I’m so over winter.
I believe my area — Northern Virginia — set a record for both temperature (6 degrees) and wind chill (-7 degrees). On top of this there is a snowstorm coming, expected to roll in overnight, complete with gusty winds. Looks like we’ll get 4 or 5 inches, give or take.
For most, this isn’t a big deal.
Not so much for us. It adds another level of stress.

Today’s weather conditions here in Northern Virginia.
I have prepared ourselves for just such an event. A couple of years ago we paid $17,000 (of our own money) for a top-of-the-line back-up electrical generator. Within seconds of losing power it will kick-in and restore juice to the entire house for an unlimited amount of time; because it uses our natural gas line to power the generator. We also have a 40-gallon reserve water supply that was donated to us through Ryan’s Wish List. We amassed nutrition for Ryan that will be available for weeks.
We have done everything under our control that we can.
The scary part is we can’t control everything necessary. We are dependent upon delivery services (e.g., FedEx, UPS, USPS) to get supplies here. We must still make it to the pharmacy for vital medications because insurance and Medicaid give such a small window to refill prescriptions. Heck, I should have said the same for supplies being delivered. We worry about the nurse not making it here to help us overnight.
Mostly, I worry about Ryan having a medical emergency that is severe enough that he must be taken to the hospital. Sure, I’ll make damned certain to have our property cleared of snow. Well at least enough so that we can roll him out on a stretcher or wheelchair. Then we’re at the mercy of our local Homeowners’ Association clearing our street — and connecting streets — that will get him to the main drag. This is hit-or-miss. Like on our last snowfall, the street we live on wasn’t properly cleared for 24 hours.
Fortunately, this upcoming winter weather system should move through quickly and our elevated level of stress will be short-lived.
Just stopping by to let you know I’m thinking of you all.
Just checking in on the web site. Hope everything is OK.
Hi Ken, I am so relieved you have the generator, given that the temps are going to drop even more tonight/tomorrow. It is comforting to know you have thought of so many ways to to keep Ryan safe and warm. Thinking of you, sending love, hugs and good thoughts.
I think the suggestion to have a stockpile of supplies, enough for 6 mos, say, is a good one. Also, how about food–I have some ’emergency’ food from Wise Co, South Salt Lake City, Utah–they are better than ‘Food4Patriots’ as Wise is made here in the US. Just a thought (of course, nothing is cheap). Wise also will send you a sample of their food to try, which helped me decide to use them. SHSP NGA, Love and prayers to you, Ryan & Fam. Annie
Ken, I think if you call the department of transportation or county that you can tell them about Ryan and they will come make sure the road is always open. As far as power, I can’t remember now but it’s either the power company or the local fire department that will bring a generator since Ryan is reliant on power. But since you have a generator that is faster than they would bring one, I wouldn’t mess with the power company.
Could you not figure out some way to have about 6 months of supplies for Ryan stockpiled?
If the nurse doesn’t show up wouldn’t Sue be around to help? Perhaps the 2 of you could switch sleeping shifts,… never mind, I know you need sleep, especially if you need to shovel snow.
Will be thinking of you and hoping for the best and for spring to get here quick!!!!
Do you guys have a snow blower? If not, I can bring mine over later! Let me know. My thoughts are with you! xoxo
We do.
Just wish our main man didn’t have to do the snow blowing! How you do EVERYTHING is beyond me!
Thinking of you. Love to all. <3
Thank goodness Ken,you can do a little preparing anyway. Hoping storm takes a turn away from you and you all stay warm Say hi to Ryan
I’m so over the winter, too!! Thinking of you guys over the coming weeks of the END of the winter….and praying always <3 How is Ryan doing?!
Just now read the story of Ryans birth. TEN POUNDS !!! Oh my gosh !! And she had the courage to get pregnant again ?? That would have stopped me in my tracks . Speaking of the weather though, praying you all have no extra medical emergencies, and that your snow amounts aren’t as bad as predicted. Ordinary families don’t have a clue of the extra concerns that a special needs caregiver has. Prayers as always for RYAN and your family.
I know! We worry about you, too. I hope you only get a dusting, but sounding like a bit more. I worry about you being out with the snow blower more than anything else! After a couple of falls on ice myself, you can understand my concern. It seems, however, that the cost of snow removal is much too exorbitant to think about (still looking for that billionaire philanthropist!). If you must go out–well, you know the drill–dress warmly… …
The weather here is very cold as well. It was 0 today with wind chill of -11. That’s here in Fairmont, WV. I’m glad to hear that you guys are so well prepared for the possibility of what could happen. It’s definitely a good thing that you all have the back up generator and the extra water that is readily available! Hopefully Ashburn gets there stuff together to have the roads cleared and good to go as soon as possible. Definitely need to be more prepared than usual. Hopefully everything is going well for Ryan! Sending many prayers and tons of love your way! <3
These forecasts make me nervous for your family too. We’ll get through it <3