Last Friday (November 7), on the fifth anniversary of Ryan’s attack, the Baltimore Sun ran a wonderful piece. The Photo Journalist who put it together, Kaitlin Newman, told me that it had more than 85,000 online views just over that weekend! It’s easy to see why it is so popular… the twenty photographs she included are wonderfully done.
Please read the rest of my post before clicking over to the article. Then come back here and use direct link to the composition, Years After Beating, Ryan Diviney’s Family Holds Out Hope. I’m sure it would mean a lot to Kaitlin if you would view her work. I know it would mean so much to me, that’s for sure! I urge you to leave a comment (after the article’s text) and share it on your social media. Facebook and Twitter are key when it comes to spreading the word.
I’ll explain why.
“Sharing is caring” as they say in the blog-o-sphere… meaning websites and articles rank higher in the search engines — such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo — when more people interact with them. The three main components (of search engine ranking algorithms) are shares, views, and comments. Getting it on the first page of the search results is the goal. You know, like when people search on “Austin Vantrease” it mostly points them to this website. This website’s readers are so good that they even dominated the first page for Austin Vantrease’s mother, Gale Vantrease! Seriously, try it for yourself by typing her name in your search engine.
Let’s see Team Diviney drive this Baltimore Sun article to one-million views. This way we can sincerely acknowledge great work (by a caring professional) AND keep Ryan relevant at the same time. I’m excited to watch the tally grow as people click on the link.
We got this!
In an Upcoming Post: Pictures of Ryan using the hot tub!
Anna says
Hi, I check in every day. Just thought I would leave a note today. Hope all is “well”. My Ravens don’t play until tomorrow night. Too bad about the WVU football game the other night, seems like we started out good, but then slowed down. I saw the basketball team played in a tournament the other day, but didn’t catch any games. Always on my mind.
sky says
How cool it is that Ryan moved his left leg in response to his mom’s request!! He is in there. Hearing every positive loving word you speak to him. So glad he is able to be cared for at home by you all. I keep hoping one day he will be able to interact more with you. Still, lifting his leg several times, not just once, WOW!! What a step forward!
kaitlinobscura says
Hi everyone, I am trying to respond as quickly as I can to each of you but you guys are gaining on me! It’s so great to see how much dialogue this has started not only on Ryan but also on TBI and campus violence.
I figured I would just put a post here – I’ve read everyone’s comments (each one!) and I wanted to say thank you so much for your kind words on my work. This isn’t my story, this is the Diviney’s story and Ryan’s story: I just amplified it for them. This is the second piece I have written thus far, so it really means a lot that it was read and understood in the way that I had hoped people would.
Thank you for reading, sharing, commenting, liking, etc and I will definitely give an update on the story’s progress in terms of how many people it has reached as soon as I can. Hopefully the one million mark will bring awareness to Ryan’s donation fund as well as the many issues that surround TBI and campus violence.
Anna says
I read Kaitlin’s article the day it came out. My cousin saw it on her Baltimore Sun feed when we were in Boston last week. I mentioned to her that it was the 5th year since his attack and she replied that The Sun had an article about Ryan….how shocked and surprised was I? I was wondering what brought her to do an article on Ryan 5 years out, in a Baltimore paper, but was very happy to see the article. Any attention brought to Ryan’s story is always a plus.
kaitlinobscura says
Hi Anna,
The Diviney’s story wasn’t news to me. My mother has followed and donated to this blog since the attack on Ryan happened and shared it with me. I’ve been following along as well. I remember the first time I heard about it – a post from Ryan’s little sister Kari was floating around Facebook, describing what had happened to Ryan. I was the same age as Ryan so it hit close to home for me, so I shared it, teared up and went on my way.
Fast forward five years later. I now know how to do this correctly since I have since graduated from journalism school. I’m now in graduate school for the same thing and I was sitting in my school library when I saw that Ken blogged a post about a skull surgery Ryan was about to undergo and, without really thinking too much into how this was going to work, I emailed my editor, he gave me the green light to write a story on the family, and then I emailed Ken with the pitch.
He immediately responded and two days later I was sitting in a hospital cafeteria with Ken and Sue, witnessing first hand what it’s like to have your kid get their upteenth skull surgery. I didn’t even originally think about it being five years – it was pretty much my general curiosity (and disgust that Austin was being released) that got me to pitch the idea and then the rest kind of flowed together.
The BSun has always been very supportive of my story pitches and their blog The Darkoom, where this story appeared, features stories from all over the globe! Thank you so much for reading it. 🙂
Rita says
Kaitlin is a true Team Diviney angel <3 Well done!!
Ann H Tearle says
Beautifully written and presented article…………ok, and tears. SHSP NGA Pray for you all constantly and love you to the moon and back (and do not even ‘know’ you personally. Ryan just resonates so deeply for me). Just keep on keeping on… just never know what the day will bring. Annie
Evelyn Boxley Bunker via Facebook says
Paula says
Hi Ken, this is my post which is “awaiting moderation.” In case for any reason is doesn’t conform to the standards of the moderators, I’m posting it here just because I speak the truth and the truth is always worthy of being spoken:
I just don’t understand the horrible violence in this world. Whatever possessed Austin VanTrease and Jon May to so viciously attack and permanently ruin the life of this young man and his family? Equally frightening is the seemingly utter lack of remorse on the part of these two men as well as the complete insensitivity of their families. Their behavior is disturbing on so many levels. VanTrease and May inflicted this sickening damage on an amazing young man, and now they carry on with their lives. Let the public beware!!! The nightmare they created does not stop with the destruction of Ryan’s body and mind, they also inflicted tremendous sorrow and life altering consequences on Ryan’s sister, Mom and Dad, grandparents, aunts, uncles, relatives, friends and community. And what was the punishment for the far reaching devastation VanTrease and May caused? Less than a year for May, four years for VanTrease who is out on parole, courtesy of the state of West Virginia judicial system. Thankfully, the good people of Morgantown and WVA swiftly came to the aid of the Divineys. Thank you to all these wonderful people, your kindness will never be forgotten!!! And thank you to all the people who are members of Team Diviney!!! Your kind thoughts, prayers, encouragement and support of Ryan through his “wish list” is what keeps this beautiful family going. Without your help, this would be more than they could bear. God bless you all. To Ryan’s family — Ryan is admired, cared about and prayed for every day!! To Ryan — you are one phenomenal young man and I 100% believe in you. You will always be relevant, protected and loved.
