by Sara Thomas.
Something Didn’t Feel Right.
On June 26th, 2013 my boyfriend, the man I had planned on marrying a week earlier, the father to my child, was attacked. Outside of a not so crowded bar, on a Wednesday night, he was struck on the back of his head — towards the right side — by a complete stranger. Someone who he had never met, never spoke to, or seen in his life. Vince, my boyfriend, walked out of the bar and was sucker punched a split second later. He fell to the ground, got back up, stumbled a step or two, and fell like Jell-O.
I wasn’t there. I was at home with our 9 month old daughter. Two months later is when I was able to watch the surveillance tape of what really happened that night. When I found out he was being taken to the University of Virginia hospital, my thoughts were that he had wrecked his truck or possibly got into a fight and that I was going to make sure he was okay before cussing him to pieces.
I know now my thoughts were wrong.
When I arrived at UVA, myself and my daughter were put in a family consolation room. I didn’t want to think the worst, but something didn’t feel right. After an hour of sitting there wondering what was wrong, a doctor finally came in to tell me what I had least expected. Vince was unconscious and it didn’t seem like he was going to wake up anytime soon. I remand silent. Trying to stay calm and collected in front of my child, who had no clue where she was or why she was there at 1am.
Another hour had passed, I immediately had this gut wrenching feeling when the doctor came in and sat in the chair in front of me. He must have known what I was thinking and he shook his head. He said Vince had suffered an artery rupture…a brain aneurysm. He explained that they had performed CT scans and each result showed that he was completely brain dead. I felt my heart skip a beat.
He Was Not Coming Back.
I know these doctors are trained to give this kind of news, but when I finally broke down and said he has a daughter, she’s not even a year old yet…the fact that he had to turn away from me, I could tell he almost let his emotions get the best of him. He said he was sorry and that if I wanted to, I could go see him. I went back into the emergency room, where there his body laid, his mouth with a huge tube down his throat, and his chest black and blue from CPR.
Before I could make my way by his bedside, he had lost control…and waste poured from his body to the floor, right in front of my eyes, he had slipped away…I quickly went to his side and held his hand and rubbed his head, but I couldn’t speak. I could barley think. The nurse said that they would move him to the ICU and see what could be done there…I just knew they had to be able to drain the fluid and blood from his brain so he would wake up…there just had to be something they could do. They are professionals. The best in the state.

Vincent Lee Shifflett [source: Ryan Funeral Home]
I procrastinated before going back to the hospital. I thought maybe, I’ll get the call that he’s awake. But at 2:30pm I got a call that forever changed our lives. I was told to come to the hospital ASAP. The plug was being pulled. I grabbed our daughter and got there as fast as I could. Before going to the ICU room, we were surrounded by doctors, nurses, social workers, therapist, you name it…They told us that there was nothing they could do. That his brain was not responding to any test and the amount of fluid was too much.
He was brain dead, basically already dead, and was not coming back.
Tell Daddy “Night-Night”
I waited until after he was taken off life support, till after the long tube was taken out of his mouth, till after all the machines were turned off, before taking our now 10 month old daughter to see her daddy one last time. I was shaking life a leaf on a limb standing there. Trying not to be hysterical, as the room was filled with grieving family and friends. I gave him a kiss and told her to do the same…she held his face…and even though she was small, I know she was confused when he didn’t do it back.
I waited untill the life support was cut off so she would think her daddy is sleeping. So I told her to tell daddy night-night and that she loved him and she would see him later. She blew him kisses and said night-night. I had someone take her out of the room, when the room cleared so I could have a moment alone with him. I was still speechless, so I kissed his forehead, kissed his cheek, then kissed his lips, rubbed his head, and whispered in his ear, “you already know.”
As much as it killed me, I walked out of that room leaving his lifeless body behind.
I prayed so hard in that short amount of time that if he would just wake up, I would take care of him for the rest of my life. I just wanted to see his big blue eyes again. The day he died, June 27th, 2013 was the day our daughter turned 10 months old. Two months later I was forced to put a smile on my face to celebrate her first birthday.
I Don’t Know How I Made it this Far.

