I’m hoping, by now, most have received our annual card. If not, expect it on/before December 19th (the last day we were guaranteed delivery). It’s important for us to show our appreciation to those who have helped Ryan (and our family) over the past decade.
We worked hard on making this year’s card especially meaningful. It means so much to us to capture the essence of our son. I get teary-eyed every time I see it.
The mailing list is now many thousands and we do our best to include everyone. Still, sometimes people move or we’re unable to successfully search for their address. For those who expected one, but didn’t receive it, please accept this digital version as our appreciation.
We will continue this tradition because, even though Ryan is no longer with us, our gratitude toward you is. If you wish to receive our card in future years please email me your name(s) and mailing address to kdiviney@ryansrally.org.
From my family to each of you, thank you for all you have done this past decade. Without you, we never would have endured. You provided for Ryan and allowed him to survive in comfort and peace. We are sincerely — and eternally — grateful.
I hope you will be inspired by this card’s meaning. I encourage you to freely comment, but also to share this post on your social media to keep Ryan relevant.
Now, let’s make 2020 a great year! It’s going to get interesting…
April Cukic says
I received your card the other day. What a beautiful tribute to Ryan. God Bless your family and Merry Christmas.
cabrunelle says
I usually get your cards but sadly did not this year. I love the photo, very symbolic of someone who will always be remembered by so many. I hope you find some joy and peace in this holiday season. Please know, there are so many of us not going anywhere.
Ryan's Rally LLC says
I know you were on the mailing list. Please let me know if you don’t receive it by the 19th (the last day it would come). We mail ourselves one (for quality control) & haven’t gotten yet either.
Gail says
Beautiful card Thank you. May Christmas bring you all some comfort and peace ❤️
Rita says
This is so beautiful, Ken, Sue and Kari. We will always love and appreciate your family too! And we promise to do our best to keep Ryan relevant and support your pursuit of justice for him ❤
Paula Yocom says
Ryan often pops into my mind when I least expect it — when I’m walking through the sports equipment dept in a store, when I see a certain kind of jeep, when I think about the Maroon Crew, whenever I see “West Virginia,” every time you, Kari or Sue post feelings, memories and thoughts, when I remember my daughter all dressed up for homecoming and visiting Ryan – and Sue told Ryan to wave goodbye and my Lord in heaven, he did – when I think about Diviney prayer warriors gathering last Christmas at my house – how we have become so emotionally connected with your family and with each other — and these feelings are not fading, rather, they continue to have a grip on my soul, and I realize that Ryan’s spirit is still so vibrant and alive, there’s still so much that needs to be said, written and accomplished on his behalf — to continue the shining legacy that he created while on the earth — it must not end, it must never end, ever,, as long as we ourselves still inhabit the planet.
Christine P. Marino says
It was such a nice surprise in my mailbox that I recieved the other day! Thank you & Merry Christmas