It’s now been a full-week since I announced Ryan’s MRSA diagnosis. You can read that post here: Ryan has Potentially Life-Threatening Infection, 01/12/16.
Believe me, I’ve tried my damned-best to respond to each person that has texted, posted, messaged, or emailed me. I simply can not keep with it any longer. Please know, this is not a complaint. On the contrary, this level of concern touches my heart deeply.
Here’s what I can tell you… Ryan’s infection is no worse, but to say more than that might be misleading. It appears to be improving. Hell, sometimes I’m sure it is, then I begin to doubt my assessment. Truth is, I won’t know for sure until he completes his course of antibiotics (next week) and then waiting several days to see if it re-presents itself.
The concern is that the infection is merely suppressed, but not defeated. This means the MRSA bacteria was tolerant and survived (and likely even strengthened).
If this turns out to be the case, then Ryan must get course of stronger antibiotics. Then we wait and see… again. The scary truth is that MRSA is resistant to most antibiotics and this can only occur for so long. There’s a limited number of bullets in the holster, to be blunt.
Most readers know that I have been relentless in minimizing antibiotics throughout Ryan’s injury (brutally caused by violent offenders Austin Vantrease and Jonathan May). It was over three years since he had taken any. This is truly remarkable for a healthy person, let alone someone in his condition. I’m proud of myself for keeping him healthy and, perhaps, prolonging his life; and his chance to experience recovery. But, what people don’t know is this has always been my approach… to only give my children antibiotics when necessary.
Beginning as young as infants, there were occasions when the doctor would write an order for an antibiotic treatment… and I was inclined to withhold them… if the doctor couldn’t convince me otherwise, that is (although, there were times when it was clear they were needed). Eventually, the doctors knew me well enough to prescribe antibiotics with the condition to “administer after three days if symptoms don’t improve”.

This image was created by Ryan’s Rally LLC. Copyright 2016.
I’m not giving medical advice here. I never do. Let’s be clear on that. I certainly don’t want to get my ass sued. Yet, I urge anyone — especially parents — to ALWAYS think twice about how antibiotics are given.
As I’ve said many times before, there are only so many bullets in the holster.
Moreover, not all those bullets are loaded to kill what needs killin’.
Just as I wouldn’t use armor-piercing ammunition for a squirrel, neither would I use a super-antibiotic for the sniffles. Likewise, I wouldn’t use a BB for a human predator.
Hold on to those silver bullets for as long as you possibly can, Kemosabe. Hmm, I wonder how many people immediately understood that reference?
Come to think of it, this might be good advice for most life situations?
Please visit Ryan’s Wish List!
I think of you, Ryan and your family all the time, and I always pray for each of you too.
SHSP NGA – my prayers continue every day for Ryan and your family – you are on my mind and I pray with all my heart that Ryan will be able to overcome this horrific bug. Just know you are in my thoughts, prayers and heart every single day, no exceptions. Love and prayers, Annie
Sorry ken ánd Ryan
Our prayers are continuing.
Thank you for the update. We are praying for Ryan and your family. Thank you for letting us know how he is doing.
Thank you for the update..I’ve been checking daily. Thoughts and prayers are always with Ryan and all of you. Ryan is ever present in my thoughts throughout each day.
Generally, Ken, a diagnosis of MRSA is made in the ER. The CDC gets involved, and the Infectious Disease Control physician is notified. The patient has no choice of type of antibiotic. The doctor calls the shots–in the form of IV antibiotic, possibly requiring a hospital stay, depending on the health of the patient. CDC TAKES NO CHANCES WITH MRSA! Too risky.
Hey! This is surely not to say that YOU would ever take chances with Ryan! Absolutely NOT! I know this. Just saying the CDC overdoes it sometimes, maybe, I thin. They shoot to kill!
i am sorry ryan
good advice, also, finish the course when you do take a antibiotic. do be stupid and stop just b/c you start to feel better. saying a prayer for ryan.
Hi Ken, I’m praying Ryan is feeling better soon. I hope you can gaze upon sparkling snow covered vistas and star filled skies.
And this, our life, exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything.
William Shakespeare
I’m still here, still praying, not going anywhere.
Love, hugs and hope
Thinking of you all Ken, and most especially Ryan. I appreciate the bluntness, the humor and the wisdom in your post. Please keep us updated, and know that there continues to be an outpouring of love, from our heart to yours. <3 Cheering you on, praying for Ryan, and still angry as hell, that any of this happened to your family, and your incredible son.
God Bless………..
Still in my prayers, everyday. You are an amazing family, hugs to you all 🙂
Right on that’s why we now have so many super bugs that and parents now a days are in overkill with the hand sanitizer etc killing off all the good germs
My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Stay strong and try to take care of yourself Ken. God bless you all.
Always thinking of your family. Prayers your and Ryan’s way.
Many thought and prayers Ken to you and your family, take care of yourself you all have endured so much in the 5 years stay strong even though that gets pretty tough sometimes.
Sending love your way
Hugs sent. Prayers daily. Need a break? Just ask.
Keeping you all in my thoughts. Not fair that you all now have to deal with MRSA.
My daughter Caitlin in England and I always have Ryan and the family in our prayers and will keep it up!
Prayers always !!
You are all strong. You can do it
I’m so sorry to hear about your son Ken, your family is in my prayers, and so is your mom and dad,,Diane and Beth
So sorry to hear this, I must have missed a post!Give Ryan hugs ! Praying for the best possible outcome!! Hang in there daddy O and yes, I did get the reference.
