Well, it was a good run. Ryan stayed free of a urinary tract infection for two months. This is longer than he has at any time since early 2011. It was an endless cycle of two weeks on antibiotics and three weeks infection free. Anyhow, it all came to an end yesterday afternoon when he showed he was in discomfort. It’s a distinct motion he does every time an UTI begins bothering him. It seemed silly to test his urine because I was certain he had an infection… but I did it anyhow.
The urine test strip confirmed what I already knew. A UTI had taken hold. It showed the presence of both leukocytes and nitrites. Any doubt was quickly removed.
We’re already treating him. He went on the antibiotic Cipro last night. Because we won’t know the exact strain for a few days — when the culture grows out — this is a good approach, even though it is quite powerful, since it is broad-based and knocks out many infections (but not all, by any means). We also collected Ryan’s urine for culture that will be sent to the lab today.
To bridge the gap to treat Ryan’s discomfort until the antibiotic begins its work, we gave Ryan a product called AZO Standard (kindly purchased from Ryan’s Wish List) that we had on-hand. It is a Phenazopyridine that relieves urinary tract pain, burning, irritation, and discomfort, as well as urgent and frequent urination caused by urinary tract infections. However, it is not an antibiotic; it does not cure infections.
I’ll adjust Ryan’s therapies today to the level he can tolerate. I already have him pulled back a bit on his RT-300 FES cycle. He will go at least one mile less than his average and I can see he is having difficulty pushing as much resistance. I hope he begins feeling better by tonight.

Sorry to hear UTI has set in and praying that the strain is one that is treatable by the routine antibiotics used previously. Thankfully you are on top of the situation to recognize the symptoms. Hopefully, the early discovery will allow the antibitoc to minimize the infection time and eliminate it quickly. God Bless you.
Another thought. Have you tried the Cranberry Pills. They are very concentrated and cranberry is a natural method for preventing UTI’s. You can grind them up to add to Ryans food or drink. I have used it and it works.
Yes. We use D-Mannos (cranberry pills), as well as cranberry juice.
I am praying Ryan gets over the UTI. I wonder if it would be better to place a permanent catheter in him that is cleaned every day with a particular solution and changed once a month. You can be taught how to change it and how to use the solution each day.
Hello Ken,
How is Ryan doing today? I hope he’s feeling better…please let us know when you are able. Thanks, Ken!
Love & prayers always coming
He seems comfortable enough. We’re waiting on the culture results. Hopefully will get it tomorrow.
Ken, Feel so bad about Ryan getting infection again and hope it clears up fast and that his pain eases. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Picking it up so fast has to help. So glad Ryan has a family like you all Love gail
So very sorry to read this, Ken. I hope it clears up with the Cipro without having to resort to more powerful antibiotics. Feel better, Ryan
I thought this list of suggestions on how to boost your church attendance in the summer was really funny:
Have your preacher preach from a Dunk Tank!
Offer free samples of “Hellfire and Brimstone” BBQ sauce to every new visitor!
Add a slide to your baptistery and advertise the church as a water park!
Offer a free tank of gas for every five sermons heard!
Convert your parking lot into an RV Campground!
Convert the sanctuary aisles into putting greens!
Replace your church sign with one that reads: “Tourist Information”!
Have your elders and deacons dress up in animal costumes (if necessary)and open a petting zoo on the front lawn!
Put up road blocks and tell people there’s a manhunt going on!
And the number one way to boost church attendance during the summer is:
Be there yourself!
So you see, church attendance declines in the summer months also. But I think the last one says it all, “Be there yourself,” and you certainly are. Really, however, I kind of like the idea of seeing you dressed as a tiger and a petting zoo on your front lawn! LOL You are always here for us, and even though there are times when donations and posts decline, we are here for Ryan also.
Love and prayers.
Oh I am so sorry to hear this, Ken. Thank God you had that special pain medication on hand, and thank you to whoever purchased it from Ryan’s wish list!!!
Praying Ryan feels better by tonight. I am hoping and praying it’s not that really nasty strain. So frustrating, because you do everything in your power to prevent this from happening. Thank God you know Ryan so well that you can tell when he having discomfort, and that you also know how to do these tests.
My heart goes out to Ryan today, and to you and Sue as well, as I know how worrisome this is.
Thinking of you all, praying for you
Hugs & Love
We pray that Ryan feels better and conquers this infection quickly too. Way to stay on top of things, Dad. Love to all.