I am so looking forward to this upcoming week. Thanksgiving was always my favorite holiday. In the United States we celebrate it next Thursday. I guess, in some ways, it still is my favorite. I have much to be thankful for in spite of everything. Probably more than almost any other person. It’s simple why this is so. It has everything to do with all of you.
On this day I will remember you. And everything you do — and have done — for my family. For me, Thanksgiving will entirely celebrate you. I’ll pull up an extra chair to the table to represent everyone who has helped us along the way. This chair will be a the head of the table. I promise, you will be the guest of honor. My toast will be to you. Like always, Sue will give thanks for you in prayer.
She gets down on her knees and thanks God for you more than you could imagine. Thanksgiving makes it even more special.
Sue will put out a feast and prepare a plate for you. This I know because she does it for every holiday meal. Symbolic, yes, but powerful. I’ll try to hold it together. Not cry at least. Because, with great thanks, come great humility. It is reminder that I can never begin to repay you for all your gifts, support, love, concern, wisdom, effort, prayers, and protection.
Collectively, I know this entity — what you are — as Team Diviney. Even though I lost faith, it is the one thing that causes me serious doubt. I envision it as angelic. That’s what I see in my mind. An insanely beautiful women dressed in flowing white linen with majestic wings. Long hair the color of flaxseed. A golden aura pulsating with all that is good. An essence of hope that is felt, but not seen.
Silly… I know. Sappy… absolutely.
But, it’s how I feel. If ever there were living angels on earth it would be all of you (and Sue).
I feel this all the time. In fact, I literally just dropped to a knee as I type what I’m about to say.
Please, I’m begging you, don’t ever leave us. We need you. We have nothing that even comes close to offer in return. Nothing! We never will. It’s embarrassing. You willingly and freely took on a burden. Sue might be deserving of this, but I certainly am not. I wish I had been a better man to others in need when I had the chance. More than a few times I looked the other way and now I hope for what I was unwilling to do. A hypocrite in every sense of the word that doesn’t deserve you. Oh, how insensitive and foolish I was. I hate my former self for being this way. But, I did it and I own up to it. Please forgive me if I turned my back on you when I could have made a difference. I will understand if you don’t and acknowledge it was of my own doing. I missed my opportunity to help a fellow-man. I don’t think I’ll ever have this chance again and this tears me up inside.
It took tragedy to change how I behave, but you all do this so unselfishly. You will never live with the torment I know all too well. You are amazing people for doing what is good and decent for its own sake. This way of thinking would have been lost on me just three years ago. I wouldn’t have gotten it in the least. Now I know, this world is so much better because you are in it.
So is Ryan.
Don’t miss Sue’s article, Family. It’s What We Do. Already did? It’s worth another look as we head into Thanksgiving!
Rita Brogan Lundstrum via Facebook says
yes, we are good people, but you Ken, with the way you write and express your feelings, I feel, has made me an even better person. Every time I come back to this site and read something you have written I am amazed. Like I said before, if everyone read your stuff, there would be peace in the world.
Tony says
Your family will be in our Thanksgiving prayer. Thanksgiving and Christmas are my favorite holidays and it’s because it is a purpose for bringing the family together. I believe you put videos up a year ago on Ryan tasting some food; hope you do that again this year. I am thankful to read Ryan’s brain is healing as we all continue our prayers for his healing. I truly believe that God is helping Ryan and your family. I wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving and God bless you.
ryansrally.org says
I’ll post a video or pictures!
Jo says
Like you, Ken, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday — as far as food and family, that is. What with that big old turkey, Maryland Stuffed Ham ( if you’ve never had it, you don’t know what you’ve missed!), stuffing and all the trimmings — green beans, mashed potatoes, sauer kraut, sweet potatoes, cranberry salad and desserts a-plenty — pumpkin, pecan and mincemeat pie and someone usually brings apple or cherry. Stew calls it a Southern/German dinner. 🙂 And now you know the reason I am attending Weight Watchers’ meetings. LOL It is a celebration of our combined families as well as thanksgiving to God for His goodness and all that He provides. This day appeals to my sense of belonging and well-being.
However, Christmas, Easter and Ascension Day are my favorites holidays. The birth of the Savior of the World is the best thing that ever happened to mankind. With His death, he paid the price for our sins, but then he arose and ascended into Heaven. He is alive, He is with us and cares for us. We know we live in a fallen world where evil, sickness and death occur, but in Him is our peace. Praying is such an important part of our day, and I think you pray, Ken, even if you don’t know it. We all have different ways of communicating with God. One way is through service and you serve Him by caring for Ryan. To look at Ryan’s progress, we know that someone is out there, in control, and guiding us. My prayers are that Ryan will recover enough to communicate with us, and I think he will.
The spirit of the Lord is with you and your family. We love you all so much and wish you a Blessed Thanksgiving with family and good food. Love and prayers of thanksgiving for knowing you, the Divineys.
Eileen YGR's partner says
You touched me!!!!!!!
Jen Lovelace says
You know how to make a girl cry, let’s try to keep that to a minimum, OK?? Your dedication to Ryan and sharing his story continues to impact me and my family. I had an unfortunate night at the ER the other night. My pain level was through the roof, to the point I could only cry and scream.
