This is probably my twentieth attempt at finding the right words to just begin writing. Each time I start it’s quickly followed by backspacing over everything and trying again. Truth is, I won’t find the words that can even come close to surround the support shown to Ryan (and my family) yesterday from long-time followers and those new to his story.
I often wondered what it is that draws people to Ryan’s story.
I suppose it’s because it pulls at both ends. Middle ground simply doesn’t exist. It’s a line-in-the-sand where an emotionally tug-of-war is played out. It’s filled with despair and balanced by hope. Hate and love. Grief and elation. Anger and encouragement. Evil versus good. Crime and punishment. Yep, all those… and plenty more. Sadly, this “story” is life. Hey, no one ever said it would be fair, but why does it have to hurt so much?
It forces people to take sides. It cannot be ignored. It’s intense.
It’s relentless.
Still, you and many others chose to take this on. You unselfishly keep my son relevant. I couldn’t do this without you… you know that, right? Without you Ryan would be, at best, a memory. By now most would have forgotten. Thank you for not allowing this to happen. It means everything.
Here’s the thing… it is greater than Ryan. What we do here is hold people accountable. We fight on and for principle. Two examples come to mind. The first is when Austin Vantrease tried to shut down this blog and we had to defend it in federal court (and won). The second, which is again in federal court, is his attempt to offset his liability against donations to Ryan (Read about it here). I wonder, is he — and his family —really that misguided or just trying to wear us down? No matter, because as “Team Diviney”, We Got This! We’re just not going away.
How do I know this? We need look no further than yesterday when 15,000 people signed (and are still signing) a petition asking the West Virginia Parole Board to keep him behind bars for the maximum time allowable. Or the fact that this website had 43,500 views (setting a single-day record). Oh, hell yeah, there’s plenty of resilience still in us! It’s not the Vantreases Family versus the Diviney Family. They’re foolishly taking on Team Diviney… a force to be reckoned with.
[Here’s where I make the disclaimer that today’s post is my opinion and you should read the website’s disclaimer].Please, don’t leave. Ever. We need you… those made of the right stuff.
Bryan Tiplady says
Like Glue baby. We’re sticking around. The Tiplady family is in it for the duration.
Paula Werner says
I don’t know you or your son, but I don’t have to. Your story touched my heart. It was shared by a friend of my son’s that attends WVU. ( my son attends Penn State) I shared it and my sister in Las Vegas saw it and shared it, too. The word is spreading across the USA! Parents who send their kids to school to study to have a career after college share a special unspoken bond. We all pray for our kids to be safe, make smart decisions, and grow. I am praying for Ryan and your family. God’s blessings for strength and comfort to your family.
Jake Riesser via Facebook says
Even when they do get out of prison (I don’t think they deserve it … whole ‘nother story) the internet still will be around, and every time they apply for a job, a prospective employer will see what they did.
Natalie Polzin says
Ryan matters so much to us! You, Sue and Kari matter so much to us! We will keep sharing your posts to bring others on board!
Jessica Flannery via Facebook says
MANY people are passing this along on FB! I have signed as well as several others! We got this! <3
Rita Caporicci Hoop via Facebook says
That’s incredible!
Jill in Morgantown says
I just signed the petition and it said over 20,000! Almost there! SHSP in Morgantown
Ryan's Rally: We Got This via Facebook says
20,000 signatures! website on pace to shatter all-time single-day views (currently at 40,000).
April Pierson says
As a parent myself, I will never stop supporting Ryan’s Rally. I will have his back as long as he needs my support.
Ryan's Rally: We Got This via Facebook says
Over 19,000, and going strong! It is the 2nd most popular petition on the website.
Gail Doyle says
Ken ,AMAZING!!!!!!!
Will Niermeyer says
My prayers continue for Ryan and his family. Please everyone it takes about four seconds to sign the petition your information does not have to be made public.
Wendy Rice Deemer via Facebook says
Learned of Ryan today…signed today. <3
Carole Schroeder via Facebook says
Gloria says
I tried to sign the petition and was unable to send it through. I will try again and check to see if my signature went through.
Gloria says
Yeah! I finally did it. says
Shell Zeplin via Facebook says
I learned of the vicious attack on your son via a friend who was working at WVU at the time of the attack. I am so heartbroken for Ryan and your family. My thoughts are with you. I wish I could sign that petition 10,000 times. I have family in Newark, DE and I don’t want that animal anywhere near them.
Steve says
Signed: make it 17,113 supporters!
Gail Doyle says
Ken, Always here,never leaving!!!! Like Carla,I too believe in miracles. May more signatures keep coming in…Ryan ia VERY relevant
A peaceful day to you all.
Love Gail
Gail Doyle says
Ken, Will be here always!!! Like Carla ,I too do believe in miracles.
May the signatures keep comimg in.. Ryan is VERY relevant
A peaceful day to all
love Gail
Cheryl Shields Askew via Facebook says
Always here!!!!! 🙂
Carla Liberty says
Standing by you always.
Remaining steadfast in my belief that God is performing miracles every day. Looking around, it’s not hard to see that Team Diviney is one of those miracles.
