We had an annual holiday tradition (among many) where the family would pile in the car and head out to look at Christmas lights. We did this every year, until 2009, when Ryan was so badly harmed. That Christmas was spent in an ICU room in Atlanta with Ryan teetering on death. Unfortunately, 2010 found us back in the ICU for a full two weeks as Ryan battled pneumonia over Christmas and New Years.
In 2011, we were just happy not to be in a hospital and spent the season at home.

Ryan and Kari enjoying our Holiday light outing.
Then last year we were able to resume our annual outing. My daughter, Kari, secretly wrote to practically every car dealership in Northern Virginia asking if there was anything that could be done for Ryan and my family to help us take him out. All her letters were ignored, except one. Koon’s Tyson Toyota took it on as a community project. Last December they donated a brand, spanking new van, fully equipped for Ryan’s wheelchair. Because of Koon’s and Kari the tradition returned in 2012 with much fanfare.
This year was more private. Absent the cameras and media stations, we went on our outing last night. We made our way to the van and drove throughout the county without anyone even noticing… and that was just fine. It was one of those special nights that will stay with me forever.
For the trip I made a thermos of hot chocolate and put together a plate of Christmas cookies and Chex Mix that Sue spent the better part of the day baking (while Ryan, Kari, and I sat around the kitchen table being noticeably unhelpful). It was a wonderful day! One filled with traditional Christmas music and hours of conversation and reminiscing. The entire house had that aroma that is unmistakably festive and Ryan was right in the middle of it all.
I wish that day, and night, would have lasted for longer. The reality of our family’s situation didn’t allow for it. We had to get Ryan back home for is medications, shower, and eye and oral care.
Besides, the hot chocolate was gone and I had a hankering for more Chex Mix.
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So glad you found some joy in the midst of all this! You are a awesome family, wishing you only the best.
Merry Christmas! Thinking of your family and praying for peace and a miracle. I’m happy knowing that Ryan has such a wonderful, loving family who will never give up on him. God bless you Diviney’s 🙂 stay strong, you’ve got this.
Merry Christmas Diviney’s !!…..(My mother recently passed over and as I arrived home today I received your precious Christmas Card)…..Thank you for the smile at this difficult time…..<3 !!!!
What a great idea to take along hot chocolate and some snacks. You guys do it right! We wish you and your family a Merry and Blessed Christmas.
This post really got to me because even at my age of 41-my parents take me and my kids to look at Christmas lights every year. We have been doing this for over 35 yrs and it’s something we always, always look forward to. We play the Christmas music, drive down the roads and streets and take in the beauty that is Christmas. I love that your family sharesthat tradition as well. Better yet was the fact that Ryan got to enjoy it as well-must have made it sooooo much more wonderful. You guys are amazing-especially Ryan!!!! Love and Christmas wishes to each and every one of you!! xo…
So lovely!!! We love Koons, in the location in Annapolis they have a specialist that only deals in wheelchair vans. He was in an accident years ago and injured his spinal cord. It took him a year to be able to walk again with hand crutches. Now, years later he walks fine and was so super nice and helpful in 2010 when we needed a wheelchair van. We were blessed that he listened to what we thought would be needed in the long run and ended up getting the perfect vehicle. My mother in law on the other hand hated it and hated him and everything he did for us because she hated the idea that it had to be purchased. Still blames my husband and I for purchasing the van.
Kari is an amazing girl, sorry woman, you should be proud you raised her right. 🙂 Try to have a Christmas, hope Santa will bring you miracles.
So sweet! Merry Christmas!❤️
Merry Christmas! Glad that you all had a great bit of time together!
It is important to maintain family traditions. Even if for only a moment! Merry Christmas
He is truly Blessed to have a Sister like Kari.
Love this
Merry Christmas
Hi Ken,
I loved your post today! You captured the essence of what makes a holiday meaningful — being with family and friends, appreciating the moment and enjoying it so much you wish time would just slow down. Thank you for sharing the pictures — I love seeing photos of your family together — the joy of being together is always easy to see in them. Kari is as beautiful as ever, and Ryan is so handsome. Where does all this beauty and handsomeness come from ; )
It is a privilege to be a part of Team Diviney and be able to watch Ryan’s progress. Thank you again for your blog and website and for including all of us in your day to day lives. No matter what, you allow us to be a part of what’s going on — it means a lot!!
Please wrap your arms around Ryan and give him a big hug from all of us on Team Diviney. He is a very special young man who has touched the lives of so many people. He is a treasure. He’s my hero.
Thank you for sharing this moment of family happiness with us. You made my day!!
Sending you Love, prayers, hope and faith abiding
“Our lives are made
In these small hours
These little wonders,
These twists & turns of fate
Time falls away,
But these small hours,
These small hours still remain…”
Merry Christmas Diviney family! Over reading your posts, I feel as if your family has became a part of me….I still hope and pray everyday that Ryan will come back to you all again. But knowing that he is there physically, is still one of the greatest gifts ever. ♡♡♡♡
So glad you all got out as a family to enjoy lights and music!
That was one of the most generous things “Koons Tyson Toyota”
could have ever done ,making it easier to get Ryan out and about
Always keeping Ryan relevant Peace and healing!!!!!!
It’s those little moments that people take for granted and I’m sure this family outing had the most meaning since it was the first without cameras. it was a joyous time for you all I’m sure :). May God be with your family and help Ryan to recover.
Merry Christmas to all of you Ken. I think of you all and Ryan every day. Chex mix is a favorite for my boys and they never help make it but it is just nice when they are in the house as I make it and to enjoy it. We will be at Charlie’s in North Carolina this year for Christmas but I know he will be up this way soon to come and visit Ryan. Love to all of you and so glad you got to go see the lights together. xoxo
I’m so glad you had such a wonderful time! I’m sure Ryan enjoyed every minute with his family. I’m sure he is taking it all in if he cannot communicate with you. God bless that Toyota dealer for stepping up to the plate and giving you such a wonderful Christmas present! That kind of “normalcy” is very important. Ryan will remember and feel the love of his family. God bless & keep you in His care.
Sounds like a wonderful night!
Sometimes it’s better to have noticeably unhelpful family sitting nearby and not helping.
On another note, every time I see Krystal Koons on tv advertising for her family business I think of Ryan and her generosity towards him. What a beautiful night last nite was to see the lights.
What a beautiful outing for a family. I love the tender moments of this story. I love that you just enjoyed the 4 of you together, indeed tears of happiness that those “little things” in life is still enjoyed. Even though our lives are forever changing you made the best of what you have, with some help from some kind and wonderful people.Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family Ryan, thinking about you and praying that one day you will be healed and back completely with us.
Oh, the joy of Christmas lights! And Christmas music on 97.1 !
Oh, Ken! Just made me cry tears of happiness for you and family. I will add “Christmas lights” to my list that included “cookies and Jesus.” And “Chex Mix!” How could I forget Chex Mix!
Gotta run! You understand!! :/