For the most part, I moved on from my post on Monday (05/28/2012), Cody Vantrease: WANTED!. That was until a comment came in late last night that reopened the discussion. I’m not sure if this person just wanted to get the last word or was sincerely trying to contribute. Anyhow, the commenter, Jp, from Newark, Delaware — no surprise there — seemed perplexed at why people find Cody Vantrease’s situation concerning. Although most of the comment is just noise (directed at other commenters), it begins “I cant [sic] believe theres [sic] so much commotion over this kid not paying a fine on time”. Please read past the improper grammar and punctuation.
Well, there you have it. To me, it’s another classic attempt to minimize an individual’s actions, responsibility, and accountability. So, allow me to share my thoughts. Not paying a court-ordered fine is one thing (and not very wise, at that). But, having the court issue a warrant calling for arrest seems serious. Hell, they even took the effort to alert the public.
If it were me, I’d be greatly concerned being a wanted man. So much so that I’d hire a lawyer (but other families might be well-advised just to have one on retainer) and resolve it post-haste. Hence, the “commotion”. Oh, and it’s not that Cody Vantrease allegedly didn’t pay the fine on time, as the commenter wants us to believe. The fine was (allegedly) never paid at all; at least when the warrant was issued! Just to be certain, I checked the Delaware Criminal Justice Wanted Person Review and the status is unchanged, but you should view it and the “Caution” statement for yourself.
As a commentary, I am sick of people not doing the right thing. I’m appalled by those who run when accountable and label them cowards. I’m equally sickened by those who excuse, justify, or minimize uncivil and/or criminal behavior. Personally, it is my life’s mission to see justice is served, for Ryan’s sake. As citizens of the United States we agree to a social contract that basically says in exchange for government protection that we will behave ourselves, or willingly face the consequences. Our Constitution uses this as a central theme. For those who want lawlessness and anarchy then please leave.
Syria would be an option.
Jp says
Some people are like Slinkies … Not really good for anything, but you can’t help smiling when seeing one tumble down the stairs.
Jp says
The family didn’t kick Ryan, Austin did by himself, that’s really the only point I’m trying to get across, which seems impossible to get through anyones thick skull on this website. The family had absolutely nothing to do with what happened to Ryan if they did they also would have been charged. Another thing directed at there’s is a difference between an arrest and bench warrant, an arrest warrant is issued based upon probable cause to arrest the subject of the warrant for a criminal offense. A bench warrant is issued by a court in which an action is pending, usually due to a party’s failure to respect a subpoena or order to appear for a court hearing. In Cody’s case failure to pay a fine but both warrants could result in an arrest that doesn’t make them the same thing, so sorry Ken your incorrect. On another note I will pray for all you that God rids you all of your arrogance and incompetence and that he gives you all the ability to forgive cause it seems no one has a forgiving bone in their body on here. Peace One Love. says
Again, a bench warrant IS an arrest warrant, just a specific variation. I checked Delaware Code and it is no different in that state. Not only do I disagree with you on this, but it would seem Dewey Beach Courts and Delaware State law do as well.
Here is a definition that should clarify this: A bench warrant is a variant of an arrest warrant that authorizes the immediate on-sight arrest of the individual subject to the bench warrant. Typically, judges issue bench warrants for persons deemed to be in contempt of court—possibly as a result of that person’s failure to appear at the appointed time and date for a mandated court appearance. Bench warrants are issued in either criminal or civil court proceedings.
I guess no one will deny that Cody Vantrease is (or was) a wanted man by the State of Delaware.
Please don’t pray or concern yourself with what you feel is my arrogance and incompetence. I really don’t want that help. As for forgiveness… it’s not up to me to forgive. Ryan is the only one that can forgive them and right now they’ve taken away his ability to do so.
Please continue to comment. It is great for this website. All I ask is you add to the conversation. Simply repeating the same things over-and-over does not accomplish this. People will tend to agree or disagree with the content… not the quantity. For example, it seems everyone disagreed with your premise the first time you presented it. Likewise will be the case if you say it a thousand times.
Paula says
Ok, this is probably unwise of me to even reply but — it’s extremely difficult to forgive people who have not shown an ounce of remorse about what has happened to Ryan or an iota of effort to help him. This is further compounded by the Vantrease clan’s insistence that it is their son who is the victim rather than Ryan. As you blithely toss stones at those who disagree with you, and dare to speak of “one love,” try to process this image through the thick walls blocking your own mind.
Peace out.