The killer, Joseph Martin Terry III.
On October 10th, 2013 the man who had used blunt force to cause the artery in his brain to rupture had his preliminary hearing for the Felony charge of involuntary manslaughter of Vincent Lee Shifflett. On October 10th, 2013 the man who took away a 22 year old, a son, a friend, a boyfriend, a father…plead guilty to a plea bargain of a misdemeanor charge of assault.
Joseph Martin Terry III was sentenced to 1 year in the regional jail.
It’s been five months. Almost half a year later. My daughter is 15 months old. I don’t know how I made it this far. I believe our daughter is my saving grace and she is my reason for being, because without her who knows where I’d be today or if I’d be today. Suffering such a great loss.
A lot of people will tell you I am strong, maybe even the strongest person they know. For carrying on, taking on the responsibility of a mother and a father, keeping my head held high when others tried to break me…
I am strong because I have to be, not because I want to be.
Ryan’s family and friends, you are the definition of true strength. I have loved and lost my other half. I prayed that The Lord would bring him back, even if he had to depend on me forever and ever…but as I read these articles, I realize I am not that strong. I am only a crutch, a crutch that will soon break. I grieve for a body that’s spirit still lingers, though I can’t see it. But you grieve for a spirit who’s body is still here, that you have to face everyday. And I know now, that I would not be able to handle that. And that is why God called him home. You all are a true inspiration. And I pray that one day, Ryan’s spirit will return to his body and give you all peace and happiness again.
“God is testing me and the Devil’s trying to break me, but I was given this life because I am strong enough to live it.”
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Don’t miss yesterday’s heart-touching article, She’ll Always be My Little Girl

Thank you for sharing your story. God bless you and your daughter.
Terrible tragedy. This violent act has caused harm to so many good people. Keep your faith in God who will provide you strength. I will pray for you and your little girl.
Sara, prayers to you and your daughter. What is wrong with people that they feel they can sucker punch a fellow human being? Our only consultation is that Joseph
Martin Terry III, Austin Vantrease and their types are locked up doing what prisoners do with and to each other. It’s interesting that you came to the realization that God is aware of each persons strength. How true. He called Vince to be an angel in heaven while leaving you to be an angel/mom on earth for your daughter.
God still has plans for Ryan on earth.
Oh Sara, my heart goes out to you and yours.I too, along with everyone else here is trying to wrap my brain around this story. What an absolute nightmare, I will add you and your family to my list of prayers, hoping that by some miracle you will be comforted. Hang in there, your little girl needs you
what a heartbreaking story….may you continue with strength on your journey of healing. May God Bless you and your daughter. Your family will be kept in my prayers as I have been following and praying for Ryans family as well.
I remember hearing his name on TV because of his last name, it’s the same as a friend my brother knew when he was in high school. I wondered if they were related somehow, I know they aren’t. I can’t even imagine how killing someone could be considered an assault. A year? Disgusting.
Please remember that you still do have a small piece of your love in your little girl. He will be around her and he will be there to watch her grow. Look for the wonderful little things in her that he did and you will see him.
I am so horrifically sorry for your loss and the need for any of us to even know you or your daughter. It isn’t right. I hope the man who did this will suffer for the remainder of his life.
Such senseless acts of violence. So sorry for your loss Sara. Thank you for sharing your story, we will keep you and your daughter in our prayers.
When I can get a hold on my emotions, I will write more. Sara, you and your precious daughter will be in my heart every single day. Every day.
Love, Paula
Me too Paula and Sara. I just read this post out loud to my husband. It was all I could do to get through the last paragraph. I am sobbing, and need to get myself put together before I post. A thoughtful reply. Until then…Sara, I am praying for you.
One year would be a hard truth for me to grasp, I would be so mad at the world at that point, because it just doesn’t seem fair, Im so sorry, Im sorry it doesn’t feel to me justice was served.
Wow.. You are truly a brave young woman and mother, Sara. Our hearts go out to you because of your terrible loss, and we thank you for sharing your heart and story with the Divineys and all of us. You are an inspiration too! May God bless you and your precious daughter always. Her daddy’s spirit lives eternally with Lord, but he will always be a part of her as well. May you continue to draw comfort from your faith and share it openly with your little girl <3
Dear Sara,
So sorry for your loss.Such a heartwrenching story .Praying for peace and consolation for you.
What a terrible thing these thugs do and get ,like P.K. said, a slap on the wrist
This has to be Changed! Such senseless acts against innocence people.
God be with your family and with the Divineys….
Sara, my sister, I am so sorry for what you have been through. I wish I could say a prayer and take your pain away. God be with you, keep you and your daughter in His special care.
I do not understand the warped system of justice we have in this country. Mere possession of a drug can get you sent away for life but you kill someone, leave them terribly injured and you get slapped on the wrist and told naughty boy. We can only have faith that justice will be rendered in the next world by the Ultimate Judge. The Peace of Christ be with you and your daughter, Sara.
Oh, my God! One year! I can’t stand it–or believe it! What is wrong with our judges/courts? !!
“I am so sorry for your loss,” seem like empty words, but they are meant in the most sympathetic, understanding way that I know. I will pray for you and your child. We are helpless against killers, or so it seems. What is the answer? Education? Stricter laws? What is our defense against those who would kill us? And the killing goes on… …
Ken, thank you for sharing this sad story.l Unbelievable? No! We read about these stories and see them on the news almost daily. Two to ten, Austin Vantrease? I say, “Hell no!” Oh, hell no!