted in every state. He sticks up for the people who are wronged by illegals who commit serious crimes against humanity and are not prosecuted because they live in “sanctuary cities.” I would think he would be a true advocate for Ryan. I will ask attorney friends for recommendations. And Jo is right, there is always the ACLU.
With you All the way.
Right beside you
Of course you can count on Team Diviney for our full support! We have a couple of high-powered attorneys in our family, but idk if they’re licensed to practice outside of PA. We’ll ask their advice..
Absolutely–I am with you all the way, Ken and Team Diviney. SH SP NGA, Love, Annie
Always with you!
We are spreading the word in Northern KY of your sons story. I recently ran across this story and hope the Justice System will not fail you as it us! I’m praying for you and your family. We too have started an army on an issue in our county where three pedestrians were struck leaving a church fair, when a driver swerved off the road and hit my best friend, her brother, and his wife. Lorazepam, adderall and marijuana were all found in the drivers system and not only was she not arrested but wasn’t even cited for anything. One of those pedestrians did not make it through the night and left behind a 8 month old baby girl. If there is anything we as a community in Northern KY can do please let us know. We will stand behind you! I hope you get justice for your son. Your family is such an inspiration!
Ken- maybe contact someone at UVa School of Law? Sad that whatever it is has precipitated this, but know you have an army of people behind you.
With you
Absolutely, you have my full support. You know you can call/text anytime 🙂
You sure can count on us, and if no one else wants to tackle this, there’s always the ACLU. I hope this is settled quickly without causing further grief. Always here for you.