For over five years I have sat on the idea of writing a book. My feeling was always that the story is not over yet, there is more to come. Even when I was approached by a few publishers, I didn’t believe the time was right. Besides, this story (and, modestly speaking, my writing) holds the power to attract competing offers.
Turns out, I still don’t know if it’s right — timing-wise, that is — but will there ever really be one? So, after many months of mulling it over in my mind, I made a decision.
I’ll write it next year. Let me clarify… I’ll write my first book next year. The way I see it, I have at least three books that could be written.
Before I sit down and type a single word, I need to create an environment to do this in. A place where I can step away to write with minimal interruptions… well, as minimal as possible. Fortunately, I have a perfect location in my house. It’s a room on the main level that has served many functions over the years. It began as a living room, then an office, then Ryan’s hospital room, then Sue’s office, and then Kari’s storage area (as it exists today). Ambitiously, this should happen before the calendar flips to 2015.I want to do this right. So, my plan is to completely clear everything from the room. Hell, maybe even give the walls a fresh coat of paint. The problem with creating this blank slate is two-fold though. First, another place needs to be found to put all the existing furniture, decorations, and storage boxes. That’s challenging enough. Second, and worse yet, I need to make time to do it! That’ll be a problem, for sure. Before I begin creating the space there is one more item I’ll absolutely need… a set of doors to allow isolation (except for a live audio/video feed to Ryan’s room).
To the extent possible, I must shut-off the outside world when I sit down to write. Sure, these doors are meant to separate me from distractions, but I know that I need them to hide behind. A barrier to protect when the emotions rip me to shreds. As much as it will deeply hurt as I write, it is important to cry in despair and boil in anger.
To let any, and every, emotion swell and burst… without inhibition.
Ann H Tearle says
YES! Put the needed doors on Ryan’s wish list, please (or a ‘special’ fund for this to donate to, like the spa lift)! SHSP NGA Love to you all, every minute of every day, you are My family:)
Paula Yocom via Facebook says
Let’s have a book signing too!!!
Sam Masters Durham via Facebook says
I’d like to buy the very first one.
kaitlinobscura says
You definitely have more than three books in you. Looking forward to reading the first one. ๐
“I learned never to empty the well of my writing, but always to stop when there was still something there in the deep part of the well, and let it refill at night from the springs that fed it.” – Ernest Hemingway
OR you could take the Kanye West route and think like this:
“I feel like I’m too busy writing history to read it.” – Kanye West
I vote Hemingway though.
Peggie Fairer says
Or as Matthew McConaughey would say in that southern drawl…..write on, write on, write on!!!
Peggie Fairer says
Write on Ken!
Josh says
I think this is a great idea. Not only should it be therapeutic for you, it will also provide valuable information and experience for others dealing with TBI. Wishing you and Ryan the best as always.
Kathryn Beggs Howlett via Facebook says
Yes. You need to do it for many reasons. Please.
Lorraine Lundqvist via Facebook says
The potential is simply amazing. Good Luck!
Lorraine Lundqvist via Facebook says
Jo says
Yes, the time is right! I am happy to read this. It will take a lot of time, we know, but so important for you, your family and us. We are always here for you.
Tom McClelland says
I’ve written this here before….you have *tremendous* writing talent. The hardest part may be what to leave out. I think that you are right in that you have enough inside you to write 3 books.
I hope this is a cathartic experience for you; and if you help others in similar situations to deal with their own struggle; the book(s) will be a success on multiple levels.
Ryan’s story is one that needs to be told. It’s clear you’ll do it well.
PK Miller says
By all means DO write your book, Ken. Ryan’s story–and your family ‘s–needs to be told. It would be a great catharsis for you, And people who are not aware of your website, etc., would now know. I also think it would be a bastion of support to others caring for a family member with a TBI, whatever its origin.
I think you should have an agent before you even start. If I have some time tomorrow or Thursday I will post on my LinkedIn non-fiction writer’s group and see what they say. All the things i was going to do in retirement–hah!!! I seem to have less time in retirement than I ever did when I was working! My husband is laughing his dupa off reading this over my shoulder! He’s taking me out to dinner Thursday. I’m officially over the hill–71! My poor baby turns 65 in February. But the world may end Christmas Eve of this year when my nephew turns 45!
Seriously, Ken, do write that book. What money you receive could fund a trust fund for Ryan for when youre no longer here. That will be important. I dragged Tim to a financial planning session for the LGBT community last Saturday. We’ve been remiss in that–the curse of being 2 busy men. But you & your family need to prepare a trust or something now to provide for Ryan. None of us lives forever. It was 3 years ago last month my brother in law died evry suddenly, 28 years ago my dad died very suddenly. We had to move mom in with us. Thankfully, dad more than provided for her but as the Planner said last week, if we have a person w/a disability in the family, financial planning is essential. God bless.
PK & Tim
Cathy says
Wow, great news to hear this. It will be very therapeutic for you and your family. Blessings to you! And prayers your way for a clear mind, ample time to focus your thoughts, and strength to go through it all again.
Gail Doyle says
I agree with Rita YES!!!! Do it ,I’m sure with all you’ve been through,
it will be agony to write ,but a story that has to be told
Emily says
I have only been following Ryan’s story and your journey for about a year. Writing your story, as well as the story from Ryan’s POV, has the potential to be incredibly healing, especially for you. I look forward to hearing about it. ๐
Anna says
OMG! This is so exciting! Your books will be right up there with Bill O’Reillys on the best seller list. One after another. First, second and third on the NY Times Best Seller list.
More attention brought to the cause and more attention brought to Ryan. More attention brought to Jon May, Austin Vantrease and their friends who stood by and did nothing. More shame and attention brought to their families too.
Can’t wait to read, can’t wait to maybe see the movie one day. Talk about Ryan being relevant, he will bring college campus violence to the big screen.
Tony says
Wishing you good luck in your upcoming project. You will do a great job like you have with every other challenge you’ve faced. God Bless Ryan and your family.
Kelli Nerger via Facebook says
A wonderful way to make sure that everyone remembers and new folks can learn your and Ryan’s story. Can’t wait to read it!
Kelli Nerger says
What a great idea! It should prove to be very therapeutic for you in the long run. Can’t wait to read it!
Diana says
Congratulations on your commitment to write your book (s). Even tho it will probably hurt so much. I have followed your story for a long time and just wanted to wish Ryan and your family well.
Sue Bennett Markley via Facebook says
Your book could be a best seller. You and your family have a lot of thoughts bottled up and I’m sure it would be a healing process for you and we that have had similar experiences with being care givers of someone with traumatic brain injuries would benefit from your thoughts, I’m sure.
Jean Ellis Koch via Facebook says
A great and important idea. You have much to share with all of us.
Susan :-) says
I am so glad to hear you are going to pour your emotions into a book! Maybe this be a road to a little bit of peace for yourself! Good luck!
Kristina Marie via Facebook says
YES! Do it. I think it’s a great idea.
Rita says
Karen T. says
That is awesome, Ken – can hardly wait to read it!
Corinne Cox says
I am very glad that you have decided to take the path of writing a book. No matter what it is about, I’m sure it will be a best seller. Keeping you all in my prayers. I hope you all had a fantastic holiday. Much love!