Jp says
Lol No matter what I say your still going to bash me and the Vantrease family. None of you know anything about them or me yet you all make comments as if you do. Its all good though I’m not sweating it. Cause I know I’m better then all of you. Peace
Vivian says
I know you are a coward that doesn’t want anybody to know your full name. You feel powerful posting negative messages? What else do we need to know about you? You’re an idiot trying to add to someones grief. If you are successful, maybe the court will have something against you. Don’t come to this site if you can’t handle the truth. Why this family? There are plenty of victims that you could kick while they are down. Yep, your words follow the behavior of the Vantrease family. We know more about you than you realize.
Paula says
Beautifully stated, Vivian. To use some old internet terminology, Jp is nothing more than a troll…one that I won’t be wasting another second reading/acknowledging after this…silly me, I should never have taken him seriously to begin with lol
Carla says
To the posters who mentioned “all the commotion” about Cody not paying a fine: Really? That’s your way of explaining away someone who is breaking the law? Did you miss the whole point of Ken’s post? Why is it okay for criminals to look the other way? Why shouldn’t they be held accountable? Oh, that’s right….. it’s not their fault. Must be Bush’s.
Jp says
My point was that it’s only a bench warrant, not an arrest warrant, for a minuscule offense. But whatever, either way your all going to look at it the same because it gives you all a reason to bash the family more. I dont even like Austin or his brother but everytime I check this website Im thinking damn give it a rest. On another note the Newark community is silent about the situation because most people dont even know about it and those that do dont care too much, because what are they really gonna do about it? There’s news everyday about different people getting attacked or killed. Ryan’s story came up once or twice in Newark, it’s just not a big deal here. Ok I’m done commenting hope everyone has fun picking apart this comment I’m sure I left enough errors and what not. Have a good one 🙂
Vivian says
You have the compassion and sensitivity of a dead toad. says
A bench warrant is an arrest warrant.
Paula says
My that’ a very cavalier attitude. The fact that there’s news everyday about people being attacked, maimed and having their lives otherwise destroyed does not justify ignoring Ryan — or anyone, for that matter. To think otherwise is to demonstrate an unsettling mindset towards other people.
What could the people of Newark really do about it? For starters, some of the same things the people of Morgantown, Ashburn and points all across the country have been doing — organize a fundraiser, send a note of encouragement to the family, spread the word about what happened to Ryan, help set up anti bullying programs in the local schools. There are so many things that could be done to help this young man. Even kids from schools in Pennsylvania and West Virginia have collected coins and sent it to help with Ryan’s care. Is Newark really just the kind of place where what happens to others doesn’t matter, Jp?
For what it’s worth, Jp, we don’t need any additional information to be angry at the Vantrease’s — we have plenty already to go on, the most troubling of which is their abject refusual to acknowledge their son’s barbaric attack on Ryan, express their regret, and show some caring and support. Perfect strangers have been doing this since the attack happened back in November, 2009, because they know what happened to Ryan was an unnecessary and terrible tragedy. Our contempt for the Vantrease family is further exasperated by their continued belief that Ryan instigated this attack and somehow deserved to have his head bashed repeatedly until he was lying comatose.
sueg says
Ok, I feel a strong need to respond to JP’s post.
JP’s words:
-“..your all going to look at it the same because it gives you all a reason to bash the family more” I guarantee you that the Diviney family wish everyday that they never heard of “the family” you refer to you.
-“I dont even like Austin or his brother but everytime I check this website Im thinking damn give it a rest.” Oh how the Diviney family wish/pray everyday that they could “give it a rest.” No doubt they wish they could “give it rest” –the anger/grief of losing a big part of their son to such heathens. I’m sure they’d love to “give it rest” working with insurance, nursing, being on this website talking about that “family”, the fatigue, the worry…..
– “Newark community is silent about the situation because most people dont even know about it and those that do dont care too much, because what are they really gonna do about it?” All I’ll say about this comment is karma sucks. Be careful. Anyone who would come on here and make such a statement to a family suffering so and heap on more pain may regret such insensitivity.
– “Ryan’s story came up once or twice in Newark, it’s just not a big deal here. ” Karma’s a bitch man.
-“Ok I’m done commenting..” I hope you keep your word.
Jennifer says
“Ryan’s story came up once or twice in Newark, it’s just not a big deal here.” Wow! If someone I lived close to, encountered even only on a rare occasion had beaten someone within an inch of their life and put them in a state that now requires constant care, it would be a big deal to me! If he did it to Ryan, he would do it to you…period! Don’t fool yourself! The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree…Austin and his entire family are thugs!! Austin isn’t man enough to pay the restitution owed to Ryan and his brother is too cowardly to turn himself in…but you want to argue the semantics of bench warrant vs. arrest warrant. And you think we here on this site are picking you apart? Damn right!!! You should be ashamed for defending anything related to that family…disgusting!
Enough attention to the thugs!!My constant prayers are with Ryan!!
Jill says
How do you pay restitution in jail? Or do you think Austin’s parents should be paying it for him?
