I’m really excited about the overwhelming positive response you all provided on my previous video Executing a Transfer. So much so, that I took a special request to show how we clean Ryan’s g-tube site.I used the full ten minutes that YouTube allows. I really thought it would just take a few minutes, but I tend to get long-winded. Hey, give me a break… I make this up as I go along. Again, not much in the entertainment-value and production category. Just a glimpse into another area of care we provide.
I got thinking about the benefit of these videos, on a time-management level. I was shocked to realize I spend at least an hour and twenty minutes a day, minimally, transferring Ryan! I really need to find some efficiencies.
If you’re interested in seeing Cleaning the G-Tube Site, just click the link. It should open in a separate window.
Ken, you never cease to amaze us. Your love & caring way with Ryan is phenomenal. We anxiously await the next video you produce and share. These really give us an insight to some of the many routine things you do with and for Ryan every day. Ryan looks great! Keep doing what you’re doing — we’re all behind you 1 bajillion percent!!
I absolutely love this video Mr. Diviney!!! You are doing the most amazing job caring for Ryan and it really shows in this video. Ryan looks INCREDIBLE and he really seems to be trying to communicate. He is going to be talking with you in these videos in no time!!!
<3 Keep fighting Ryan <3
You are an amazing family! May God keeping guiding you and giving your family strength. Thank you for sharing this site. I prayer for Ryan’s recovery. I am part of a mom’s group in the area and have posted the De-Clutter for the Diviney’s event.
Yes, Ken, Ryan does indeed look great, and so does your sterile technique! All the loving care you provide for him every day really shows — thank you for sharing bits and pieces of it with us. Ryan seems quite animated, and I wonder if the yawning is his way of getting as much oxygen to his brain as possible. (I know I tend to yawn a lot whenever I have a migraine.) Whatever the two of you are doing together, it’s obviously working wonders, and so is our great God! Keeping the faith always…
How about a video of some of the physical therapy you do?
He is in there…I can see it in his face…keep up the amazing work!!!
Thanks Ken. An everyday task that most people never see but an important part of Ryan’s care. You make it look easy and routine. No tags or silver nitrate needed. Thanks for the nicely done video. Need to ask our doc about the skin prep med.
Stilling praying in Michigan.
I’ve been following your family’s story since very early on. Ryan’s story was introduced to an online prayer group that a friend passed on to me asking for prayers. I’ve never written as my own 8yr old son is battling leukemia and he is winning, but, it’s kept us a little busy;however, your transfer video was the most beautiful video display of the love between a father and his son/child i felt compelled to write. I am so deeply moved. I’ve always kept your son and your family very close to my heart and in my prayers and will continue to do so. Your will, your determination and your strength are something to behold. Thank you for sharing your precious son and family.
Many, many “thumbs up” to this post!
Ken, Ryan looks good, more awake and animated than we have seen him! What I also observed were some plants, especially the beauty of an ivy hanging in the kitchen.
Jonathan and I watched intently and with interest. I explained to him that he had a G-tube when he was in the hospital and his father and I kept him fed every hour on the hour. Great video, great presentation, and Ryan looks great. Absolutely NO doubt in my mind that a. he hears you b. he understands perfectly what is going on c. he understands that by his very presence he is helping others and he is pleased that You would allow him to participate in that d. I know he is improving!
Thank you for sharing with us,
Vicky and Jonathan
Ken, you are really good in administering health care service to Ryan. Your video is like watching a professional at work. We all know it’s come from a lot of your effort but you make the effort because of the love you have for Ryan. I also think Ryan continues to look better on these videos and I believe he is getting better. While progress may be in small gradual steps, it appears that Ryan is getting better as he goes. We continue our prayers and ask for God to bless you.
Loved the video! I’m with Jo and Paula, Ryan’s definitely with you!! I thought it was funny when he was yawning, almost like “hurry up dad, I’m bored”. Ken, I’m so glad you listed yourself as “the Todd” on the credits 🙂 🙂 🙂 That’s what your scrubs look like but I’m sure it’s much more comfortable that way. You do an amazing job with Ryan. You all are an amazing family!!! Still here in praying in Morgantown
I think Ryan might have been sending us a message that we would be bored. LOL Not a chance, Ryan!
I’m with Jo — for much of the time you were talking, Ken, I saw Ryan trying to communicate. I can’t help but think that you being around Ryan for the better part of every day has helped to stimulate his mind and encourage his awakening. And Ryan sure looks good!! Keep it up, Ken, you are doing great work with your son!! Praying for Ryan’s continued recovery, and for the Lord to bless you and Sue and keep you both healthy. At practically any moment in the day or night, there is someone praying for your whole family, including sweet Kari. You realize we’re all hooked on these videos now, right?? : )
We just saw the video and as Arte Johnson would say ” very interesting”.
These videos are the next thing to being there! I’m on my 3rd viewing. It is fascinating and very informative. I have been a caretaker much of my life, have performed some unbelievable tasks, but never to this extent requiring such expertise. I am mesmerized/hypnotised, whatever you want to call it, by Ryan’s face. I really believe he is with you, Ken. Can you feel it? He surely looks in perfect health physically, and that is obvious. Still here, and please tell our Ryan how much we love him.
Hey Ryan. Good to see you and what Dad does for you. He is truly a remarkable man ..Ken My thoughts and prayers are with you always to get through this…… as I know you will. With the LOVE and Care Ryan gets from you and Sue ,he can’t help but get better.. And by the way Ryan you look great Keep up the good work I”ll talk to you later. God bless all. Gail