We now have a firm date for Ryan’s tarsorrhahpy operation. He will be the first one in the operating room on a date in early August, just a few weeks out from today.
This procedure will stitch both his eyes partially shut — into slits — to give the protection to the cornea that Ryan is unable to achieve on his own. He never closes his eyes. Ever. He doesn’t do complete or consistent (partial) blinks either. This means his natural tears are not washing over his eyes, requiring hourly eye moisturizer. This is a mix of liquids, gels, flushed, washes, and ointments. When they get especially inflamed he must go on drops of steroids and antibiotics. Under Dr. Hinkle’s (a.k.a., the nicest man in the world) care we have taken him as far as he can go without the risk becoming too much.
We had hoped that this tarsorrhaphy procedure might lessen the frequency of the hourly eye care, but this likely isn’t the case. This will remain part of his eye protocol forever, unless he begins closing them on his own in the future. I suppose if Ryan ever does get to this point we could consider reversing the procedure and letting his eyes open fully again. Anyhow, the hope is this operation will offer the added protection to avoid the use of steroids and antibiotic drops.
Here’s a photograph that I found through an internet search of an individual with only the right eye receiving a partial tarsorrhaphy. Again, Ryan will have it done on both eyes.
I’m hoping the person in the photograph is under the effect of a local anesthesia and this is why the face is so asymmetrical. It certainly appears as though the right side is numb and relaxing the facial muscles on that side. It’s going to be tough enough to see Ryan with his eyes in slits.
In many ways, it’s de-humanizing. Although necessary, it doesn’t mean I hate it any less.
Tony says
You are in our prayers for a successful procedure.
Gail Doyle says
Ken, Will just keep praying all will go well and Ryan’s eyes get better ,so they will be healed when he can open and blink again.Thinking like Paula,the woman in picture has other ailment. Will Ryan have to stay in hospital long? Thinking of you all Love Gail
Faye Sinclair Allen via Facebook says
God bless!
Paula says
Hi Ken, as Will said, you’re just doing the very best possible for our Ryan. I’m sure you put this off as long as you possibly could. I’m thankful that Ryan’s eyes won’t be completely shut. I guess at some point down the road it might be reversed to check for any changes. But first things first. Ryan is being so well taken care of, God bless you for everything you do — all that we see, and the millions of things you do that we don’t see.
Sending you my love, hugs and prayers as we keep on keeping on.
ps. As for the lady above, she looks like she may have “Bell’s Palsey” and that’s why half of her face looks different. I’m sure Ryan will still be as handsome as ever, just because — well — he is 🙂
Will says
Look at it this way: the proceedure is part of Ryan’s overall health care plan to promote protection and healing of the eye’s. My prayer’s prayers are for Ryan and his family.
Ginger Henry via Facebook says
Sending our prayers….and blessing your way!!!
Leesa Modesitt via Facebook says
God bless you alll!!!!!! Still here still praying!!!!