It’s far from complete, but I did some work on bringing the website online over the weekend. This domain/URL was previously owned and operated by the Vantrease contingent. Well, that is, until I sent the family a strongly worded letter to stop their nonsense. After they shut it down, I promptly claimed it. You can read about how this happened in my post Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!

The Vantrease Family at the criminal trial. Andraya is seated second from left in the front row.
I consider this new website to be something of a “sister site” to this one because it relates to the violent crime and criminals. At least for now, I’m giving it the nickname of “The Andraya”. It just seems fitting to reference the person who likely selected “” as its original name… Austin Vantrease’s sister. She was certainly the one responsible for its content.
It’s her legacy!
Yep, that seems fitting.
While it’s true that this site — as originally set-up — was ill-conceived, distasteful, deceitful, and unpopular, at least the leg work went in to pointing the search engines (e.g., Google, Bing, etc.) to it. I’m confident that the people who set it up thought it was a good idea, it’s typically not the behavior one sees from a felon’s support system.
Another thing. Within minutes of notifying people today that the revised website is online, it will squash the total views it tallied over two years. Really, it probably did this already… over the weekend as it was being worked on.
Go ahead. Take a look. It’s in a basic form now and I’m open to suggestions.
Ryan Update: The scalp-flap incision to place the skull prosthetic is healing beautifully. We anticipate having the sutures removed next week.
Honestly, if you have access to what was posted on the website before, you should make a tab called “The Bull$hit” and post what they originally had on the website so everyone can see how full of crap they are. Just my personal opinion, both the Vantrease and May’s families are a bunch of rotten apples. For them to defend the actions of their sons is just repulsive. Anyways, I am very glad to hear that Ryan is doing so well and that his scalp is healing great! Can’t wait to see more updates! Much love!
Great to hear the scalp is healing nicely. Excellent!
I love the name….” The Andraya” for your sister site! How fitting especially since Andraya used to post how she practically raised her brother Austin while the parents were…? How proud she must be of the fruits of her labor, the website and her brother Austin.
So glad to hear Ryan is healing well, no doubt he wouldn’t with you at the helm.
Love the social justice!!
Have I mentioned what a great person you are
Registered! ๐
… Your dedication to justice and awareness is amazing. You won’t see it any other way and you shouldn’t… It speaks volumes on the kind of love your family shares for each other. When I read about updates on what it is Ryan is going through, it makes me smile to know how much he means to you all and because of you all… How much he means to so many others, like me..
Almost everything about Ryan and his story is so similar to my brothers story. Almost. I know, in the time, I’ve been following Ryan’s Rally, I’ve found myself obsessing over it, like I did with my brother.
Kari’s victim impact statement hit home, so so hard. She is an incredible young lady ( not that I have a lot of age on her), I just know how proud of her, you and their momma must be!
You remind me so much of my Dad. The loyalty and dedication… The aching heart and forever missing your first born… My dad goes two to three times a week to “visit” Lee. He feels if he don’t go, he’s letting him down. They were best friends and just like Kari, it breaks my heart to see him hurt. It’s continuous, never forgetting or “getting over” what happened to his baby. We are also going on our 5th year without Lee. He was 27 when he passed…because the monster stab him and KILLED him, justice came in the form of 36 years to life. It breaks my heart to know Ryan was cheated!!!! Those scum bags should be serving out a life sentence too!! I am so sorry for all of this and I’m so sorry Ryan’s attackers are free to do what ever they wish. I’m sorry that the courts failed him…. But I’m so thankful for your dedication and for the hope that maybe Ryan’s story will one day change laws, keeping bullshit loopholes from getting in the way of justice!
Ps.. Please let kari know I’ve sent her a msg on Facebook and would like her to read it, if she has the time ๐
Marissa P.
I’m not quite sure what you did, how one “hijacks” a website. My oldest grandniece, a sophomore engineering major, could explain it but I’d still not understand! She thinks her daffy great uncles shouldn’t be allowed to use anything more sophisticated than an abacus! She totally gave up on her grandmother. The computer died & it was junked! But I’m glad you did what you did. Somehow, I hadn’t realized these assailants were white. That kind of puts an “aha!” on it. We’re nice white middle class men (not always sure about “middle class!”) but we can say with certitude, if Ryan’s attackers were Black they would’ve all but been hanged by their testicles from the highest point in Virginia. But these men & their families should not exploit or profit off what they did.
We’re delighted to learn that Ryan’s surgical site is healing so well. I was talking to a Nurse Practitioner friend, yesterday at a brunch I dragged my husband to kicking & screaming. (He’s grading midterms!) She is Nurse Manager of a Head Injury Unit at an area hospital. She knows of Ryan’s attack, etc., if she has little time to crank through emails let alone anything else. She has to compete w/a Minister husband, 2 teenagers who don’t seem to get enough internet etc., w/their smart phones & a dog who wants the computer, too! She always tells patients’ families, assume they can hear & understand you, We DON’T know what they understand. The brain is an incredible organ & Ryan could be processing everything just unable to communicate w/you. Sometimes, the expressiveness gets garbled. It’s like my grandmother who, after a stroke, understood perfectly what people were saying to her, inc. nurses & physicians, & answered them appropriately in her native Polish!
But Ken, my brother, I agree completely w/Wendy. Don’t let the anger devour you. Your anger as these thugs is understandable, completely right. But don’t allow it to poison you. Ryan can sense your anger and outrage. Let LOVE replace the anger. I always think it was easy for Jesus to forgive. He was God. As for us mere mortals… “Remember the LOVE!” as one of our favorite drag queens says to end every one of her (many) Facebook postings. Amen, Frieda!
God bless, PK & Tim
I shared this for you. It’s just disgusting that anyone could do this to anybody. Someone needs to kick his head in for doing this. Hopefully someday justice will prevail!
When I read your posts about these ppl I always shake my head in disbelief, that they would behave this way!!! What losers and creeps!!!! I would not do business with them or befriend them in any way!!! Their lives “should be over”(just as their son/bro took away Ryan’s life)!!!!
Genius! Heck with smartypants, you are geniuspants!
Genius! Or should I say Divine-y inspiration?
For your well being, at some point, moving beyond this is going to be necessary. Holding all this anger is eating you from the inside out. Never forget, but don’t dwell on the injustices for your own sake. They are never going to be punished enough to make up for the horrific crimes they committed. Don’t allow them to destroy you as well.
I agree. The pain is horrible–I know, I have a child who was murdered, I know the pain. I do wonder how you expect anything good to come into your life when you are holding such hatred. You allow these people to occupy your brain and they are going about their lives, living. That may not be fair or but it is life. If they are such “scum” maybe they love knowing you are in such pain and haunting them brings you some sort of peace. I am sure you have heard this before and will not change, and that’s okay too, I am so sad for you….
These people are white trash… I don’t even know you or your family, but I get so angry whenever I see this picture! So sorry that you have to endure this pain…
Please register for I just did!
I love the Disclaimer. is a thousand percent more readable now. “The Andraya”. Simply freakin’ beautiful. ๐