My wife, Sue, had her birthday anniversary yesterday. We spent the day at the hospital. Ryan had minor surgery to remove a stent between his kidney and bladder that was placed there to treat a nasty kidney stone condition (infection and blockage). All-in-all, it went well. It was the “least sucky” I suppose it could have been.
We returned home around six o’clock in the evening and ordered Japanese takeout. She was fast asleep by ten. I expected Ryan to have a rough night with discomfort and swore I would not wake her. Turns out, Ryan had a restful night and I was able to get some sleep too!
In spite of everything, her day turned out to be very special. It was my daughter, Kari, that did it.
It happened shortly after we returned home with Ryan from the hospital. Sue was on her iPad reading all the posts on her Facebook wishing her a happy birthday. I see her smiling the whole time. Then, unexpectedly, she begins to cry. I recognize that it’s not tears of sadness, but joy. I ask her what’s pulling at her heartstrings.
Sue: Did you read what Kari wrote to me?
Ken: No. Would you read it to me?
Sue begins reading it, but can’t even pull herself together enough to finish the first sentence. Here is what she wrote:
Nothing hurts me more than my mom having to spend her birthday today in the hospital with Ry… My mom would do anything for my brother and me and is the most inspirational and strongest woman I know. I honestly have NO idea how she does it.
She works and travels daily to make money for Ryan’s care and hospital bills and is constantly there for me every second of everyday whenever I need her. I can’t believe how much she does for my family and Ryan and I are so beyond lucky to call her our mom.
Sometimes I feel selfish when I need her but she always helps me through whatever I’m going through. I know Ryan can’t say it, but he knows she’s there and I know it comforts him. We are the luckiest two kids in the world to have my mom and I can honestly say that my mom has become a best friend to me and I would be so lost without her.
I love you mommy more than words and hope you can smile and have a good birthday today. No one deserves it more than you. Happy birthday, ya young broad.
So, to my daughter, I tell you that you made your mom’s birthday special. Very special, indeed. Good job and well done… and thank you for coming through in such a big way. Your words meant the world to her.
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You sure have a wonderful Family <3 <3
Happy Birthday Sue. You have to feel great knowing how much your kids really love you!
Happy belated birthday! I hope you can find a way to get some pampering in this weekend! A quick mani/pedi? You deserve it! Idk how you all manage with such grace. Xo
Loving you all even though we’ve never met. My own mother’s heart aches for Ryan and the saddness in your hearts. Birthday hugs to Sue.
So glad Sue had a good birthday. Love and Hugs!!!
Belated Happy Birthday to Sue:-))) Beautiful words from Kari:-))) So much love:-))) Wonderful:-))) Thank you for sharing with us:-))
I’ve been following Ryan’s rally for a while now. I read every update and have sent prayers to god for your family. You all are truly inspirational! May god be with you and bless you.
Kids will never cease to surprise you! I’m glad Sue had a wonderful birthday & Ryan had a restful night. Love has a way of getting us over the humps! God bless you all!
Daughters have a way….there is nothing like them in the world. They know just when we need them. Job well done Kari!
What a wonderful daughter you are blessed with, Ken. Her words are simply beautiful. She gave Sue the most precious birthday gift she possibly could, which is her love. Kari, you are a treasure. You have the ability to touch people with what you write — like someone else I know : ) God bless you, Kari – I pray all your dreams come true!!
Love & hugs, Paula
<3 This made me happiful. God Bless you all.
Divineys are all good people.Belated Happy birthday to Sue!
Not surprised in the least.
very sweet 🙂
Breath takin. God bless u all
Very beautiful!
Thank you for having the strength and courage to post your journey… you have no idea how your are blessing others!
Way to go Kari!!
You are blessed to have 2 beautiful children and they are blessed to have you as parents. So glad to hear your wife’s birthday was made special.
you all are a blessing…..
Yep, those Diviney kids sure are special, just like their parents. So happy to hear that you all rested comfortably last night — the other icing on Sue’s cake!
Beautiful words to Sue, so thoughtful, loving and caring .Glad Kari made her day !!
Hope Ryan continues to do good, with not too much discomfort Love and prayers to all