Sue celebrates a Redskins touchdown with Ryan.
There are three short videos I’d like to share with you that were shot in the past week. The first is Kari as she continues the long-standing tradition of putting the angel atop the Christmas tree. Let’s just say it never goes smoothly and this year was no exception. The next is of Ryan sampling Christmas dinner. I know how much everyone loves seeing these. Finally, is one taken Saturday night as Sue and Ryan were next to each other in his bed. Sue was talking to him about the Redskins – Cowboys game to be played the next day (the de facto NFC East Championship game). Ryan’s facial expression is hilarious!
I thought this would be a fun way to end the year… with a smile or two.
Okay, let’s start with Kari and the ornamental angel that has topped our Christmas tree for as long as I can remember. Each year on Christmas eve the kids would take turns placing the angel on the tree. A fun, little tradition that always put the tree at risk of tumbling down. It never failed that I would have to step in and save Christmas!
This year we had a much smaller tree, just six feet high. The outcome was the roughly the same.
I’ll add all these videos to the Photo/Video Gallery.
This next one is of Kari giving Ryan samples of Christmas dinner.
Finally, the following video is the night before the big Redskins game. All I can say about this one is Ryan certainly gets his game face on!Watch how he reacts as Sue speaks of Dallas around the 2:30 mark.
I hope you enjoyed watching these. It has been my pleasure to write to you in 2012 and I sincerely appreciate that you keep coming back. I’m glad to have the year behind me, though Ryan made some great strides in his recovery. Here’s to looking forward to 2013. I hope all my big plans for the year pan out. I know I will need you to make this happen. Please stay with us!
Great to see the videos and thank you for posting them. I really liked seeing that Ryan clearly recognized his Mom and his attempts to talk with her. It’s also clear he did not like hearing about Dallas. God Bless you guys.
Great videos. The last one brought tears to my eyes. Sue you are so strong and a wonderful mom.
God bless you!
Wonderful videos, thank you so very much for sharing them with us, Ken!! What a great way to get ready for the New Year — I am so inspired by Ryan and your whole family. I love Ryan’s responses to the delicious food, and also to the Redskins vs. Dallas — it brings joy to my heart! Cheers to a year of continued blessings and miracles!!
Hugs, love and prayers always – Paula
Happy New Year guys!!!
Tell Ryan I feel the same way about the Cowboys, lol
Sending xoxoxooxxo to all
Thanks for posting the videos Ken. They are great and SO HAPPY the Redskins won last night!! I’m sure y’all were hooting and hollering with Ryan!! #HTTR!!!! Happy New Year – I know 2013 is going to be a great year for all of us, especially Ryan and the whole Diviney family. Love to you all – xoxo!!
So enjoyed watching the videos! Warms my heart to see the love and devotion of your beautiful family. God Bless You all.
Thanks for sharing! Will continue to pray for Ryan’s recovery.
So enjoyed your videos!! It really seems like Ryan is more responsive facially especially when he tastes his Mama’s cooking!!! So happy for your family with all the blessings this year!! Praying for a wonderful 2013 for your family with Ryan’s healing as the biggest miracle!!!! In Him!! 🙂
It was great to see your family enjoying the holidays ! Ryan looks great and although I am a Giants fan I am glad he got the Redskin win last night.
Seeing Ryan respond — really respond — to all kinds of stimuli (and all expressions of his family’s deep love and devotion to him) is amazing, and hugely significant! We will continue to do all we can to support you in Ryan’s recovery throughout 2013. (And apparently his game face was quite effective!)
Ken, Great videos… Ryan looks good and he was enjoying food tasting and was so trying to say something about game. Dad to rescue with Angel:)
Hoping only good things happen in 2013 (Ryan’s Year) and wishing you all a Healthy ,Happy ,Safe, Informative and Healing New Year!!!
love Gail
Ken, Sue, Kari and Ryan, thank you so much! Love and Happy New Year to each of you. It is amazing that Ryan knows what is going on after what he has been through, and I have some deep emotions going on over here myself! I try not to cry, but really they are tears of joy that Ryan has come so far and knowing that he will come back to us. He will! I feel it!
Love and prayers for all.
The Dallas face is fantastic! 😉 Much love to all of you…