Notice: This post deals entirely with the state of West Virginia’s criminal action against Austin Vantrease (Convicted, Felony Malicious Assault) who is now in prison. It is in no way connected to the pending civil action against him.
I hope to get the time today to call the West Virginia State Parole Board to be told the exact date for the parole hearing for Austin Vantrease. He is currently in prison serving two to ten years for his felony conviction. Still, I know it is scheduled during the week of July 23rd. More specifically, a day between July 23rd and July 26th. This will be held at the Huttonsville Correctional Center (HCC).
I received the official Parole Board notification late last week. Here is a copy of the actual letter below. Remember, you can use the tools in the upper-right of the frame to magnify or expand to full-page.
I am again asking that you take some time to write a quick letter to the Parole Board asking they deny Vantrease’s request. Community sentiment is a factor in determining his release. Your letter can be faxed to 304-558-5678 or mailed to:
West Virginia State Parole Board
1409 Greenbrier Street
Suite 220
Charleston, WV 25311-0700
Please know this is incredibly important to my family. Ryan, especially. It’s a way for you to offer tremendous support. It doesn’t cost money. I doesn’t require you live nearby. My sincerest appreciation to the many who already did this! Some important topics that the Parole Board consider are:
1. The nature of the crime (kicking a defenseless/incapacitated person).
2. How the crime affects Ryan’s family and loved ones.
3. The wish to keep the criminal accountable.
4. The risk to public safety (to the community and my family).
You can write about one or two of the above items, or (preferably) all. Heck, it could be a simple as:
[Your Name] [Your Address]West Virginia State Parole Board
1409 Greenbrier Street
Suite 220
Charleston, WV 23511-0700
July 2012
Dear Sir or Madam:
Please deny parole for Austin Vantrease, based on the violent nature of his crime. He kicked a defenseless man in the head, lying unconcious on the ground, with such force it was described as “like punting a football”. Instead of offering aid or requesting medical response, Austin Vantrease ran away and hid from the obvious life-threatening damage he caused. He was hoping not to be found accountable. His lack of remorse and retribution makes him a continued risk to the safety of the public and the Diviney family.
[Your Signature]###
I tell you what… I don’t even mind if you just cut and paste what I wrote above (provided you agree with it) and drop it in the mail or fax it today. Ideally you would add your personal touch, but I hope I helped make this easy for you (Cut & Pate, then Mail/Fax). Maybe even print off several and get others to sign one. Make it easy on them to help. We need Team Diviney fully engaged.
I’m begging you, do this for Ryan and my family. Do it to keep a convicted violent felon in prison. Do it to keep society safe. Do it in the interest of justice. Whatever your reason, please do it.
Hi Ken,
Have been out of town for several days, however will write my letter tonight.
The snide remarks above (by the AVT supporters) and their lack of couth(sp?)are not surprising. Anything to divert attention away from the real issue. If they only knew one iota of what you and your family go through on a 24/7/365 basis…. If the shoe were on the other foot, wouldn’t they want for the perpetrator to do their time? If one OUNCE of remorse or one CALL of support, or one DONATION of time/money were made on behalf of the Divineys by the family, the dialogue might be a little different. But all the Divineys have to go on is what has NOT been done.
Please people, if nothing else, out of respect for yourselves and your neighbors, kindly refrain from being so ugly. Let Matthew 25:40 be your guide. “Whatsoever you do to the least of my people, that you do unto me.”
Stay strong Diviney family. SHSP NGA RKD YGT!
Are THEY in the same bed like Ryan?? THEY should try it one time!!!
Ken, Written and mailed to address you gave the other day ,I’m sure that’s okay,right? And how could that writer above even compare Ryan and that vicious Vantrease….Who did the kicking ???
Hoping Ryan is feeling okay and you both try to have a good day
love Gail
Will do it today.
mailed this morning
As a former resident of Ashburn and a current resident in the Eastern Panhandle of WV I am sickened to think that my current homestate would allow such a sick minded person with no concern for the human race back on the streets. Please know my letter will be in the mail today.
