Okay. I know it. I know precisely what I’m in for. I’m facing a rough mother-effing day. Truth is, it’s already taking its toll. Like Christmas and New Years Eve, the anticipation starts before the day actually arrives. In many ways, this is just like a holiday season. But, in complete contrast. I feel it coming on, live survive the day, and deflate for several days following. Yippee!
21 Months = 1.75 years = 84 weeks = 588 days = 14,112 hours = 846,720 minutes = 50,803,200 seconds.
Austin Vantrease and Jonathan May had fifty-million chances to just do one thing right. Fifty-million times they failed my family. Never an honest apology (although May did contrive one before the judge). Never a cent paid to Ryan’s care. Nothing! But, I guess this is what one should from nothing.
Instead, my experience is that it seems many low-life convicts are surrounded by enablers. People who make excuses and somehow justify violence. I can just hear them now… “Gee [insert convict here], you didn’t mean for this to happen”. Let me make this clear, one thing scum bags like these mean to do is cause bodily injury. They meant to hurt Ryan! Does it even really matter to what degree (although kicking Ryan in the head should remove all doubt. Vantrease could have pick anywhere to kick Ryan, but he chose the head)? They intended to harm and acted on these intentions! So, passive aggressive dads/sisters or outright aggressive leather-faced moms/scowling brothers of convicts might be best served to keep their thoughts to themselves.
But they can’t remain silent. Nope. Instead, they scream at the victim’s father. They go on the attack in parking garages and social media (including making ill-conceived blogs looking for support of a criminal. What a joke!). They are behaving so badly that they are warned by the judge to knock it off or risk arrest. These are people possessing so little emotional intelligence they must reach up to touch bottom.
Really, besides the obvious conclusion of being a coward, what are people who sucker-punch others or kick a man when he’s down? Worse yet, kicking an unconcious, defenseless man. Really? Then what? In Ryan’s case, these thugs hide behind a dumpster and looked at the damage they caused. They watched their victim suffering seizures and bleeding from the ear, nose, and mouth. They never offer help. They didn’t even call 9-1-1. They run when the police arrive. And where do they run? Another party. At least one brags about it! Hell, their night is just getting started right when they end another’s life.
Oh, and it keeps getting more interesting. Instead of accepting responsibility, they never turn themselves in. The detective needs to hunt them down — driving all the way to Newark, Delaware. May seemingly goes into hiding — can’t be found for days — and Vantrease simply returns home and goes on with his life attending classes and going out. Yet, they claim remorse.
Yes, they might be remorseful… but I believe that’s only for being caught. I can only hope there is eternal justice in this universe. For Ryan’s sake, I can only hope.
Joe, If Austin and Jonathan were so “good and facing the consequences” where is the financial fine they were ordered by the court to pay? If they are an example of good, I would hate to see an example of a low life and evil. Ken, I love the description of their families, how funny are you!!
Prayers and thoughts for Ryan and your family. Just know there are Countless people out here supporting Ryan, only a handful that feel sympathy for the 2 COWARDS. Ryan is loved, cherished, admired & has a value that they will never achieve or ever be worthy of. Ryan is a miracle every day! Prayers, Strength & Love for your entire family.
jon may and austin are good people they commited a crime and are facing the consequences no reason to continue to bash them for no reason
Good people? Bash them? Do good people kick others in the head while they are down and then hide behind a garbage dumpster while the victim’s brain swells by the minute destroying vital neurons? You, Joe, are an un-educated moron.
Joe, you are despicable. Can’t say you are a thug like Jon and Austin cause I do not know you, but I can say you are despicable based on your views of those 2 thugs. The only bit and I say BIT of justice in this case is that Austing is now and forever will be a CONVICTED FELON. He will never be able to vote (at least not legally), he will never get a reputable job or even be accepted to continue his education is a reputable school. He will never have the life he could have had which is exactly what he deserves as a (let me say it again) CONVICTED FELON. you go and be chummy with a convicted felon.
oh and yes, if they are such good people and remorseful, why are they not helping with the medical costs that were caused due to their actions? not to mention that would not be help but court ordered and mandated. So much for your good people.
“Bash” them like they bashed in Ryan’s head? WTF? I know, I know, the proverbial “they didn’t mean to hurt him!”….. Hey pal, ya gotta mean NOT to. And just fyi, when my late brother used to call people pal….you weren’t one.
Dear Joe,
I did not see your comments but I can surmise the content of your post based on how upset you made many of this blog’s readers.
What do you really know about anything? What do you know about being in a house all day every day taking care of a once robust, active, high achieving son? The Diviney family worked very hard for the wonderful life they were living — your two friends took it upon themselves by their own feet and hands to destroy that life.
Strangers across the country have rallied to help these victims of the horrific crime committed by your friends. But what have Van T and May been doing? Helping with medical and household expenses now that Mr. Diviney can no longer work? Mowing the Diviney’s lawn or helping fix their basement so that they actually have somewhere to sit that isn’t beside hospital equipment?
