One thing I know is people keep an eye on the criminals and their families. In one such instance, I received an email from a Team Diviney member last month. This person let me know about an article written by Andraya Vantrease. She is Austin Vantrease’s older sister. Many might know her as “Sis”, the moniker she bestowed upon herself when she started an ill-fated blog about Austin. It was, I suppose, her way of being cutesy. Like the blog, it fell flat.
I’ve wondered what to do about this since it was brought to my attention. In the end, I decided I’d just give my thoughts.
Here’s the email I received:
Maybe you have seen this article, or maybe not. I found it interesting – especially given the title “For the Long Haul” and the topic “Hiring health care workers? It may take you a while to find a qualified candidate.” Written by who else, other than “Sis” herself.
That family is totally ironic, amongst so many of their other talents. I mean WTF! Anyhow, here is the link – it may be worthy of a post topic.
WTF is right! Really, what is it with some families! WTF, I say!
Anyhow, this article was published just months after her felon brother was sentenced to prison (where he is today, in Huttonsville Correctional Facility). It’s not something that I found especially useful and is as dry as the Sahara during a drought (in my opinion). It just goes to show that no amount of colorful graphics can act as window dressing when content is lacking.

My concern is for two specific reasons. First, from what I can tell, the article completely disregards the patient and their family. This key component is completely and shockingly disregarded. Can we all acknowledge most would see this omission is a huge flaw? My second reason… who wrote it.
Now, perhaps I’m over thinking under-thinking this. To me, this carries the same weight a Michael Vick’s sister writing on the availability and cost of dog care (without talking to dog owners, to boot). It inherently creates a drag on the article’s credibility. Does anyone else see this as absurd. Perhaps I’ll write on the quality of prison food and not ask a single inmate for their take on it.
Okay, so before people (who are unaware with this family’s well-documented aggressive history toward mine) start telling me to not drag Austin Vantrease’s family into this, let me just say… I’m not. They injected themselves into ours. For this reason, I will continue to call them out as necessary until I feel they have stopped. As I see it, they got my attention the instant they became unruly by [Ma Vantrease] screaming at me outside the courthouse. They reinforced it when court deputies had to exert themselves, twice, in the court parking garage to keep them at bay. How many times do I need to hear (or read) this family’s words — with Sis ever-present and forefront — to not see them as an issue? Let’s not be to quick to forget about their family’s comments on our website either.
I am not shy about recognizing who I believe are part of Austin Vantrease’s support system. From where I see Sis, which is always around an armed guard, she is as involved as just about anyone. For clarity, I agree the family should be supportive. I just disagree with how they are doing it.
Anyhow, this leads me to a question that’s nagging at me (with a potential follow-up). Did “Sis” advise — or consider advising —Ace Marketing of the potential for the public’s perceived conflict of interest and/or the glaring reason credibility might be compromised? If so, then what in the hell was Ace Marketing thinking? Someone is likely being insensitive here, it’s just a question of who. Sheesh, what a seemingly incredible lack of foresight from someone.
Perhaps it might be helpful for Ace Marketing to get some public feedback (be it positive or negative) on the article. There are abundant ways to contact them. The quickest is via their website’s Contact Us page. Also on this page is their telephone number and mailing address.
As for Sis (Andraya Vantrease), she might even advance her career and serve her employers better (dare I call it a win-win) writing about the escalating cost of dog care? Oh yeah, in my opinion…
Ken, I have been following your blog and this story. You really have no idea who the Vantrease family are. They are a loving, caring, close-knit team. I have known them since Austin was a small boy. I KNOW every single one of them and each of them are NOTHING of how you describe them. How dare you do this to a young girl starting her career! What happened is truly heartbreaking, no doubt, but there are three sides to every story (yours, theirs and the full truth) and your vindictive, bitter side is not helping Ryan or your family. Some healing needs to begin for everyone and perhaps it can start with you losing the negativity. Keeping Austin in jail is keeping him further away from being able to pay restitution to help Ryan and maybe helping to teach other kids about how one second can change their lives forever.
I’m praying for all involved and pray some positivity can emerge.
