We arrived at Children’s Hospital around 5:30 am. Ryan is now in pre-op, but nothing can happen in getting him ready for surgery until Sue returns from registration. So, for now we just wait. We arranged to have him taken directly from the ambulance to an isolated room, with isolation precautions.
But, for whatever reason, the nurse that met us at the entry bay didn’t realize this. We told her Ryan is to be taken directly to the 2nd floor, but she resisted, saying “there’s nothing on the second floor”. I call people like this “KIAs”‘ short for Know It Alls”. Obviously, there are things on the 2nd floor and we knew what… Pre-op. Sue handled it in her delicate way (telling her Ryan is a direct-admit) and we headed up. I am much less tolerant, and Sue saved me from making an ass of myself. It sure helps to know the hospital language, especially when a KIA nurse greets us at the door.
When he eventually does begin getting prepped, it will be the same old drill. I know this protocol well. It’s basic stuff, like starting an IV line, taking vitals, and meeting with the team of doctors and nurses that will be in the operating room with him. For our part, we have streamlined this process by having his past medical records, surgeries, illnesses, medications, and various other records in a binder that we just hand over. It reduces an otherwise daunting and confusing process.
Surgery is scheduled for 7:30. I expect to update shortly after he is taken in.
Prayed that all went well. Keep Ryan away from that nurse. Maybe she is working in the wrong hospital.
Last week I had an appointment with my Doctor. Some new CNA came in to take my Blood Pressure which usually runs high even though I am on medication. First she put the cuff on wrong and had a difficult time inflating the thing. The she placed the end of the stethescope in the wrong place and proceeds to take my blood pressure. When she finished I always ask what the number was but she said the Doctor will tell you. Saod ok. In less that a secong two RN”S come running in saying your blood pressue is very elevated 210/190. I said I doubt that. They took it and said. 132/67. I nearly died.
Hi Ken, just sitting here waiting and wondering…praying and thinking…hoping and believing…feeling like my stomach is on a roller coaster…trying to breathe in some peace….trusting in the Lord … waiting to hear how “our boy” is doing
Love & hugs
prayers, positive thoughts for fast and problem free healing
what a horrible hour—ugh! be sure to refresh yourself with some sleep. i just read above that surgery went well. <3 =0)
Praying for you all. I can identify and relate to so much that I ache when I read your words. Imagine what it would be like if you were NOT organized and did NOt know your son better than anyone.
Are you going to video your therapy session with the baclofen pump? That would increase the number of hits on your blog!
I am with you Ken. No patience for KIA’s or lack of detail and communication.
The doctors office should have had this all taken care of so the staff was aware. The nurse supervisor of the pre-op area should have updated the charge nurse for the day shift yesterday even if she had to call her at home. They would have had the list of todays patients by yesterday. Ryan’s admission- especially one of reverse isolation- should have been reported in the shift reports between nurses. The supervisor should have at least called in to talk to the charge nurse of the shift to make sure she was on task. This would have all started with the doctor and his office then the supervisor of the pre-op area. Good luck, waiting to hear how Ryan is, hope you are able to get some shut eye.
Went into surgery at 8:05. Still in.
So many prayers ascending on your behalf throughout this long day… God is with Ryan in every detail of his recovery. Much love to all of you!
I like that Our Beautiful Sue can take over in a calm manner and get the job done! That is why Ryan has a Mom and a Dad :)You two are GREAT!
Waiting for the next post, sending xoxoxoxo to all
here in Wisconsin…good luck today!
Thinking of your family today!!!
Ken and Sue ,With you in spirit and know all will go well for Ryan.Thank you for letting us know Love Gail
We are here. We are praying. We are remaining at Ryan’s side (virtually).
Jane and the YGR prayer team
Oh well, I was just saying what a blessing you are, and we all know blessings come from God. I know, there I go… … 🙂 Praying here.
Now what! Comment didn’t post. ;-/
Ken, thank you. You will probably never know what a blessing you are! Blessings are good, and they come from God! So now you know, Blessed Messenger! 🙂 Love
We’re with you<3