Much love to you all,
Moe D says
I have a 17 year old daughter and two sons (13 & 7)who have spent their childhoods in the Ashburn and Leesburg communities. It is home. I remember my wife talking about the brutality of the senseless attack on Ryan when it first happened and the children asking why would anyone do such a thing. I am often reminded of this tragedy in odd ways. The latest being a Facebook status posting from a childhood friend, Donna, from New Castle Pa. She brought to my attention the anti parole petition and reminded me of my childhood days and the closeness of our local communities in that small town in Western Pa. As a father, I can relate to your relentless love, care, support and comfort you provide your children. I cannot relate to your boundless energy physically or emotionally supporting Ryan. As a father and neighbor, I pray our God continues to connect the small communities around the globe to help provide strength to you, Sue and Kari. Ryan couldn’t be in better hands.
Ryan's Rally: We Got This via Facebook says
Just exceeded 16,000!
Jo Hobbs via Facebook says
Yes, I have tried to sign several times and cannot get to the pace to send. Norton security blocking?
Meg says
I love Love LOVE seeing the variety of cities and states of those who are signing – Massachusetts, Texas, California. Even more impressive is that folks from overseas have signed as well – England! We are taking this global and we will NOT STOP!!
Jennifer Moore Lovelace via Facebook says
Ken, I signed yesterday with no problem, but when I tried to share and get others to sign, that page was acting up. Worked on it for awhile, still trying:). We will never, ever leave you!
Anna says
This is amazing! 15,000 is alot of anything! Our jobs are easy, we read, re-post, respond. Ken, you Sue and Kari do the hard work, the dirty work. Without you, we would not be here. There are many people with TBI, but only one with a father named Ken Diviney. How lucky is Ryan to have you as a father! If only Jon May, Austin Vantrease or the others involved had a father with 1/10th of what you are they would not be in the situation they are in today and either would Ryan.
I wonder if Austin and the Vantrease family will ever get it?
A simple request went out for signatures, and BAM!
15,000 people in just the first day saying…if you kick someone when they are down, especially in the head we do not want you walking out on the streets with us, you belong in prison for a long time.
Sharon says
Ryan's Rally: We Got This via Facebook says
Would you mind trying again later?
Danette Holladay via Facebook says
I tried to sign and it wouldn’t allow me kept saying my zip code was wrong No clue why though…..
Debbie says
Still here, always and forever!!!! Ken,Sue,Ryan and Kari you will forever be in my heart.
Mike Mistick says
Today is my first day viewing and reading your blog. My girlfriend who is also a WVU alum has talked to me numerous times at home giving me updates on this tragic event. It disgusts me that the individuals involved in this horrific act of violence are supported by their families, and show no compassion or remorse for your son and all of your loved ones who are going through this pain minute by minute. I am truely inspired by you, your son, and your supporters who fight every day for his life and justice that needs to be brought down heavily upon the brutal individuals responsible. Please continue to stay strong for your son, your family, and never doubt for a second you will lose this battle. I wish Ryan and all of your family the best.
Rita says
God has imprinted Ryan and your family on your hearts. We are never going away because we love you and answer to a higher calling as well. Love will ultimately triumph over the evil inflicted on your family <3
Paula says
Hi Ken, I am *astonished* at the rapidity with which that list was signed!!! I mean I knew that your blog was very popular, and I knew that it had a lot of followers – but – 15,000 and still going?
Ken, you and your family are the reason we keep coming back. Everything you do, from the loving care you give to Ryan, to sharing pictures with us about your’s and Kari’s escapades, to informing us about the latest treatments/exercises/etc. you are doing for Ryan — to writing this phenomenal blog — it’s uplifting, it’s eye opening, and it’s inspiring, even when things aren’t going well, because you keep going!
We all need that push sometimes — when life spirals out of control and it feels like everything is crumbling down — and we think, “Hey, Ken is powering through, he’s not giving up, he’s fighting the fear and anger, but still recognizing the good in people every day.”
You are handling things, Ken, and it’s a lesson for us all in patience, fortitude, devotion, commitment, courage and most of all — love.
You are the one who deserves the accolades, Ken.
I feel so blessed to know you, Sue, Ryan and Kari. I am a proud, card carrying member of Team Diviney — little did I ever know how much I would get back…and continue to get.
“We got this.”
Yes, we do!!!
Sending love & hope on this cloudy Autumn day, praying for Ryan’s continued healing and for strength, good health and happiness for you, Sue and Kari.
Joy Beales Smith via Facebook says
I haven’t met you or Ryan … but I assure you I’m sharing your story and Ryan will not be forgotten! God bless you all!
Nicole Lemal says
I have been following Ryan’s story since late 2010 when I spoke to you for an update on behalf of the Dominion Post. Your story touched me and continues to touch my heart every time I read this blog and see the immense support you and your family are receiving. It’s wonderful to see so many people backing Ryan, who undoubtedly seemed like a tremendous kid with so much promise. My thoughts are with you, Ryan, and your family.
Emma Hudson Witham via Facebook says
Delighted for you!! I truly hope by me sharing your daughter’s picture/link to the petition some of those 15,000 signatures came from my friends!
Colleen Brunelle says
Not going any where, I’m in awe of you and your family and if Ryan were my son…………well, I just don’t know how I could do everything you do. I never met you or Ryan, but something has kept me here. I know you struggle with your beliefs, but someone put us all here…..
Ginger Henry via Facebook says
God BLess…..
John Maletta via Facebook says
Team Diviney rocks! We Got This!
Carole Schroeder via Facebook says
Me either!
Jaimi Dean Franus via Facebook says
There is no chance I’m leaving!