My prayers go out for you but I can’t help but worry about where your thoughts are centered. I can personally relate to going through a loss due to the actions of another human being and feel as though your blog reaches out and touches people, through the good days and bad. I applaud how you are taking every measure to support your son and want to keep the community involved with his progress… I understand how you feel about the family but blogs such as this cheapen what you are trying to do… it feels as though you are pulling an article written more than likely for a job assignment out to attack and hurt a girl who is more than likely struggling with her brothers choices and losing him as well (not that it compares to your loss…) but the message that I believe you are trying to convey gets lost in blogs like this one and alienates readers in my own opinion. I wish you positivity and healing and urge you to let go of blogs like this that are so bitter and so negative as you need all your energy to help your son. Please do not waste energy and strength on issues like this because I cannot imagine that “Sis” used any energy to try and hurt you in this.
Let’s hear more about his interactions, progress, and positive results to his tests!
I recently read this article while at the doctors office and you immediately popped into my mind. As a frequent reader of your blog i know that you are a man of science and thought you may appreciate it. I know you have said on this blog a few times that you have lost your faith. Not trying to convert you or anything but hearing an uplifting anecdote has never been known to hurt anyone. I attended high school with Austin, and considered him a friend. I am so sorry for what has been done to your son, and your family.
I also read that article, and ordered the book from Amazon. I did think of you and Ryan, Ken, and thought you might gain some peace from it. At least I hope you will.
I want to say something to “Katie,” but — since I’m uncertain about her post, I’ll let it be (for now).
Well, isn’t that ironic… puhleeeeeeze.
Nope, can’t access it! Must be Norton. 🙁 Never had this happen — 🙁
Jo, I just check it and the link is still working. I also see that many have clicked through to it today.
I tried to read the article, but either it is blocked or Norton won’t let me. ? Who knows! Anyone else have this problem?
Katie, It is clear you nor any of your loved ones have suffered mental anguish or torture the likes of what the Diviney family goes through daily. Thanks to Austin Vantrease and his family with their constant barage of lawsuits to duck responsibility, not only does the Diviney family have to endure the daily anguish of seeing their only son in the condition Austin left him with, but they have live through the torture of their lawsuits. Your link shows your lack of empathy for crime victims and their families. Your link also shows your lack of education in the field of psychology. I pray your friends or loved ones do not ever become crime victims, it is clear you will not be there for them.
I thought Katie’s comment was spam. It was flagged as such so I removed it. I will put it back up.
Hi Ken, why are leaving the spam post up?
Paula, I can’t tell if it’s spam or not.
After careful consideration of all the information that you post on this blog, I have decided to help you…please follow this link:
Do you think the University of Delaware/Penn appreciate their server being tagged with spam?
This is an ongoing tragedy for nearly three years. Your post doesn’t help anyone and is not amusing.
Katie (If this is really your name),
I am assuming you sent this with the intention of “helping” the Divineys by ensuring everyone in the Vantrease Family get fitted appropriately for their correct size. The jacket will help Austin in his inability to control his behavior in prison, four write ups to date that we are aware of. “Ma” (and that is being extremely generous, clearly being an appropriate mother is not her strong suit) might need a smaller size than Austin, but tighter restraints might be needed. She tends to flail a lot about everything that everyone has done to her family. Hopefully they can choose their own special color, personalization is so important in clothing and accessories. I can help you choose your own. I promise to cinch it just tight enough.
My only comment on Andraya’s article is that if this is a paid internship, she could support her brother by helping him get started on court-ordered restitution payments. She seems to have good enough writing skills to earn an honest, decent living and can still choose to do the right thing with some of that money.
Agree with you, Rita!!
And I agree completely with you too, Ken. I think some people are so caught up inside of themselves that they can never see the big picture, even if someone endeavors to enlighten them. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try, though.
Keep on keeping on Ken!!!
Love, hugs, prayers, hope, and wishing you some sunshine in your’s and Ryan’s day
I feel for both family’s however people need to take responsibility for their actions
Prayer and forgiveness is the only way to heal
I don’t blame you Ken on speaking out, you have every right to….. Their nuts!!!!!!!!!