Ryan uses a highly specialized piece of therapy equipment called the RT-300 FES Cycle. It perfectly synchronizes pulses of electrical stimulation to his muscles as he peddles. It is all Ryan — albeit involuntarily — doing the work. His muscles are pushing and pulling the peddles. On faith, we purchased this last spring anticipating your generous donations. You didn’t let us down! It took a while, but our credit card is finally offset by contributions.
Legal Considerations
I no longer keep a log of Ryan’s progress, relying on the online reports from the manufacturer (Restorative Therapies). This is why you don’t see graphs showing progress anymore. I simply don’t have and/or maintain it. I operate in this manner for everything because some time ago I thought it was the proper course. Who knows, maybe I even anticipated Austin Vantrease and Jonathan May using the legal system to pillage my personal records. Since records are updated and maintained elsewhere, I didn’t see the benefit in keeping these myself and I clearly didn’t want to misrepresent them. As it turns out, Vantrease did just that. Well, tried to, anyhow. Meanwhile, Jonathan May seemingly sits quietly by letting Vantrease do all the work and bear all the cost. Smart move, I would say. By the time Vantrease went after these (through me) they were already long gone. It’s not to say information doesn’t exist. I just don’t have it. If they want it then they must go to the source and leave me the hell out of it.
So that’s a quick explanation of why my updates to you on Ryan’s cycling progress is largely absent. Blame the defendants for impeding me keeping you up-to-date. I would love to be specific but, for now, I’ll just have to speak in general terms. I suppose this also gives people an appreciation why my writings are often flavored with the legal aspects. It can’t be avoided if I’m to be forthcoming.
Still, Ryan hit a huge milestone today that I want everyone to know (attorneys and defendants be damned!). At least it’s a milestone by my way of thinking. Incredibly, Ryan biked over nine miles (9.2, to be exact)! This is his personal record. Furthermore, he went a full ninety-minutes entirely under his own power (another personal best)! He didn’t seem to be tiring, but I stopped him there because pushing him too hard always concerns me.
If memory serves, when Ryan began this therapy last spring he was not anywhere close to this level of physical performance. I seem to remember him not even going under his own power at all, relying on the motor to assist.
His muscle tone and density simply can not go unnoticed when you look at him. He works hard everyday and it shows. Ryan is truly inspiring. No matter how much is thrown at him, he transcends. Let’s face it, he shouldn’t have survived… but did. He battled through it all. So many times when the pain was unbearable for him I would lean into his ear and whisper, “It’s okay to lay this burden down. No one expects you to endure so much pain and suffering; more than anyone should in a lifetime… or a thousand lifetimes. I love you and want you to know I am behind you if you chose to let go. If you decide to keep with it we must agree that you will never give up and I will never leave you. I promise, if you promise. You can count on me“.
Look at him today! If he were to — against all odds — pull out of his comatose-like state he would be facing so much less physical limitation than, well, anyone who has been unable to move on their own for nearly three years. It just doesn’t get any worse than what he has gone through. Nothing compares. Brain injury of this magnitude is the worst injury I can imagine. It’s sustained. It’s relentless. It touches every part of the body… right down to the cellular level. He has no business being alive. Yet, something in his make-up is powerful, determined, and never quits.
Yes, he is made of the right stuff.
Gail Doyle says
Ken,What an achievment …9 miles,,, You have ,and will continue to do
only what is the best for Ryan ..You,Sue and Kari .Thank goodness he has you all for his family ( and of course ,all of us too:)
love Gail
Will Nier says
Great update. I wish I could do 9 miles.
Will Nier says
A great update. I have to start thinking more like Ryan when I go walking and the aches and pains of age start to hit me. I think I need to be more active. Ryan inspires everyone and I wish some of it could rub off on those who harmed him. Maybe it would help them like themselves a little more and be of help rather than continue to live in a state of revenge,which will only make them more bitter. I pray that they can accept what their children did to Ryan and find a way to make their life’s more productive for the good of society and the good of their own families. That is my opinion.
Tony says
Excellent update….even without any graphs. 9 miles is an outstanding achievement!
Jo says
I love this photo! It’s a wonderful thing to see him hold his head up to watch a favorite movie, “The Great Pumpkin.” Wow! The miles he is putting on the bike just boggles the mind. So proud of our man, Ryan. You take such good care of him, and I am so happy that “you’re the dad!”
Love and prayers. Happy Hallowe’en to all! Boooo! 🙂 Scared ya, didn’t I! Haha!
Paula says
Ken, thank you for this inspiring post today. It is remarkable how far Ryan has come. His strength and fitness level is incredible!! All the hard work, long hours, constant effort and determination is paying off in spades. It is so uplifting to see.
Sending love, hugs, faith and hope to you on this brisk autumn day. Watching Ryan achieve these things is quite something to behold. Thank you for letting us be a part of your lives!!
Debbie says
Ryan Diviney you are so Amazing!! You are doing such a fantastic job on that cycle and I am so very proud of all your hard work. You just keep on keeping on and I am always right by your side along with the rest of Team Diviney. Love you so much!!!!
Gloria Gallagher via Facebook says
Wonderful work! Posting again about the petition, PLEASE, if you haven’t signed the petition, SIGN IT; if you’ve already signed the petition, ASK a FRIEND or RELATIVE to sign it. We need to get the numbers UP. Thanks everyone for caring about Ryan.
Anna says
No matter our ages, we always love any Peanuts holiday movies, they bring back childhood memories. Who can forget Lucy’s voice as she bosses everyone around?
This is a great picture!
Carla Liberty says
That’s our boy! Ken, I know people say this over and over but I have to repeat it one more time: You need to publish a book about this….so much of your writing is truly gripping. This one is no different. When I saw your words, “It’s okay to lay this burden down. No one expects you to endure so much pain and suffering; more than anyone should in a lifetime… or a thousand lifetimes. I love you and want you to know I am behind you if you chose to let go. If you decide to keep with it we must agree that you will never give up and I will never leave you. I promise. You can count on me“ ~~ I couldn’t stop my tears. I didn’t want. to.
Love to you, Sue, Kari, and Ryan.
lauren says
Ryan is such a strong and inspirational person, I always look forward to reading about the progress he is making. He is so very lucky to have so many people who care about him and his recovery.
Diane Masters via Facebook says
His family’s the right stuff too
Shell Zeplin says
What a wonderful update. I love this. 🙂
Zenda Stevens Foy via Facebook says
that’s treMENdous!! (and it’s a lot further that i’d care to bike =0)