Jo nO says
Paula, with your permission, I would like to share this post on my FB page. Thank you.
Paula says
Please feel free to share, I hope and pray more and more people find their way to Kaitlin’s story and Ryan’s website — that would be wonderful!
Jean Dolan via Facebook says
Prayers and love for all the Diviney’s! Great piece!
Nicole Romano says
As a new mother to a beautiful baby boy, the early morning feedings often lead me to thoughts of Ryan and your family. I think about Ryan from “both” sides – the right one, and the wrong one. I think about what I would do if Ryan was my son, and my heart breaks, and I pray that I would have the strength that your family has shown. I think about what I would do if my son grew up to be like Austin Vantrease or Jonathon May, and my heart breaks again, but only because I would know I had failed as a parent. That I had raised my son to be a person who had no value for human life and that should have been lesson number one.
Prayers to you, Ryan, Ken, Sue and Kari that the next five are better for you than the last.
Kaitlin Nëwman via Facebook says
Thank you everyone for your positive commentary.
Campus violence is a huge issue that I feel no one talks about – ever since doing this story I’ve seen comments across the board of people sharing similar stories, it’s really horrifying that human beings can treat others this way especially when it’s for no reason other than animalistic entertainment.
Ryan is important to keep relevant not only for the sake of his memory but also because Ryan could have been your brother, your son, your nephew, your friend. The reason this story has been resonating with so many people is because it hits very close to him.
Good work everyone on sharing it, hopefully someone reads it and takes some action next time they see a situation that could potentially escalate.
Jo nO says
You echo my thoughts, Kaitlin!
You are a gifted writer. 🙂
Tim Ernandes says
Nothing to add except that the article was difficult to read through the tears in my eyes. I love you guys.
Paula says
Hi Ken, what a great job Kaitlin did covering Ryan’s story!!! Hats off to her for her wonderful work — what a huge blessing she is to Team Diviney!!! Kaitlin, please accept our gratitude for your willingness to share your talent to help spread the word about Ryan and his family!! You rock!!!!!!!
Ken please give Ryan big hugs from me and I hope this day is a good one for you both.
Love, hugs, prayers and hope which is new every morning.
kaitlinobscura says
Paula, thank you so much for your kind words!
Pat says
This article is so beautifully written. As I typed that sentence I thought to myself, how can you say anything about Ryan’s situation is “beautiful”, but there are many things. The love his family and friends have for him, the ways that people have donated for his care, the surgeries that have contributed to his well-being, but most of all that he LIVED through this gruesome ordeal! He is a beautiful miracle!
Beth Lentz Neal via Facebook says
Beautiful piece, I left her a comment just as you asked.
Rhonda Morin says
It won’t let me post, says I am posting too quickly (only once). I love the leg lift! AWESOME! I love the “day in the life” feel this gives. It’s incredible. Great job!!!!
Linda Muroff via Facebook says
It’s an amazing story. The strength your family has is uplifting and encouraging. Praying for you always.
Corinne Cox says
I read the article and shared it on my Facebook page the other day for the anniversary. It absolutely warms my heart that not only do us as Team Diviney share the blog post and stories on here, but there is also new articles still keep Ryan relevant! This is a huge deal! Many news places forget about stories once they aren’t current. Kaitlin has exceeded my expectations for the news. I cannot wait to see the pictures of Ryan in the hot tub! I bet he loved it. You and Sue are amazing parents and Kari is a wonderful sister. You have no idea how much people appreciate the fact that you keep us up-to-date, especially when you don’t have to. We all have so much love for Ryan and the rest of your family. You all are so strong and it is simply amazing the sacrifices that all of you have made. like Sue has stated before, “Family, it’s what we do.” I hope you know that myself and all of Team Diviney will always be here for you all. As long as you need us, we will be here. We’re not going anywhere and that’s a promise. Much love!
John Warren Ambrose via Facebook says
You and Ryan are in my thoughts and prayers, as always. Hang in there Ken.
JoAnn Caudle via Facebook says
Very touching photos. I am reminded of Ryan every time I see my Grandson who was sucker punched for someone’s entertainment a few years ago. We were lucky. He just deals with a little pain because his house was broken but also suffers from low self esteem. He was their target because of his tourettes, ocd, adhd and impulsive disorder. I will never forget Ryan!
Jo says
I have shared, re-shared and re-shared again. onward and upward to 1,000,000 views! YES WE CAN!
Always here with hope, love, faith and prayer.
Jacqueline Reda Pontarelli via Facebook says
Jaimi Dean Franus via Facebook says
I left this comment after the article: Stunning. Kaitlyn, thank you for the honor you’ve shown this outstanding family. You’ve met them…now you know depth, integrity, steadfastness
and dignity. Tremendous job. Thank you.
Jaimi Dean Franus via Facebook says
I saw these last week and was blown away with the depth, clarity and emotion their pictures showed….really, really poignant <3