No, Means No… Dammit!
It’s another defeat for Austin Vantrease and his Morgantown, WV attorney, Heather Noel (MacCorkle, Lavender & Sweeney, PLLC). News accounts this morning are reporting a federal judge upheld the lower court’s denial of the Vantrease request to get his hands on the list of everyone who ever donated to my son’s care and treatment. As I see it, this ruling should essentially resolves this stupidity (as I see it) once-and-for-fuddruckin’-all.
I suppose they could take it to the United States Supreme Court, but that would be laughable. Still, not as much of a joke as trying this stunt in the first place… oh, in my opinion. Let’s make no mistake, it did not play well in the eyes of society that a convicted violent offender wanted good and decent folks personal information. People who simply wanted to help a young man who’s essence was literally beaten out of him.
What’s That Mean to You?
This means that you may give to someone in need without fear or concern from felons getting your information. Federal legal precedence was set, which I’m happy to instrumental in the eventual outcome, but I certainly didn’t appreciate being a part of the process. It’s still crazy to me to think the Vantrease contingent thought this was a good idea. Cads they are, I do declare!
I haven’t run the numbers, but it sure feels like there’s been a chilling effect on the financial support for Ryan. I wonder if it harmed others who rely on the goodness of caring people? I bet it did. I really do.
Take That, Vantrease!
No, it was met with public outrage. People are crying “foul” and it is being handled sternly with monumental support to keep Austin Vantrease in prison. No remorse is one thing. Kicking a man when he’s down is another. This, to me, is nothing short of using the legal system to administratively do what he physically did to my son on that tragic night in November 2009. It just makes things worse. Well, it certainly doesn’t make anything better. Can we all agree on that?
Tony says
Excellent! Common sense and decency prevails.
Eric Pain says
I will openly tell this family I donated to your cause against his. He sucks keep up the great work!
Jo says
This is a relief, Ken, although only to some relief. Nowit leaves me wondering what they will try next. Any ideas? I am not surprised at anything after this annoyance.
Always here for you. Love and prayers and not ever going away.
Gail Doyle says
Ken ,Who could have believed that would have happened…Never heard of before and know we”ll never hear of it again…..Stupidity to me . Would never stop me to contribute!!!
Hope all is well with Ryan
‘love Gail
Anna says
Great news! How can the Vantrease family continue to pay this lawyer to smear their name even more with these lawsuits? Who thinks up these ideas for lawsuits to waste their money when it can be going to care for Ryan and making some good will?
willorvilleWill N says
Don’t they have to continue to pay a lawyer for all this stuff they are trying. And it is a joke that their lawyer takes the money I would think.
My prayers continue for Ryan and his family.
Vanessa says
That is great news! This is very puzzling as to why they want the supporters’ information because they have nothing to do with why we have been led in our hearts to help Ryan. I am a Christian, very reasonable middle age 🙂 African American woman, and I tell you, that bought out the ghetto anger in me to think that this incredibly stupid young man and his family would continue to harass you and your family like this during this time of dedication to your son. It made my blood boil a little, but I prayed, and I am fine now. God bless!
Jeannette Hennett says
High Five and a Hug Diviney’s!!!
Vantrease, “Stupid Is As Stupid Does”..You’ve proven that time & time again. Asotruckinlutely!
Gloria says
I know that the attorney is supposed to defend to the best of their ability, but I truly believe that this woman needs a reality check. I certainly would not want my name associated with hers or her firm!
Ken, the new format is great.
Carla says
Leesa, I think for two reasons….. (1) to reduce any amount owed in the civil lawsuit (or maybe the restitution in the criminal one that he and John May were ordered to pay). (2) To wear Ken down. I could be wrong but those are my best guesses.
I’m with you – the courts did make the right decision. And yes, not only no, but HELL NO! 😀
Ken and family – great news!!!!
Hugs from across town,
Carla & family
Paula says
Hello Ken, I’m very sorry to hear of the possibility that Vantrease’s latest scummy attack on your family may have caused folks to reconsider making contributions towards Ryan’s care. I am praying that during this season of hope, many will choose to celebrate by contributing to the Ryan’s Rally fund. Ryan has been working so hard, and has gone through so much in his young life, he deserves everything we can do to help him.
The same goes for your family, you have all suffered so much heartache throughout the last three years, you deserve an abundance of love, caring and kindness. Team Diviney has always stepped up to provide support and in my heart I believe it will continue to do so. Everyone, please take a moment to tell a friend or neighbor about Ryan’s story. With each new person who joins us, we become stronger and better able to help our boy recover!
Wishing you and Ryan a peaceful day, and sending you love, good thoughts, hugs and prayers.
April Pierson via Facebook says
That is wonderful!!
Leesa Modesitt says
why would they want that info anyway? That makes no sense to me. He is a violent criminal and he should rot behind bars never to see the light of day again. What is his motivation for wanting that info anyway? Thank GOD the courts made the right decision and thank GOD that no actually does mean no! SHSP RYAN!!!!! We love you and support you 100%!
Rita Caporicci Hoop via Facebook says