Within thirty-six hours of spending the better part of the day at Johns Hopkins, we were again in ambulance-transport heading back. In fact, I’m actually writing this as we’re driving there on Thursday morning and will add to it throughout the day. I so wish I could keep you updated as the day unfolds, but our home is vulnerable. We have bad people in our lives that probably wouldn’t hesitate to inflict more harm and damage.
Today’s visit is surgical. At 3:30, provided things stay on schedule, Ryan will be in surgery where the surgeon will attempt to retrieve the Celect IVC (Inferior Vena Cava) filter that was implanted soon after Austin Vantrease and Jonathan May beat Ryan. This filter has the appearance similar to the frame of an umbrella and even opens and closes like one. It was necessary at the time to protect him from blood clots that formed in his legs from breaking free and reaching the heart. The intent was to leave it in place for his lifetime.
Then a few months ago during an MRI to scan his bladder and kidneys we learned the punctures might be — or become — life-threatening. It had shifted! Which is bad enough. But four of the filter’s prongs had also punctured the huge vain; one being dangerously close to his bile (in the small intestines). You can read more about the risks and tough decisions that needed to be made at Ultimate Paradox: Damned if You do, Damned if You Don’t.
I’m a realist. I know the odds of getting this filter out are not in our favor. The entire day will likely bring no resolution. Doctors are suggesting that it might be best just to leave it in place and accept the risk. I disagree. I must at least try to get this ticking time bomb defused that’s in my son’s body. It’s gut-wrenching knowing that I might be just hours away from the worst decision in my life. I just keep reminding myself that I’ve been through this countless times before.
It’s now four hours later. We arrived without delay and ran through the registration process hours ago. Ryan is still in pre-op, waiting his turn to get in to the operating room. He’s ready to go. He has been for a while. The last we heard, the schedule is three hours delayed, meaning we are two hours out. We can only hope the surgery before his is speedy. So much for that 3:30 scheduled operation. Eh, I’ve been around the block more than a few times when it comes to hospitals and schedules. Enough to know that a 3:30 appointment simply means this is when the six-hour window begins as to when the appointment will actually happen. It’s worse than waiting on the cable company!
“Nothing to do but wait” would be fine, but I took advantage of this time to give him a full-body stretch and massage. We found the Orioles and Pirates baseball game (although we’re not a fan of either team, we’ll root for the Pirates since we favor the National League) on the television too. The game’s a blowout, but it’s baseball nonetheless.
Ryan went to the operating room about an hour after when scheduled. Here’s the odd thing… if all goes well — meaning the filter can be retrieved — he’ll be in longer. If successful, it should be about an hour. If it won’t come out, then it’ll be forty minutes. This is because the first thirty are prep and sedation. The surgeon told us he would know within ten minutes if it will be safe to remove it.
Just got a call from the operating room nurse that Ryan is sedated and the operation will begin any moment. This is one of those rare times I’d rather wait to hear from them. Yep, no problem keeping me waiting this time. The outcome is now ten to thirty minutes away.
Ten minutes pass.
Fifteen Minutes.
My cellphone rings exactly at the twenty-minute mark. It’s the nurse. I prepare myself for the discouraging news. This way, when I hear it I won’t just break down in the middle of the waiting room. I have a way of mentally stepping out of my body. I isolate emotions and bring logic and reasoning forefront. I know before I even speak to the nurse that it was a bust. One thing I learned is people are quick to give good news. Chances are, I’d probably know by the tone and message of the first sentence or two.
Nurse: Mr. Diviney, Ryan is out of surgery and on his way to recovery.
Me: How is he?
Nurse: He handled everything well.
[It was out this point that I mentally accepted the filter was not retrievable].
Me: When will we get to see him?
Nurse: The Doctor will come out to see you in a few minutes first.
[I know the answer, but I need to ask anyway…]
Me: Was the IVC filter successfully removed?
Nurse: We got it out!
I was so convinced that I would get bad news that I had to ask twice more, “You got it out?” I’m not joking, I was actually trusting my preconceived outcome more than reality itself. Even after hearing three times that the filter was out, I was not allowing myself to breath a sigh a relief until I heard it directly from the surgeon’s own lips.
…and that I did just minutes later. He said it was surprisingly easy. Not at all what he expected. The only follow-up is a seven day blood thinner injection.
We arrived home eleven hours since when we left that morning. Mentally exhausted. Physically drained. But happy the right decision was made for Ryan.
