You might recall that a few weeks ago I was asking (on Ryan’s Wish List) for wheel casters for use on Ryan’s equipment and furniture. The idea was to not only make this stuff easy to move about throughout the day, but also to allow easy cleaning underneath. This has been working wonderfully!
There was a third reason I wanted these casters. It was to allow enough height underneath several items to allow the hoyer lift base (legs) to slide underneath. This would make it possible to get Ryan onto the couch or a recliner so that he could doesn’t need to spend as much of the day seated in his wheelchair.
Last night was the first time I put it to use for that purpose. It was Superbowl Sunday, so I modified his daily routine to free-up as much time as I could for Ryan to just relax while we had the game on. It meant getting up earlier than usual to make this happen, but I’m happy I did! At exactly 6:30pm — game time — Ryan finished his HBOT treatment.
We lifted him out of the chamber and wheeled him directly over to the sofa. I crossed my fingers that everything would work. Turns out, it worked perfectly! The hoyer legs went underneath with room to spare and we lowered Ryan into the overstuffed cushions. I positioned the ottoman under his legs. We placed a neck pillow and a bed pillow behind his head and he was golden.
I should tell you, I did make one mistake. It was the location on the sofa where I placed Ryan. I thought having him near the armrest was the smart move since it would support him on one side. Turns out, he didn’t need it. Not with Sue there. …and the dogs!
They moved right in. That meant I was delegated to only being content to watch the cuddling. Sure, Sue offered to let me sit next to him… but how could I? She was in her glory and there was no way I was going to take this away from her.
Now, I did learn one thing though. The next time I get Ryan on the couch I’ll place him in the center. This way I’ll be able to get right next to him too.

The only thing I don’t like about your blog is it usually leaves me in tears. Your family touches my heart so deeply. Oh, to be loved that much.
Love, love, love Ryan and Team Diviney. YOU ROCK:)
I love the picture of Ryan Sue and the pups snuggling!
This is great, Ken! Ryan looks very content. He very well may be taking it all in–even silently rooting for HIS team! If we don’t get 10 inches of snow, Wednesday, like theyre predicting (yuck!) I’ll add Ryan to our Cathedral Prayer Table. Deacon Sue said there were scheduling problems last 2 weeks–she was running a bake sale last week for our upcoming annual Haiti Mission. She said it should return Wednesday after noon mass. And, I learned, Deacon Sue uploads all petitions from the Prayer Table to the Worldwide Episcopal Network, so thousands, maybe millions of prayers going up! Now let’s just not get 10″ of snow! 10 SNOWFLAKES & Albany goes nuts!!! 🙂 God bless.
Great family picture! Ryan looks good.
Brilliant:-)) What a great photo:-)
Ryan, I was doing my rehab this morning, was thinking about you and an article I saw regarding brain injuries, the article mentioned that the brain can keep healing after 28 years, so never give up, I know that even after two strokes I improve every month; patience is key for you and your caregivers! Prayers to you and your family!
God Bless You David. You provide hope and encouragement to so many!!!
Is that a Redskins shirt I see, and where are the dogs shirts…should I send a Ravens one for them? We have some extra I might be able to spare. How many more wheelies do you need, did you get all you wanted? What a great idea, next let’s see a video of the couch being turned around with your gang on it singing “round and round we go, where we stop nobody knows”.
I added more to the Wish List.
Yay! And what a great picture:)
Oh Ken! I tear up with joy every time I read these posts!!!! God is truly working in your lives and I thank you guys for allowing us to be a part of it!!!! Ryan’s struggles and the strength he radiates to keep pushing through them are a constant source of inspiration to so many of us! <3 I am so proud to be a fan of #TeamRyanDiviney!!!!
Awesome! What a great picture, and what a great dad 🙂
I love it good way to make my dad better just keep up the good work
This is great Diviney family. You bless as well as bless others!
This picture made my day! WTG Ken…. You’ve done it again!!! Seeing Ryan and Sue together like that had to have brought you so much joy!!!
Sending hugs from Connecticut today. Stuck up here in an unexpected snow storm. Natalie sends her love too!!!
Another amazing idea from an amazing man! Always looking to make Ryan comfortable and close to all..
Ryan looks so content and Sue ,so happy. You’re the “MAN” Ken
So sweet. I would do the same thing when my son was in a coma (8mths) and he is 6’1″. Keep up the good work and keep talking to him.
You are such a great dad and so smart too! Love to all!
Love this, how fabulous!!! It looks like everyone enjoyed the time on the couch!! Smart thinking Ken – I know Ryan loved every minute of it!
AWESOME!!!! I love seeing Ryan sitting on the couch next to his dear mom!! She looks sooo happy and content there!! And it must have been great for Ryan to get out of his chair and sit so comfy! Glad this all worked out and everyone enjoyed themselves!
Thanks for the photo!!! Sue looks to be in her glory, which is well deserved. However I do agree to put in the center so you both can be by him. You must have been a planner or Scheduler in a previous life, seems to work out, and understanding that the gifts you get from the wish list ;). Ask and you shall receive in God’s time not ours, but I am grateful that you share with us and that you are capable of taking care of him so diligently. Your reward will be ten times fold, Remember it will be Ryan and Kari taking care of your old self one day 😉
Very cute. I love it.
Do we like it? Yes, we do! Ryan, Ryan! More photos of you!
Omigosh! You have surprised us with another photo! Thank you, Ken. This is so fine! I am glad everything worked to get our man Ryan onto the sofa. You are a big smarty pants, thank God, and working hard for Ryan.
You are probably getting snow, so be careful, but all rain here.
Thank you for the photos and for keeping us up-to-date. Love and prayers always.
Ahhhhhhhhhhh the only thing I can say is this makes me soooo happy!!!!! Love you guys!!! xoxo
That’s just wonderful!! Nice way to start my Monday.
Love this post and can picture every single bit of it 🙂 Did your team win?? :/