Colleen says
Listen, not everyone from Newark Delaware is a thug! I have followed Ryan and this blog since the story was in our local newspaper. I log on to see how Ryan is doing once a day. I do not know Ryan or his family. I do not know any of the perps from Delaware. I am just a mom and therapist who wishes for the best for Ryan! I just happen to live in Delaware!
Paula says
Hi Colleen,
I understand not everyone in Newark, DE is a thug. The root problem here is that the community of Newark has always been strangely silent about the attack on Ryan. And it’s not that the information hasn’t been given to them. There were news accounts from the Associated Press, press releases and other means by which the local media outlet(s) could have informed the Newark community. The net result has been that there has been precious little in the way of acknowledgement of Ryan’s condition and ongoing need for support. Morgantown has shown an abundance of caring and help, as have many towns and cities from all across the country and beyond. I say all this not to put you, or even Newark, on the defensive. I reference it so that you can better understand the backdrop of how Newark came to be viewed by some in a negative light. This seems to be in tandem with the perpetrators’ parents not being willing to acknowledge that Ryan was victimized by their sons. I am grateful for caring individuals such as yourself who hail from Newark and take the time to express support and concern. I just wish there were more like you.
Colleen says
Understood! 🙂
J.R. says
Newark is pretty much tied into University of Delaware, and UD is in the midst of a decades-long quest to be taken seriously as a major academic research university, to the point that they killed the party scene at the school. Having a student who got drunk and then beat a guy into a coma just isn’t anything UD wants to be associated with. University of Delaware is pretty good about making stories that paint their students in a bad light go away, especially since this happened in West Virginia.
I was hoping that there was going to be a Delaware event, but I’m guessing that fell through because Ryan got sick again? says
The Delaware event will happen, but I must wait until a point where Ryan is more stable.
PittsburghHere says
I got chills reading today’s blog, Ken. You hit the nail directly on the head. Some folks just can’t see the forest for the trees. Unreal…
Carole Schroeder via Facebook says
Amen, Ken. Amen.
Gail Doyle says
Ken, Totally agree with all you said and when Ryan is better ,you’ll have to look into some sort of writing and/or speaking engagements :):)Try to have a peaceful day .Give a hug to Ryan
love Gail
Jen Lovelace says
Dear Ken,
I have missed being on here lately, you all are never far from my thoughts. I have a friend who is an FBI agent. When we were dating he would give me a few details about what they were working on, understandably not giving enough info for me to know everything. Many of our conversations included me asking, “Who does something like that?” My mind could not even process how somepeople could think up so many different ways in which to lie, cheat and steal. He summed it up in one simple sentence. “Jen, you don’t think like a criminal, so it is surprising to you, that people do such things.” The Vantrease men, and most likely mom too, think and act like criminals. The fact that Cody sat through the entire trial and saw his brother convicted and sent to prison, and then still acted in a way to have an arrest warrant issued for him, can be summed up in one word, “criminal.”
Please give Sue, Ryan, Kari and the pooches a big hug,. Have Sue give one to you from me:) Much love, XXOO
Paula says
Ken, *very* well said. Kudos to you for being able to maintain a sense of calm and equanimity when dealing with such myopic and shallow comments from some posters. Why is it that some people feel the law is only for others to obey. We are judged by our actions, how we conduct ourselves in society, by the way we handle our responsibilities and the effort we apply to making the world a better place. Deliberately breaking the law and then not paying the ticket is yet another example in evading personal responsibility. Usually people don’t just become law breakers — often someone has set the stage for that, and then enabled the negative behavior by never holding the person accountable. Unfortunately, perpetrators frequently refuse to acknowledge the error of their ways, and are encouraged to live in thick denial by those who also choose to live in that same bondage of denial. And the pattern continues.
On a positive note, I’m hoping you and Ryan share a smooth day together, and just want you to know our love, prayers and hope continue each and every day.
Love, hugs, prayers always
Feisty NYY Fan says
I agree with Jo’s assertion…I’m sure you are such an inspiring public speaker! You and Ryan and the Chick Magnet, taking the show on the road!
Jo Hobbs via Facebook says
Right on, Kenneth! You rock! <3
Jo says
I wish you were available for speaking at commencement exercises! You are so wise, Ken. You at the least need a newspaper column, if anyone buys newspapers these days. We do, my hometown included, but most folks just read it online. I suppose this is the reason I don’t like electronic devices for reading books — I like the feel of papers and books. No, I don’t worry about saving trees and hope for a paperless society. We can grow trees specifically for paper products, and we should. Actually, I think we do in some places. I love the internet, but only read articles of interest recommended by others and for research, although I love our public libraries, of which I am a retiree.
Keep them coming please and any news of Ryan. Love XXXX