Actions speak louder than words — i.e. these perpetrators could be demonstrating their genuine contrition by earning money to help the Divineys take care of their son. Their parents could be doing fundraisers to raise money for Ryan. All of them could be apologizing, not once, not twice, but over and over — why? Because it’s just the right thing to do.
But no — Jonathon May and Austin Van Trease will be forever known as the two men who together robbed Ryan of his ability to pursue and achieve his dreams and to enjoy celebrating those dreams with his family. They robbed Ken, Sue and Kari of any sense of normalcy. Their wonderful life was stolen and forever altered.
Joe, you go sit in a chair and think about these things before coming onto this blog and singing the praises of two men who have had many opportunities to do the right thing, but have chosen not to. While you’re at it, contemplate making a choice yourself — you can participate in a fundraiser, tell people Ryan’s story and about his courage and bravery in the face of daunting challenges, get on your knees and ask the Lord for a miracle for Ryan.
If you can’t or won’t do any of those things — your words are of no value and you have chosen to be part of the problem rather than the solution. May God help you if you decide to turn your back on a young man who can no longer speak for himself.
Joe, You poor little man. So devoid of any real compassion for the true victims of this crime. Good people do not attack people putting them into a state where literally every function must be done for them. You really just don’t get it. I would say I feel bad for you, but really I refuse to spend one more breath of energy thinking of you.
Still here still praying <3
shsp…with you and Ryan and Sue and Kari everyday.
I mentioned this on another page. This is perfectly legal. This is what a family in a town 15 minues away from me did in response to having their home broken into while on vacation. Put a sign up like this on your front lawn and name the two idiots who injured your son.
I think a sign of this kind should be put in the perp’s own yard/yards, and that they should be forced to wear a mark on their forehead for a time determined by a judge or jury. I don’t consider either of these to be “cruel and unusual.” But, of course, there is no punishment to fit the crimes of Vantrease and May, and only God can forgive their sins. I pray that they will never inflict this on anyone else. SHSP
Just hang in there.There is justice in this world. We have hope. That can never be taken away by any one.
That Judge has to be forced into giving more than just warnings. I wonder if each of us wrote our Representative in the House how much influence they could place on your Rep. to force this Judge into more action.
Hello Ken, this is so soul wrenching to read…all your pain, sorrow, anger and anguish, no one deserves this, and the injustice of it is staggering.
Your entire family has been victimized by this heinous crime. There is no facet or aspect of each of your lives that has gone unscathed as a result of this wicked, bloodthirsty attack.
There is no minimizing, rationalizing or justifying any part of what May and Vantrease did. Their actions were depraved and evil, period. If that’s not bad enough, there has been no demonstration of genuine remorse and no effort to help. It is unconscionable.
For all of that, I am dearly sorry, for it is a travesty that human beings would inflict such pain and sorrow on others, with no willingness to even attempt to make any amends.
So, all we have is to keep on walking this walk with you and your family, Ken. I know you struggle with believing in God; I cannot exist without Him, because there is too much evil in this world and I could not live in it without knowing I have a Father in heaven to whom I belong and to whom I will one day return. Meanwhile, you and your family know you are and always will be in our hearts and in our prayers.
To the Lord I remand Vantrease, May and all those who deliberately traumatize and cause pain to others without so much as an acknowledgement of the agony they have caused. And to the enablers of these men– you, too, will one day account for your lack of compassion and help to Ryan and his family.
Hugs, Ken, hugs, hugs and more hugs. And to Ryan, Kari and Sue as well. Thinking of you all on this very difficult day.
Love, Paula
I’m sorry that you go through this month after month. I go through it every Fathers’ Day (the anniversay of my husband’s accident). It’s been 4 years. But, the doctors told me he would be a “Terry Schiavo”, and he is nothing like that. Your son will continue to improve.
On another note, at least Austin and May were thugs. I have been following the CA story of Kelly Thomas who was beat by 6 police officers who are now on administrative leave. His parents took him off of life support after 5 days in a coma. Could you imagine the police doing this to your son? The people who are supposed to protect doing such an act.
Have a nice day. Just think how much improvement your son has shown since last year at this time. Brain injury recovery is measured in months and years, not days.
As God and his hands take care of and guide your family and all those who care and pray for you, God’s wrath awaits those jokers! They have no idea what they are in for. Be patient and God’s work will be done : )
Ken, Every word you said is so true ,but I know in the end Ryan will come out the winner, and God knows and who cares where those thugs will end up .Always here with you all in spirit NGA. Love Gail
We feel your pain….I’m so sorry…..Ryan never leaves thoughts. Please know that we’re praying for all of you…especially today.
Love, Peggie
I can’t begin to imagine your pain, but I’m here, still hoping and praying for you and your family!!!
Still here, remembering–once again. More later.