As I lay there, I thought about Ryan. He literally invaded my thinking in a way like no other. I thought about him and the pain he feels. How limited he is in truly being able to express when something is causing him pain. My heart ached for him and you in the heartbreak of this. While this was happening I could here Morgan advocating for me to the nurse and anyone else in hearing range. She was relatively composed but adamant about them helping me immediately. Taking a lesson from you, I went this week back to the hospital to place a complaint with their patient advocate. You have helped me handle my own healthcare more effectively.
YOU are a good man, don’t ever think otherwise. This is one of your posts that has touched me the most. In the words of Morgan as we left your house the other night, “I need to be there more often, I always feel so much better when I leave.” That is how you and Ryan, your beloved Sue and Kari make us feel. We all benefit from our relationship with you. Have a fantastic Thanksgiving and know how much we all love you, especially that beautiful angel you mentioned. She has good things planned for you!
Jennifer Moore Lovelace via Facebook says
Ken, I think that there are so many good people in this world! It’s when the bad one’s show up that are lives are in such turmoil. Love to all of you~
Gail Doyle via Facebook says
Will always be there NGA~
Dennis Allen says
Ken, it makes me sad that you talk that way about yourself. You have had to deal with way more than any father should have to deal with. I feel you have always been a good person, and a good father so don’t beat yourself up over not being a good person in the past. You raised your family and paid your bills and that is what counts. And lord knows you are making up for any “shortcomings” that you think you might have by going thru what you are now.
Kathryn says
Ken. You really need to write a book or go on a lecture circuit. You have such an impact on all of us…you have a story to share….you have insight to offer….
blessings to you and your family/
Paula Yocom via Facebook says
Our lives are made
In these small hours
These little wonders,
These twists & turns of fate
Time falls away,
But these small hours,
These small hours still remain….sending you and your family my love & prayers always…..
Jenny Regalia says
Thanks for Blessing our hearts! Your family is indeed a part of my heart. I just feel blessed to have sat and had dinner with you all in your home, to meet and chat, to learn about all you do for Ryan first hand. See how beautiful Sue is and give xoxooxox to you both. Oh and most important is that I was able to meet Ryan 🙂 I just can not always put in words how you all inspire me.
YES, I am Thankful for the Diviney family!!!
Bobbi Doherty says
We can all learn from you. You are a good man… Don’t ever doubt it for a moment. I may not comment often but I think of your family often. Any time we drive by Farmwell my 11 year old always ask about your family. We are still here and you and your family is still strong.
Stay Strong
Bobbi Doherty – Mrs. D
Rita says
P.S. The angels in Heaven are going to have the biggest party ever the moment your faith is restored 🙂 And Dennis is right: you are and always have been a good person, much better than most of us.
Jo says
And we will have a party, too, Rita! Oh, yes we will! The Lord is blessing us and keeping us strong here at Team Diviney.
Rita says
Don’t make me cry right before I have to go to work! Unconditional love and grace are a free gift not meant to be earned or repaid, and yes — that is humbling. Still, the fact that you willingly receive and acknowledge it is a blessing in return to all of us — Team Diviney. Sue is a beautiful woman, inside and out; wise too, because she knows the true source of our love for your family. God will never let go of Ryan or you, Ken.
Michele says
I wanna be at that table too – I just started my subscription.
Paula says
Ken, you have been helping people since the night Ryan was hurt. The knowledge and strength you’ve given to ensure Ryan’s healing has also helped your family and friends, as well as strangers you’ll never know. But there’s more to come — you’re efforts will change the way patients with TBI are treated — so that they won’t be written off, and their families will have real hope. It is game changing knowledge that was born from deep heartache, powerful determination, and complete devotion.
“Some things have to be believed to be seen.”
Thank you for letting us be a part of your lives. Remember: we receive from you and your family far more than we give. When I think of you and your family, the following verse comes to mind —
1 Corinthians 13:1-13 – Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails.
Wishing you a day filled with peace and sunshine. Sending you love, hugs and abiding prayers, and always, hope.
Gloria says
Your vision of the angel is what I imagine as well, your description of her is beautiful. Ken, you’re a GOOD person. Unknowingly you give to us every day. Hoping you have a peaceful Thanksgiving with your family. All our love, The Gallagher
Gail Doyle says
Ken, Beautiful, and I am thankful too that you let us be part of Ryan’s recovery and to help in any small way
Will always be here, always praying and always helping!!
Ken, ( I do know your feelings and respect them) ,but I’M asking God
to send His blessings down on you all this Thanksgiving and every day.
love Gail
Colleen Brunelle says
Life is full of “life’s lessons”. I can’t speak for anyone else Ken, but I’m here because your story touched my heart as a parent. I can not imagine the pain you feel every day looking at that sweet boy of yours and wondering what could have been if this had not happened to Ryan. The crime committed is so senseless and barbaric which makes this more of a tragedy. I know you appreciate every little thing that your supporters do to make but know this ~ we are here because of you and the effort you put into making Ryan stay relevant. He will never leave our hearts and I’m thankful that he has such a wonderful supportive family. I’m also thankful, that however slight it may seem, Ryan is stilling showing signs of healing and that’s amazing!
Carla Liberty says
You teach us LOVE every day, Ken, Sue & Kari, & Ryan. That’s pretty hard to beat!
Giving thanks for YOU,
Carla, John, Natalie & Becky