I spent the evening receiving picture-after-picture of Sue and Kari having a blast in New York City. Not much can match the smile on a daughter’s face. From what I could tell from the background, I have a strong suspicion Kari convinced Sue to eat at Bubba Gump’s. Mmmmmm. …and Sue calls Kari a “Daddy’s girl”.
One picture I wanted to share was shot by Kari. It captures the city as nightfall descends. It really captures the rhythm of the NYC.
I’m happy to say that Ryan’s run of peaceful nights continues. Of interest was just after we put him to bed. He closed his eyes, nearly completely. This hasn’t happened in some time.
Then, another thing happened that I’m not quite sure what to make of. I could be that he had mucus bothering him in his throat. Anyhow, without forming words (or even coming close) he began to “vocalize”. It wasn’t like others before… such as pain. It seemed more controlled and smooth. Like a sigh. Nothing to get excited about, but on my “worth watching” list.
Gloria Gallagher says
Sighs are good. One step at a time, one day at a time, one sound at a time.
Jane Martellino says
Definitely encouraging signs!
Glad to read that Kari and Sue are having mother-daughter time. As a mom of a 23 year old daughter, I know there is nothing like it. Enjoy.
Becky says
Ken, As a mom going down the same road, I have decided that anything Courtney does different is improvement and a blessing from God. Believe what you heard, dont doubt it. As parents we hear from the professionals, Oh that is a reflex, It makes it hard for us to believe that it is them in there doing this stuff. I have come to a decision that I will praise the Lord for every movement that Courtney makes and praise her like she just made the deans list. We started clapping everytime Courtney swallowed not to long ago. At first her face was a little confused, then a smile. Stay encourage and know that he was trying to communicate with you. I chose to believe it was Ryan telling you he Loves you. Praying for your family. Becky Bloxom
The Colangelis says
I would think that closed eyelids has to be good on the eyes. Little improvements like these are definitely worth watching for. We are praying for Ryan.
Steve Bos (Andrew's Dad) says
Ken, having been down this road for the past three years you have to continue to look for the “baby steps” in the healing. That’s all we have to hang onto. Ryan’s in there and knows everything that’s going on around him. Vocalizing any sound means communication and he’ll continue to make sounds, not words right away but they’re coming. I’m sure you’ve heard it before and probably sick of hearing it but “all brain trama’s are different” is absolutely true. None of us heal at the same rate so comparing him to our son or anyone else is useless. I heard your story on the news after the assault happen but at the time we were a little busy with our son, my heart goes out to you, Ryan and the rest of the family. Please take this as what it is, a small step in his healing and continue to look for more “baby steps” that will be coming. God must be listening to the prayers lifting Ryan and your family. Andrew and I will continue to pray daily for Ryan, Sue, Kari and yourself, and if you need a complete stranger to ever talk with know that we’re here.
Jo Hobbs says
It must be difficult waiting for little miracles to happen, Ken, but look at this: something happened! We don’t know what it is as yet, but this gives me hopeful and positive thoughts that Ryan is becoming more aware of his surroundings. I hope your cell phone has video capability so that when something does happen, you can record it for Sue and Kari (I won’t beg for us here on your blog just yet!). Ken, so help me God, I just feel that Ryan is living proof that miracles happen. God must be overwhelmed by our constant praying, asking, begging… …We are waiting, Lord, and we, like Ken and Sue, are trying to be patient like you are patient waiting for us. We are with you in spirit, with hope and love Diviney Family. Kari and Sue, have a wonderful time and take lots of photos for scrapbooking!
Mary says
One day at a time, one blessing at a time! Go Ryan!
sally ellis says
One small step at a time. Keep working Ryan, I know you have it in you.
Dianne says
I’m so happy to hear that Sue & Kari are having such a good time in NYC. “Girltime” is good for the soul … at least the girls’ souls! I’m especially pleased to hear that Ryan continues to have restful nights and I’m pleased with his recent progress. Baby steps are still forward movements. Hang in there, Ken, and keep doing what you’re doing. You have more folks behind you than you could ever imagine.
