What a week! I knew it was going to be busy, but it was off the flippin’ charts. The most notable was spending fifteen percent of it at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Still, much was accomplished. It was worth it in the end. I have a lot to cover, so enjoy the detail.
- Monthly Donations. Two weeks ago I put out a plea to consider donating monthly to Ryan’s care and treatment. Within the week, the contributions doubled from $185 to $390. This week also continued to show growth, netting another $45. This brings the monthly total to $435. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
For others able to pitch-in, the “subscribe” button is in the right sidebar of this page. Just so you know, there is no cost to set up a PayPal account. Also, you can unsubscribe (stop) monthly contributions any time you need or want (but I hope that doesn’t happen). It’s really easy. It can be done by clicking the “unsubscribe” button on this website or directly through your own PayPal account. Also, you will receive an electronic receipt (via email) each month to remind you.
- RT300 FES Update. Ryan continues to make gains. For his present workout settings, he probably can’t go higher so I asked the therapist to increase the limits. I hope to see this adjustment next week. I put together a graph to hopefully represent it visually. You can float your mouse cursor over it to enlarge the graph.
- Johns Hopkins Visit and Surgery. Last Tuesday we took Ryan to Johns Hopkins (Baltimore) for testing, exams, and failed appointments that took an incredible fourteen hours of the day. It was at this time that we decided that we would take the surgical risk of trying to retrieve the Celect IVC filter. Ryan returned two days later for the operation that, in the end, was successful. If you want to read how the day went, click this link to IVC Filter Surgery Yesterday (it will open in another window).
- Eyes. Dr. Hinkle (a.k.a. Nicest Man in the World) helped us in getting Ryan in to see a corneal specialist while at Hopkins since it looks like his eyes are picking-up some more scarring. We decided (probably) to do a procedure to have Ryan’s eyes sewn partially shut, yet allow enough opening for him to get visual input. The medical term for this is called a Tarsorrhaphy. Before we do this, we are taking Ryan to another specialist next week for another opinion. ah, another fun day out…
- Austin Vantrease Custody Transfer. I’m making an educated guess as to why Vantrease was moved from Potomac Highlands Regional Jail to the Martinsburg Correctional Facility as connected to attempted parole. I wrote about this and posted a recent mug shot in my post Austin Vantrease has Prison Custody Transferred. Feel free to post the mug shot to your Pinterest account if you have one. You can do it from this post or from Ryan’s Pinterest Page. Oh, what the hell, here it is again!
- Cody Vantrease (Austin’s brother) Post Comments. This has become one of the most popular and commented topics in recent times. The gist of it is Cody has/had an arrest warrant out on him as a wanted man by the State of Delaware. Some felt this was no big deal while others disagreed. Here’s the link to the article Commenter: Can’t Believe Commotion. The one thing to take away from this is you can be alerted, via email, of replies to your comments by checking the box just below the input field.
- Baclofen Pump. It’s about time to begin getting everything lined-up from the surgical removal of Ryan’s baclofen pump. It is clear, just a couple months since weaning him entirely, that it’s not necessary. What a wonderful feeling it will be to get another piece of hardware out of his body!

Praying that YOUR day was “uneventful” but that Ryan’s day was full of PROGRESS.
Wishing you TODAY on Father’s Day and ALWAYS your most treasured wish…. and will continue to do so UNTIL.
With love and in prayer,
Keri, MY FRANKIE and family
Happy Father’s Day Ken!!! All of us think you are a phenomenal person!!! And of course, a positively amazing Father. Hoping you are enjoying a wonderful day, you deserve that and sooooo much more.
Love, and still here, still praying
I know this can’t be an easy day for you – as no holiday is. But I wanted to wish you a Happy Father’s Day dorm the bottom of my heart. There’s a saying I heard once – ” Anyone can be a Father but it takes someone special to be a Dad”. I’m pretty sure you would qualify as the Dad. You’re an inspiration to every parent who feels even slightly the pain you feel every day. I hope you are able to enjoy this day in your Honor. Love to Ryan.
Thank you for the updates. Hoping the weekend provides some time to regroup and unwind….to whatever degree you are able to….blessings
Hi Ken,
I still can’t believe you weaned Ryan off the baclofen and are now getting ready to have the pump removed — I mean, wow, that is just awesome!! Another excellent call by you.
The filter being removed is another big sigh of relief. I know it was an unnerving decision to make, but you did it and the filter is now history.
What does Dr. Hinkle think about Ryan’s vision — or is it even possible to assess that right now. How long will Ryan’s eyes need to be partially closed, and is any surgery being considered for down the road?
Thanks for the thorough update, it’s good to know what’s going on. I hope you and Sue, Ryan and Kari enjoy a nice weekend. Perfect for getting outside for a bit and breathing in the fresh air.
Thinking of you all, sending love, hugs and my prayers
Dr. Hinkle, and every other doctor, does not know the extent of Ryan’s vision. All we know for certain is Ryan detects “light and dark” and that information is reaching the cortex. From there, no one knows if he processes it.
Yep, I’m awake alright, but I don’t see how you are with the week you have had! I think my tired, spinning head, not my fingers, would be laying on the keyboard! I don’t know where your energy comes from but wish you could bottle it and send some to me. Of course, you are a bit younger, but I shouldn’t use this as an excuse, right? 🙂
I know we are all very glad that Ryan is out of danger from the IVC filter, thank God, but wondering why it slipped out of place. Very happy that the donations have increased — such an act of kindness that can’t be over-rated.
Thank you, Ken — thinking of you always.
The thing is, we’ll likely never know why the filter shifted and punctured the blood vessel. I’m thankful that’s it’s one less thing to worry about.
Can’t wait to see Ryan’s progress!
BTW,how’s Ryan’s head control?Any exciting news?
His head control is about the same. We try it every by sitting him up in bed and seeing how long he can go.
Ken, Update sounds like things are going a little better for Ryan..Keep up your great decisions! Can’t imagine early release for Vantrease,,Let us know if there is anything we can do by way of letters or E-mails
You all had some HECTIC week ,but so glad things turned out well.Looks like Ryan is doing wonderful on machine 🙂 And glad to see donations have risen and hope they keep going higher and higher!!!!
Keep us up to date on Ryan’s eyes too. And pump removal.Wishing a calm, peaceful weekend to you all Always here Love Gail