My prayers continue for Ryan’s healing. Lord continue to give Ken and his family strength.
Thank you for the update. I think of you all every day and please do not try to reply to my note. Just know you are not forgotten.
More and more prayers!! ❤️
Hi Ken. We appreciate the updates. We have wondered… I took the liberty of adding Ryan to our Cathedral Intercession list. Our weekly Mass program includes the names of all who are ill, or otherwise in need of prayer. The person who leads morning prayer reads every name on the list. I have to ask Deacon Sue, Sunday, if they are uploaded to the Worldwide Anglican Communion as was done with the weekly Prayer Table. (It, alas, retired w/our Dean & his wife. One does need training & a Ministry Fair is one of the consequences of Dean Collum’s retirement).
You are on the right track re antibiotics. My Primary Care MD is hell on 2 feet about that. NO antibiotics unless it’s a real infection. You have a “cold,” it’s viral. Antibiotics are no good! (I want to stand up, salute her & declare, “Yes Ma’am!” but Dr. H doesn’t have a sense of humor!) I had to take an antibiotic post dental surgery last month but that was extensive surgery, I’m a brittle diabetic, prone to infection. Another Cathedralite, a Registered Nurse, goes on a tear aboutthat. So much stuff is antibiotic resistant because theyre prescribed & dispensed like candy.
But MRSA, as she explained to me, is far more dangerous. It cannot be treated by standard penicillin, erythromycin, etc. So this is one time where the antibiotics are appropriate. Go with what the Dr. advises.
Ken, I’m going to add Ryan–AND YOUR FAMILY–to the Episcopalians Online prayer list. There are never to many prayers. and Caregivers need prayers & support as well. You have a great burden. You bear it out of LOVE. But you have to take care of YOURSELF, my brother.
Please keep us posted & don’t worry about responding!
God’s peace be with you.
PK Miller & Tim Montgomery
Thanks so much, Ken, for the update. Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way. Godspeed, Ryan!
Ken, you keep doing your part and we will try and take care of the rest. If love and prayer heals, Ryan will pull through like a champ. Much love to all four of you!
Ken, thank you for the update! Continued prayers for Ryan’s FULL healing! As a side note, you are 100% correct about antibiotics.
sending an email
Ryan’s so lucky to have you
thank you for taking the time to post Ken. your prayer warriors all over the world are on it.
Still here. Not going anywhere.
More prayers for Ryan . Ken, you have kept Ryan in great physical shape….he looks healthy as can be. Praying God will do the rest and heal Ryan COMPLETELY . Stay strong , all of you .
Prayers being sent to you and your family! ♡
Sending healing energy your way Ryan….this will turn around before the end of this round of antibiotics..hang in there….Ken you’re such an inspiration for all…
Prayers to the entire family and Ryan’s doctors.
All of you are always in my thoughts and prayers!
One of the best gifts I received when my first child was born was Bruno Bettelheim’s book, A Good Enough Parent. Unlike so many other child-rearing advice/rules books, he offers how to show parents to develop their own insights to best nurture each child’s individual development. Trust your intuition. You clearly epitomize his philosophy.
I’m still scared with you and continue to send hope through cyberspace.
Praying everyday brother.
Thank you so much for the update. You are a wise man and a wonderful father. Please please take care of yourself. You are a special and important member of your whole family and I’m sure many of us worry about and for, not only Ryan, but also you and your entire family’s well-being. Even though we don’t know your family, I’m sure that many of our prayers and intentions are sent, not only for Ryan, but also that you, your wife and your daughter are protected and comforted by God’s grace and mercy. Take good care, Kemosabe.
Your wife, daughter and son love you dearly!!! Just remember you never gave up, you cannot worry about anyone but your family rite now!! Just know we are here for you to vent, yell,scream,curse,laugh etc…. just know God is beside you !!
Praying for you all. <3
Your whole family is in my thoughts and prayers
Praying he gets better soon! If anyone needs a miracle, it’s Ryan.
Always praying for you ken…and your whole family especially Ryan
Take care of yourselves, you have to be well, physically and mentally and spiritually before you can take care of Ryan. Please be good to yourself.
I personally had MRSA and Sudomonus after a major surgery. It landed me in the hospital for 6 1/ 2 weeks. All the “regular” antibiotics didn’t work as it became resistant. I like you only take or give antibiotics when it’s the only option. I was given Vanvomyacin and Tobramyacin through the IV for 8 weeks. Not sure what the long term plan is but just wanted to give options.
Prayers continue for Ryan and that he is feeling better soon. I agree on the overuse of antibiotics.
Continued prayers of strength and healing!
Always in my prayers!
Thinking about you all Ken.
I just today made my first reply on Ryan’s FB page. I have been checking and hoping for good news. I hope you get your weekend soon under the best of circumstances, Kemosabe. Yes, I am old enough for the reference.
Thank you for the update. I’ve had y’all on my mind and in my prayers. I totally agree with you on not giving unnecessary meds also.
Positive thoughts to you and Ryan that the treatment is working and nothing more need be done for him to recover from this latest infection.
it is very true the more you expose yourself to a med the less effective it is later. i have so many friends who at the sign of even the smallest headache ran for tylenol and now even prescription strength does nothing. ive thankfully only had to give my kid antibiotics a handful of times, the most was when we couldnt get rid of my sons strept and ended getting his tonsils removed. i will be keeping you guys in my thoughts and hope this bullet does the trick.
Always praying.