Hello Everyone,
Please encourage anyone you know who is familiar with Ryan’s case to support him by writing a quick letter to the West Virginia Parole Board. I’ve no doubt that Austin Vantrease’s family is campaigning mightily to have him released on parole — after all, they still seem to think he is the victim in this situation, which, in and of itself is very alarming. Do not neglect the power of the pen in showing your support for the Divineys, and also in keeping a violent person off the streets.
Please Team Diviney, I pray you rally for our boy — he is depending on us; remember, he can no longer speak for himself, we must do it for him!!
Thank you!!!!!!!
Love & prayers always
I don’t get why you people are still going with this.. Your son wasn’t entirely innocent with this whole fight. Yes, it’s sad the damage they caused and it’s fucked up, however they both were drunk at a bar and they both decided to fight.
Are you serious? Why don’t you spend a day at Ryan’s house and witness the 24/7 care that is required for this young man–and then see if you still wonder why these people are “still going on with this” Seriously, you should be ashamed of your comment and lack of heart and soul.
Agreed. Most of the information on this site is skewed, biased, and some utterly false. The commenters are duly ignorant to the actual facts of the case. This was not a savage gang beating, nor were the kids involved vicious, hardened criminals. All of you should be ashamed to not think for yourselves, to mindlessly copy and paste the opinion of someone else, falsely testifying to facts to which you have no knowledge. Your letters will most likely not be factored into any decision made by the parole board and rightly so. None of you are victims and none of you are in danger of anything but your own ignorance.
Agree totally Allison ..They should all spend just one day with Ryan . It was completely vicious and criminal what was done to Ryan, no matter what the “circunstances” We will stand by Ryan always
This is in response to Jay’s reply to Allison (I could not see a way to directly reply to his post)
The only FACTs I need to know in this case are:
1. A convicted felon is seeking parole after serving less than 2 years for a violent crime that was committed on an unconscious individual.
2. Said felon nor his family has shown any remorse or attempted to make restitution in anyway.
Are either of these facts incorrect? Because this is all I need to know to conclude that this person has no right to be released back into society.
You’re use of language, in addition to the content of your post, shows the following: 1. The complete lack of class, dignity, humanity, compassion, understanding, decency, or any other common human emotion. 2. An outright lie, and libel of court found facts and adjudications.
Since it is doubtful that you will comprehend or understand not only the above language, or the situations you have responded to, simply know this: There is an entire nation of us, and we will continue to support our loved ones, until the end of time.
Grey Hubler.
Right on, Grey!
I totally agree with Jay! He is right. The circumstances surrounding Ryan’s beating was not “a savage gang beating”!
In fact it was “several savage kicks to the head of a unconscious person by Austin Vantrease, after Jonathan May punched Ryan out.” The kids involved might not have been vicious hardened criminals before the crime, but rest assured society looks at them now as just that. Cold hearted and vicious, left their victims and ran, went to another party, no remorse shown to the victims or their families, no attempt to help with finances ordered by the courts. The court ruled them to be criminals and sentenced them to time in jail.
Jay, anyone associated with the Diviney family before this incident is ‘a victim”. We are victims of a loss of friendships, good times, conversations, ect. with Ryan and his family.
A letter writing campaign is not “testifying”as you say, it is a written request to keep a person whom we believe to be a threat to society, unremorseful and unrepenting in prison to serve his sentence and be held accountable for “kicking Ryan in the head, like he was punting a football, not once but at least twice as testified in trial”
If you think for one minute we are going to “mindlessly copy and paste” that letter Ken suggested you are so wrong. Most of our letters say much more than that, its only been a few years. I personally think he should serve as long as Ryan is in the condition he is.
Just sent.
Done! I wrote a personal letter (using your templete as a baseline). It will be mailed to WV today.
If I thought it would help, I’d write one a day. Mine too, will be in the mail as well as faxed.
There are several people in my office who know that I support you and Ryan, I’m sure they would sign letters as well.
Consider it DONE!~
Mandy and I will write a personal letter together when I see her later today. We’ve both seen the full impact of Vantrease’s actions on Ryan and your whole family up close and can speak to it as friends and neighbors. Team Diviney won’t let you down! We are praying for healing, strength and justice and will continue to do whatever else we can to support you. Love to all from the West Coast.
A letter is going out in the mail today. I have used your template as a starting point and have added to with my own thoughts. Here is hoping for the best!
Did it…
Thank you!