So happy for this news!
So happy for you guys!!! Glad to hear great news! Enjoy the sunshine this weekend, we are suppose to hit 100’s by Wed. You and Sue are amazing parents. SHSP.
FANTASTIC!!!!!! ALWAYS, ALWAYS TRUST YOUR INSTINCTs KEN DIVINEY !!! SO happy to hear such great news!
NOW Go Gett’em Ryan!!! You’re telling us who’s boss and we hear you loud and clear!
With love and in prayer,
Keri, MY FRANKIE and Family
So happy all went well…
Great news. May you be able to enjoy some time out on your patio this weekend. Thinking and praying every day for the Diviney Family.
Like. ๐
Thank GOD! So happy this procedure was a success. Best news this week on anything!!!
I couldn’t exhale while reading … so happy the operation was successful!
So thankful all went well!!
Wonderful news! Ken, I’ve said this often and I’ll say it again…trust your instincts. They absolutely serve you extremely well. Sue, please give Ryan a kiss from me. Well done Ryan. Hang in there!
Love, Peggie
Thank you for the detailed update. So happy (and relieved) to hear surgery was successful!
Fantastic News!
Great news! ๐
Don’t you love those “cocky” Hopkins doctors! Only the best for Ryan, way to go Ken. Another great medical call on your part. Thank you to the Hopkins doctors, always rated number one in the nation.
Ken, once again, you knew what was best for Ryan and you did it, in spite of any fear or apprehension you had. God bless you. And I thanking the Lord for watching over Ryan during the procedure. I’m so happy and relieved — another (major) obstacle overcome. Ryan is one strong young man — not just in body, but in mind and soul.
Thank God.
Sending you love & hugs today, and prayers for a good day ‘neath the sunshine and blue skies.
This is amazing news!!!
Praise the Lord! What a magnificent outcome! That’s one life and death worry off your mind! You guys are amazing.
The most riveting blog post ever. I am absolutely thrilled about the outcome and am so happy and relieved for all of you!
Awesome news!!
That is such great news Ken! Tears in my eyes, I am so happy for your family and thankful that the surgeons were able to complete this mission for you and for Ryan. Have a wonderful day!!
Good news!I will always be here waiting for the news of Ryan’s progress!
I am so glad the filter removal was a success. We hope Ryan has an uncomplicated recovery. What an exhausting day – but with a positive outcome ; )
Great news!! SHSP!
This is wonderful news!! So happy for all of you!!
Wow! Amazing!!! Sue told me about this when she was in. I am so happy for you!! ๐ I hope Ryan is resting and ….I know his is a long shot…but hopefully you two can too!
Great news!
Ken, glad to hear the good news. I know you are exausted but I guess the wait was worth it. It was great to see you and Sue on Tuesday. Ryan is still a trooper. Who could not be when they have the love and support that you, Sue and Kari give him. Please let me know when you will be back at Hopkins, I look forward to seeing Ryan and spending time talking with you. ALWAYS thinking of Ryan.
There’s good news this morning! Hallelujah! ๐
So glad this worked out in your favor! So, so happy for all of you! ๐
Such amazing news. Thank you for such a great update!
OMG! I am literally shaking — barely finding the keys to type — what a surprise/shock this is! Thenk you, Father God, for the successful retrieval of the IVC filter that had gone amiss! We are so grateful and owe Him more than we can ever repay, but we will try via Ryan and our attention to him and his family. Accentuate the Positive — I was spot on this morning, huh! He will be fine; I just know it! Always here with much love and prayers for Ryan’s complete recovery.
While the Pirates game was a bust, I am so happy to read Ryan’s surgery was a success!! Way to go, Ryan!!!
Praise God for the best possible outcome! We are all breathing a huge sigh of relief with you. You got this, Ryan!!
I’m thrilled for you and Ryan. Parents sometimes have such tough decisions to make, but not of the magnitude you face. I’m relieved for you both. I hope you can have a relaxing weekend and enjoy your Father’s Day. You are the best Dad and I hope you celebrate this victory in Ryan’s continued care. Love to you all~
Ken ,That is great news ,must have been a tension filled afternoon for you all,but thank goodness it’s out .Give Ryan our love and once again the right decision was made (you’re something else):)Thank you so much for updating. I worry about Ryan ,until he’s better.Hope you all have a peaceful day. Love Gail
What great news!!! So happy for the outcome for you and Ryan!