Last night we kept Ryan up late for a movie night. In a three-way vote where the other two are women, the result was the 1996 movie “You’ve Got Mail” with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. I forgot just how much of a chick flick it was! I endured and am feeling a bit like Casanova this morning. Hmm, imagine my shock in realizing that romance is a simple as email. I guess a text message is “a quickie”. Throw in a few emoticons, say a wink or huge smile, and the human race might not need physical interaction ever again. I did enjoy seeing how we use to function on the internet, dial-up modem and all.
Anyhow, let me get into a weekly summary before having to explain myself (even more) to Sue later today.
- UTI? So far, Ryan is hanging in there and staving off any infection from grabbing hold. Since June 25th, his urine has contained leukocytes (white blood cells). This is an indication that the immune system is ramped-up. Yet, nitrites continue to stay absent. Nitrites are an almost sure sign of active infection since they are the byproduct of bacteria. We continue to check his urine daily.
- Retina/Tarsorrhaphy. Last Thursday I took Ryan to see a retinal specialist. We wanted to see if his retina were still attached before having a tarsorrahphy performed on both eyes. Although unlikely, the extremely violent blows to his head during the attack caused concern that they were torn loose. If detached, the plan was to reattach and completely stitch the eye(s) shut (also called a “full tarsorrhaphy”) while healing. If attached, as we learned they are (whew!), the eyes will be stitch partially shut (partial tarsorrhaphy) leaving mere slits for visual input — when his eyes are down and centered — well, as much input as he is able. His eyes will appear much like he is looking into the sun. We’ll call on Monday to set-up the procedure.
- RT-300 FES. Ryan continues to improve week-over-week on this cycle that use electrical stimulation to engage his muscles. It’s incredible, really. For just his legs alone, since he began in early April, his average (per session) caloric output has increase six-fold. He pushes against nearly twice as much resistance (but still relatively small). He peddles (on average) five miles further; now easily going over eight miles each time.
- Austin Vantrease Parole Hearing. It’s on. After spending just two years incarcerated he seemingly feels society is okay with him back on the streets. I disagree. In ten days, on July 25th, the West Virginia Parole Board will hold a hearing to either grant or deny his attempt. The hearing will be held on-site at the maximum security Huttonsville Correctional Center where Vantrease is currently locked-up. Many people have written the Parole Board last week asking denial of his parole. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I’m begging you, if you haven’t already, please take part in this campaign. Please! Community sentiment is highly considered for his release. Here is a sample letter that you can use as-is (just copy and paste) or add your own touch to it. Then simply drop it in the mail or fax it over to 304-558-5678. It’s that easy! Please take the minute or two to do this for the sake of justice, Ryan, and my family.
West Virginia State Parole Board
1409 Greenbrier Street
Suite 220
Charleston, WV 23511-0700
July 2012
Dear Sir or Madam:
Please deny parole for Austin Vantrease, based on the violent nature of his crime. He kicked a defenseless man in the head, lying unconcious on the ground, with such force it was described as “like punting a football”. Instead of offering aid or requesting medical response, Austin Vantrease ran away and hid from the obvious life-threatening damage he caused. He was hoping not to be found accountable. His lack of remorse and retribution makes him a continued risk to the safety of the public and the Diviney family.
[Your Signature]
That’s a wrap on the weekly recap. Before finishing up, I once again am asking for your support in helping keep Austin Vantrease in prison and away from society. I fear in just ten days a violent felon could be a free man. We must do our best to stop this.
Sending a letter on behalf of the entire O clan today. It would be a terrible injustice if that punk was released this early ; (
Hey Ken,
I faxed my letter off to WV today. I am emailing you a copy and also mailing the hard copy along with Gail’s letter. She has already sent it /faxed it to WV, but she asked that I deliver you a copy as well.
Hello Ken! I love those old movies like “You’ve Got Mail,” “Sleepless in Seattle,” “While You Were Sleeping,” etc. Sometimes a little mind candy is good for us 🙂
Well, I’m still pondering the partial tarsorrhaphy and wondering if there are any strategies that might help with promoting Ryan’s vision.
Thankfully Team Diviney is responding to the call to beseech the WV Board of Parole to deny AVT’s request for parole. What a nerve he has!! Does AVT or anyone from or involved with his family give a damn about Ryan? It is so deeply disturbing that they cannot recognize who the victim in this unnecessary nightmare is.
It’s very encouraging how well Ryan is doing on the RES equipment. He is so strong!! The Diviney men rock!!
Sending love, prayers and a wish for a good week!
Always, Paula
My leter has now been sent. Now they will hear from someone who lives in Central New York. It is sad how far the actions of someone’s violence toward another person reaches and touches.
My prayers continue for Ryan and his family.
I am hoping that you can bring to the hearing a large photo of Ryan before and after the attack.
My mother and I both faxed letters to the WV parole board. Enjoy reading posts weekly on Ryan. I was a student at WVU when this happened to Ryan. He and your family are always in my prayers.
One of our favorite movies. 😉 to you, too.
Letter written and sealed! I am hopeful that with the help of the community and network that his parole will be denied,
I’m with the ladies — you can’t go wrong with a 90s movie starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan 😀 And I’m so glad to hear that your/our Ryan is holding his own and going strong — we keep it all in prayer. Praying also that justice will prevail. Sending lots of love and hugs to my favorite second family, and kitty kisses to Maddux!
You mean Ryan’s eyes,if necessary,will be forced to close completely?If so,will give him more input through his ears,nose or his skin to make him aware of what’s happening around him?
Not completely since the retina are attached. The will be partially closed (slits).
Ken, So glad to here Ryan is still free of any UTI and hope it stays that way.Go Ryan Go on Rt300,really doing great! Letter written and sent and hope all letters help Parole Board to see Vantrease has no remorse and still feels he was treated unfair(what a joke),and should remain behind bars.
Will eye procedure be painful to Ryan? Sure hope not. Thanks again for updates and I’m sure Ryan is sleeping a little later today ,after his late movie night. A peaceful,calm day for all. Love Gail
The lids will be numbed before the stitches are placed so, I’m told, there is no discomfort.
You would think Ryan would get to sleep in a bit, but I had him up and going before 6:30. I rationalized this by the fact that he was going into the HBOT for 90 minutes.
Thanks Ken for answer and you sure know what ‘s best for Ryan.When he’s in HBOT /Isn’t that three hours total for the day? So he does lose some exercise time but can catch a little nap in it? Thanks again for keeping us informed, always look forward to see how Ryan is doing
Yes, two 90 minute session. One when he gets up in the morning and the second in the evening.