A Teacher says
Hello, I thought I would share this with you. I am a high school teacher in West Virginia. I heard about Ryan’s story on the local when it first occured. Since then I have been following your blog. I wanted to tell you that Ryan and his story have touched my high school students in a way that I’m sure you would have never imagined. After a few months of following this story myself, I decided that I woud let my students read his story, your posts, see his pictures, and watch the today show clip about Ryan and your family. You could have herad a pin drop when I showed them the clip. Their eyes were glued. When it finished, they sat very somber for a long time, and I’m sure as you could imagine a room full of quite high school kids for any amount of time is amazing! Anyways, to get to the point, they were so taken by Ryan’s story that many of them said that he had become their motivation to never fight. Even some of the bigesst bullies in our school commented things like “I never knew someone could get hurt that bad”, “Wow, that’s so sad, I’ll never get in a fight again”, and the comments kept following. Ryan’s story is heartbreaking, the saddest thing possible! But my students have taken Ryan and used his story to better themselves. It was so touching to them. I just thought you should know, he’s making a difference in people’s lives still! He’s still a role and an inspiration! God bless you and your family! My students I will continue to follow and await the day we log on to read your miracle of his waking! Thanks for your blog and for sharing your story! It has made a difference!
Mary says
What an awesome idea to share w/your students! Love to hear teacher’s that make a difference in kids lives. Keep up the great work! God Bless!
Anna says
What a great teacher you are! We need more like you in America. Not only teaching the 3 R’s, but also teaching citizenship and character. Keep up the good work.
Jo Hobbs says
Pass it on, W VA Teacher! Pass it on! Thank God for Teachers and parents like you!
Vicky Scott says
To teach, is to touch a life forever.
Cheryl Onderchain says
You are an amazing teacher! Thank you for sharing Ryan’s story. It’s so important for young people to understand how fighting can change someone’s life in a moment. And how senseless violence can shatter so many lives and impact so many people.
Thank you. I wish there were more teachers like you out there. You are awesome!
Michelle says
Very exciting news! I bet Ryan feels so comfortable with Kari being home. I believe he knows when the whole family is with him. I’m betting during Kari’s summer break from college we are doing to see alot more “miracles” happening. God Bless you Ken and your family. You are amazing people!
Carla Liberty says
Any new development, however innocuous, is progress in my book! I got the warm fuzzies reading your post!!!
So glad Kari and Sue are having fun in the Big Apple, and that Ryan is doing well. What a testament to your loving care. I so admire you, Ken. Thank you, as always for continuing to share your life with all of us.
Ms. Blasé says
“Nothing to get excited about, but on my ‘worth watching’ list.”
I’ll take it upon myself to get excited for you 🙂
Krysti says
Was browsing thru MSN and came across your story. I’ve been reading on it all morning. Alot of times in my life I’ve felt like, can it get any worse. After spending the morning with your story, I know now everything in my life has been easy compared to what Ryan and your family are going through. Now, every day of my life, when things are getting really bad I will stop and think of Ryan and what he has been thru and still has yet to come. I will pray for your family and continued progress everyday. May God continue to bless you and your family.
Sam Durham says
I’m with Evelyn. As Cam said, “a miracle in slow motion”. Double timing the praying today I think! Maybe it was boys week activities that made him vocalize??? What have you been doing with him!?!?!?
Paula says
Hi Ken! So glad the ladies are livin’ it up in NYC!! Only been there a couple of times and absolutely loved it — it’s magical!! My niece lives there…she was in Wicked and then was a Rockette and is loving life. Meanwhile I’m doing laundry and all the skullery maid duties a girl could want. But I also get the privilege of being a friend to Ryan, Kari, Ken and Sue Diviney. And I’ve been blessed to meet the best people ever on Team Diviney, including my prayer warrior sisters, who love Ryan like he is their own son. Wouldn’t trade it for anything. Every time Ryan does something new that’s showing he is healing — no matter how small — I am excited — more excited than anything, including watching the lights of NYC turn on at dusk, or seeing the Phantom seduce Christine. Wow. Ryan, you are an amazing young man, and you have a Dad who is an extraordinarily strong and inspiring man. I’m thankful to be a part of your lives! Love & prayers, Paula
Gail Doyle says
Dear Ken , Great picture from NYC. glad they’re enjoying themselves. And so happy Ryan had another peaceful night ……and closing his eyes ,that’s good isn’t it? And the almost sigh?? Pray it means something good. keep us posted ..You take care of yourself And say hello to Ryan……….Gail
Cheryl Onderchain says
Kari really deserved a couple days of fun in NYC, so glad Sue was able to make all this possible.
Keep us posted on that new development, Ken. Definitely worth watching.
Thinking about all of you today and always. Still here, always will be.
Love ya!
Evelyn Boxley says
It’s enough for me to get excited about, small steps, just small steps