Last Friday Ryan and I drove over to our new office to sign the lease and get the keys. Technically, operations don’t start until March 15th, but I’m in now! In fact, I write to you today from our space. Right now there’s not much to speak of since we literally only have (something that resembles) a desk, a chair, and a small round end table. Oh, and a printer that did not sell at the De-Clutter for the Divineys Mega Yard Sale. I hope I can get it all hooked-up and working. For the next few days I’ll be keeping most things in the box they cam in and grabbing them as needed.
Over the weekend I made multiple trips to deliver boxes with the supplies and equipment needed to take care of Ryan while here. It’s a good start and we can function just fine. It’s also clear I need to get some storage and shelving. I’ll dig through our garage and extra bedroom to see if I might find something that’ll fit the bill. I need stuff to put stuff in!
I was also contacted by a cabinet-maker who will provide a conference table (about 8′ long) and some base cabinets and counter top where I can prepare Ryan’s foods and medicines. Now I just need to run down a half-a-dozen chairs to place around the table. Aside from that I have some other leads that I’ll follow this week.

Ryan’s Rally LLCs physical location.
By now I’m guessing you can tell I’m keeping overhead to a minimum. I use my personal WiFi for internet access and Google Voice for a business telephone/text line (571-305-2662). We’re taking a “shoestring” budget to a whole new level! Hey, someday I expect Ryan’s Rally LLC will make enough money to pay for these (luxuries), but it’s just not today. I also must tell you, I like starting from nothing and seeing how far we can take this. Like every time before, I’ll need your help. Please think of Ryan when you’re throwing out an old bookcase or matching office chairs.
This week will be all about getting the space more functional. I’m planning on spending at least six hours each day this week — and over the weekend — here with Ryan. Like today, I plan on getting here before ten o’clock and leaving before the five o’clock rush hour nightmare hits. Even though we’re just five miles from home, it’s on heavily congested roads when people are making their ways home. By the end of the month I expect we’ll be at the office for ten hours because I’ll wait until after rush. I wish I could do it all here but some of his other activities must be performed at home… for another four or five hours.
I’m thinking that the end-of-the-month is about the time when we’ll start bringing people in to begin knocking-out all the projects I have in mind.
The new business address is: Ryan’s Rally LLC, 207 E. Holly Ave., Suite 211, Sterling, VA 20164. It’s located on the second floor of the Sterling Professional Building, between the Shell Gas Station and Getty Mart. If you would, please send me a text if you’re thinking of swinging by so I can make sure we’re here and Ryan is okay for guest.
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I heart this. 🙂
Ken, I just sent you a link to your email from Craigslist for some chairs that I found. I’m assuming they are available or the post would be taken down. If you see something that you think will work, I’d like to arrangement to help. I’ll send you a separate email directly. I hope it will work out. Jeannette
Great idea!
Ken, Wishing you and Ryan the best of luck on your venture. Know ,with your determination, all will come together and Ryan will be wearing his bow tie .
🙂 love Gail
Please keep me in mind, I would love to volunteer a few hours for you, I’m not sure what you need help in but would love to help anyway I can
What type of chairs are you wanting for around the conference table? Craigslist can be a goldmine (I’m sure you have thought about this) for little to nothing in regard to desks, chairs, couches, office “stuff”…Many are like new in excellent condition that people want to get rid of due to a move or business closing or whatnot…So it’s all about timing to get something for a steal:0) About to search now for you…
Good news right here!
This is good news right here! I am sure there will be donations of needed “stuff.” Wishing Ryans Rally the best of luck. Hope to stop in but will call ahead. Love and prayers always.
‘Scuse me! Ryan’s Rally LLC
CONGRATULATIONS KEN AND RYAN!!!!! Another beginning of great new things to come!!! I am so excited for you!!!
Love, hugs, prayers as always