Last week I was contacted by the Morgantown, WV newspaper, The Dominion Post, for a story they wanted to run on Ryan. The newspaper apparently follows my website and read last weeks post, IBRF Neurologist: Ryan Voluntarily Responds, where I wrote about the doctor telling me he believes Ryan is responding. If I recall correctly, it was Friday that I spoke to the newspaper. I found out yesterday that the article ran on the front page on Sunday.
Here is an excerpt from the beginning of the article. Since I don’t want to break any copyright laws, just click on the “Read Entire Article” button after the excerpt to see the full story. It is well done and worth reading.
Ryan Diviney Improving
Dad: Doctor said son is voluntarily responding
Ken Diviney isn’t one to jump to conclusions. He’s always hesitant to read too much into perceived improvements his son, Ryan, may or may not be making in his battle to shake the vegetative state he’s been in for three years now.
Although it may seem sometimes that Ryan is responding in some small way, Ken also knows some things that look like reactions might be coincidence.
And he never wants to get his hopes up. But lately, others have noticed a difference in Ryan. Even Ken is cautiously excited.
[button color=”blue” background=”#COLOR_CODE” size=”large” src=””]Read Entire Article[/button]This article was well-received. It brought even more readers to this website. People are emailing me. Texting me. Reaching out to me. It’s a wonderful thing that Ryan’s story continues to grow. Yes, he remains relevant. As does his attackers.
Tony says
Good news coverage and keeps Ryan relevant. We continue our prayers for his recovery.
Josh says
Hi Ken, I have never posted on your site before, but I personally knew Ryan and knew how great of a guy he was. He helped me to feel welcome when many did not. I want you to know that everyday I think of Ryan and check up to see how he is doing. Today as I was surfing the web, I came across an article on treating Alzheimer’s. I was immediately intrigued since I seem to know one to many people that have had to deal with this horrible disease. When I was reading the article, I immediately thought of Ryan and how this could possibly help him since he seems to be so close. You probably already know about this, but I wanted to pass this article along and maybe you can be on the forefront of a cutting edge treatment yet again! I normally wouldn’t post, but I feel moved to and this could be a sign that I didn’t want to ignore.
Paula says
Hi Ken, the headline alone was enough to pump up our hopes even higher for Ryan!! Though we may risk disappointment when we allow ourselves to hope in something that means so much to us — we also inject the power of our belief into the situation. Our faith is challenged and we make a deliberate choice — to choose hope or give up. Because you and your family have never given up on Ryan, we can read this headline today!! I’ve always believed the Lord is with you and your family, in spite of how it may seem. Though it sounds cliche, broken hearts do get mended, in time. As long as love is in the mix, and we hold onto it above all things, the darkness can be defeated.
I agree with you that this article was very well done. Hats off to the author, and thank you to all the wonderful people of Morgantown, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Virginia, all across the country and even around the world. Thank you for caring; it does make a difference, as you can see.
Wishing you and Ryan a good day, Ken, and praying for more and more signs of healing in the coming days.
Love, hugs, prayers abiding
Ginger Henry via Facebook says
Rita Caporicci Hoop via Facebook says
This is awesome. For the record though, hasn’t Ryan’s condition been upgraded from “vegetative state” to minimally conscious? Because that progress in his recovery alone is huge and gives every reason for hoping that he will continue to heal and regain consciousness.
Gail Doyle says
A great article Ken, Little by little Ryan is coming back to you all..He is doing SO well and we will keep praying .A hug for Ryan
Rita says
Woo-hoo! Ryan and his progress are very big deals indeed. Onward to victory!
Jo Hobbs via Facebook says
Kenneth! Your headline almost gave me a heart attack! Thank God, it is good news! 🙂 <3
Lorraine Lundqvist via Facebook says
Love all of these updates. I am so optimistic and happy and believe this news. I remember months ago when we visited and you were talking about the day you and Ryan bought the TV together. I didn’t want to say something then but he started to move around and seemed agitated, almost like he wanted you to know he was there. You and your family are just simply unbelievable. Can’t wait to catch up with you again. For now I need to get over the bronchitis. I need to be sanitized before walking near Ryan!