Today’s post must be short. I only have a matter of minutes before back over to the conference. Even with a full day of speakers remaining, I’m already calling the “Finding Consciousness” conference here at Duke University a huge success. I am being treated so well. Thank you, Duke, for your kindness.
The university, through this conference and additional social activities, has offered so much. I took advantage of everything it offered.
For me, it has validated what I’ve personally observed with Ryan. It let’s me know I in step with the latest medical and scientific advances. It has, by all measures, confirmed I am doing all I can for my son. I’ll write much more about the conference. I need time to process everything. Two things I don’t need to process are that I made some remarkable connections with prominent people and the purpose of Ryan’s Rally LLC is further refined. These two outcomes, on their own, are indeed worth the trip.
As great as this is, I’m yearning for home. Really, it’s true that there’s no place like it.
I’m just half-a-day away from donning my trademark cutoff sleeve scrubs. The ultimate in comfort! This might be crazy, but I can’t wait to give up this wonderful hotel bed for my spot on the couch.
God Bless you, Ken, what an incredible time for you…SHSP NGA…Love, Annie
Welcome home, Ken!!!
Sounds like a wonderful trip! But alas, there truly is no place like home. Looking forward to hearing all about the conference! Sending love to you, Sue, Ryan and Kari.
<3 carla
Great to hear the conference is meeting your expectations, and then some! The contacts you are making will create a network you can connect with after you leave. So happy this opportunity presented itself. I believe God is helping you and Ryan and thank Him for it.
P.S…..So happy the new web site you designed has spell checker for posting.
Cant wait to hear all the exciting Information. Safe travels!!
Ken , Good to hear all is going well…Miss reading your blogs too Safe trip home
Awesome! Can’t wait to hear about the trip. How about a pic of you all dresses up at the conference Professor Diviney, just so we know you really did not wear the scrubs.
Duke is in my home state! They are on notice — how to treat you well — your favorite beer, how you like your steak cooked, serve potato salad and banana pudding with every meal, don’t cook with fat-back and no biscuits and sausage gravy for breakfast, but fried chicken is good anytime! NC takes good care of the friends of their own! 😉 Miss ya! Never thought I could miss reading a
blog. 🙂
Hi Ken, I can’t wait to hear about the conference!! I’m sure it will take you some time to process it all the information. We are all so excited about your experiences there. It must be a good feeling to have it confirmed by the best in the field that you have been doing everything you can for Ryan. I am eagerly waiting to hear as much as you would like to tell us!!! Praying for a smooth trip back, and I know both Ryan and Sue will be very happy to have you back home with them…and of course Duke and Tucker too. Sending you love, prayers and hugs — and — happiness that this trip was such a success!! Paula
So glad the conference has been a great positive for you! You are so dedicated and I hope you get comfy soon!
You aren’t crazy. You’re a parent, come what may.
“Our children are like having our heart outside of our body”! Nuff said:0)
Peace and Love to you, Sue, Ryan and Kari.